Angus Podgorny 1361 Report post Posted November 15, 2015 I've had this happen before.... an SP checks her phone during a session. Personally, if she asks me first if I mind, I don't. As long as it's brief and at an appropriate time (between shots, or during a cool down). As one who generally books only long sessions of two hours or more, I recognize this as an important part of customer service for any SP. Therefore in a two hour session, I have no problem if she (or they) do this, but no more than twice. Thoughts? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikeyboy 27134 Report post Posted November 15, 2015 I'm probably "old school" but I think it's rude in any social situation to be pulling out the phone all the time. (A pet peeve of mine actually. ) In an encounter as intimate as this, it's even worse. I like to get lost in the fantasy of the moment. To feel that I am the most important thing right here and now. Checking the phone every time it makes a noise drastically takes away from that illusion. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted November 15, 2015 It is rude. Espescially that you have paid for her time. You should be able to enjoy it... My two cents... 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted November 15, 2015 I personally turn my ringer off. Its a mood killer in my opinion. Its funny, when guys keep answering their phone.....I understand they are on call at work, and only have a brief time to get away, but it is distracting. However, I don't like answering my phone while I am entertaining, especially for another guy. They can wait till I am done, and if they can't wait, its not meant to be. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angus Podgorny 1361 Report post Posted November 15, 2015 I personally turn my ringer off. Its a mood killer in my opinion. Its funny, when guys keep answering their phone.....I understand they are on call at work, and only have a brief time to get away, but it is distracting. However, I don't like answering my phone while I am entertaining, especially for another guy. They can wait till I am done, and if they can't wait, its not meant to be. I turn my ringer off during sessions also. It's ironic that this is the reason I book sessions with SPs.... to get away from the stresses of my job. The SPs that I pay so much for..... I am paying for their professional attention and service. It's been a very long time since I've experienced any sort of bad attitude from any SPs. I should extend a hearty thank you to all my regulars here. Life is good. I have a two hour duo scheduled in a few days with two very established SPs. Things could be far worse! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted November 15, 2015 I never check my phone during a session because it's rude to do so imo. There has been an occasion where I forgot to turn the ringer off and then I'd realize it and turn it off right away but never would I check my phone or answer it while entertaining someone. At the same time, while a gentlemen expects me to shut my ringer off and not check my phone during a session, I would expect them to turn their ringer off as well. While things happen, if a person is looking to de-stress and get away, shut the thing off. I can still hear that universal iphone ringtone in my head after someone's wife calling 16 times in a row wondering where they 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinelli 22184 Report post Posted November 17, 2015 It is rude. Espescially that you have paid for her time. You should be able to enjoy it... My two cents... Repeated for emphasis. I dropped a long time favourite because of this. I regularly booked two or three hour sessions but she could not go more than fifteen minutes without checking her phone. It got to the point where she kept it right beside us on the bed. She didn't see it as an issue. People who are phone addicts don't realise it. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted November 18, 2015 I think that this is a huge turn off for guys. I turn my ringer off, and have it on silent, this way I am not disturbed. I also tell clients that if they cannot reach me, it's because I'm busy and say, 'you wouldn't want me answering my phone if I were with you, would you?' I will see your number and call you back, when I can. If a client wants to answer his phone, by all means, I don't mind, but I never answer mine. I hear a lot of this goes on, are some providers that desperate that they have to answer each and every time a text or call comes in? Guys will have no idea you are with someone unless you tell them that, so they just keep on texting/calling. That definitely is a mood killer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted November 18, 2015 It is rote for me, my phone is on silent before he even gets here. I must admit that I do get a bit annoyed if his phone goes off; but only more than once after I have asked if he wished to turn it off or for me to leave the room so he could deal with it! calls only come when right in the throws it seems LOL Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EmilyRushton 253380 Report post Posted November 18, 2015 It is rote for me' date=' my phone is on silent before he even gets here. I must admit that I do get a bit annoyed if his phone goes off; but only more than once after I have asked if he wished to turn it off or for me to leave the room so he could deal with it! calls only come when right in the throws it seems LOL[/quote'] It is disrespectful for any lady to check her phone at any time during a date. You paid for her time and that TIME is YOURS alone. She can check her phone after you leave. i shake my head at this - any lady who is checking her phone is NOT respectful to you or the time you booked. END of story. 5 years ago NO one would ever have brought this up as it would never have happened. If she is that concerned about what could come and not what is in the room with her now, you need to ask yourself is this worth my TIME? 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted November 19, 2015 It is disrespectful for any lady to check her phone at any time during a date. You paid for her time and that TIME is YOURS alone. She can check her phone after you leave. i shake my head at this - any lady who is checking her phone is NOT respectful to you or the time you booked. END of story. 5 years ago NO one would ever have brought this up as it would never have happened. If she is that concerned about what could come and not what is in the room with her now, you need to ask yourself is this worth my TIME? Yes. This. I should perhaps say: I don't mind a quick safety call at the beginning/end of the meeting, but anything else is out. If you *really* have something going on that requires that you be contactable, at least have the courtesy to make sure you client is OK with it and give him the chance to cancel if he's not. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted November 19, 2015 Cinelli is right, many people are phone addicts and most don't even realize it. It's a classic Pavlovian response. I could be talking to a friend over coffee and their phone buzzes with the latest Facebook post or other urgent matter and out comes the phone. When they check their phone in front of me I usually ask them if they were called into surgery immediately or can we finish up first. Frustrating and very rude. Some people will never understand the... Oops, gotta go... my phone just buzzed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterat 20911 Report post Posted November 19, 2015 There is help for SPs and clients alike if they have a cell phone addiction: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessikitten 349 Report post Posted November 19, 2015 My phone goes on vibrate and into my silverware drawer if I have company. It's common courtesy imo. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Manluvsex 13731 Report post Posted November 24, 2015 (edited) Sometimes it is the users that are not so smart! Great communication tool when used judiciously, but a real downer in intimate situations. I understand that most ladies must take care of their own bookings so a call at the beginning and end of our time together is OK by me. But when calls are answered at other times during a visit, I find this behaviour disrespectful and a downer in all senses of the word. It has happened to me a couple of times and the rest of the service, not surprisingly was also distracted and indifferent. If I take someone out to dinner or have someone home for a visit, my phone is off, unless there is a serious reason why I need to leave it. In that case i would explain the reason i am leaving the phone on (vibrate). Quality time and good face to face communications includes limiting distractions such as TV and a smart phone, to allow me to focus on my guest. We have to recognize that Smart Phones need Smart Owners who realize that these are tools, and like many other tools, are double edged, with good and bad sides, depending on how and when they are used. Edited November 24, 2015 by Manluvsex Removed repeated text, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted November 25, 2015 The invasion of smart phones into our lives is I think inevitable we have come to rely on them so much they are seldom out of our hands for long. When I am with a wonderful lady be that my wife or another companion I would hope that our phones take a huge back seat to the attention would be paying to each other however I understand that sometimes it's just not possible to ignore them all together. I have been with ladies who operate with two phones a work phone and a personal phone and have been aware that they have turned off the ringer on the work phone and used it for background music but kept their personal phone on because they have family obligations that require it... that has never bothered me in the least. I respect the need to available in case the school calls or for emergencies and understand that they have lives outside of work. Ladies using their phone or checking texts during a booking has for me anyway never really been a problem because I have always found them to be very respectful of my time. That might just reflect the luck I have had to be with some exceptional people over the years. Just my Opinion Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted November 25, 2015 One other thing, further to my near-absolute condemnation of phone use earlier: that was more for short meetings. For longer encounters (overnight, etc) then being completely out of touch with the world for that long may not be a viable option... although hopefully by the time you're doing things like that the client and provider know each other reasonably well and can set expectations appropriately. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
petram 1030 Report post Posted August 13, 2016 That why we have answering machines or services, so that clients can be called back when one is not busy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites