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Guest S**a*Q

FAME fame fame fame...

Yeah I'm a singing it :) That's what I want...


I want to be famous. Not rich, but like where people know me. :D I thrive on attention and being noticed *(This job plays into that a lot...) But I still crave that day when someone wants me for a show, or a movie or *(Insert Dream here)...


I have no talents really, well other than stuff mom n dad can NEVER hear about... Hahaha! But I am a personality. :D Anyone that's met me knows that. I can run an hour show on me, myself and I, and maybe some other personalities shoved into there.


I just want to be... THAT! No Kardashian for the body, I'm hot but I'm not perfect... No Jodie Foster of acting, cause I really have a hard time with serious, or sad... Lol... I just want people to know... me. :D I'm funny and hot to some, smart and sexy to others, and violent to those who think I'm not sexy or hot. :P *Just kidding on the violence part ;) Heehee!*


I'm not sure what I want with this... Maybe it's a "Watch Me Do This..." kinda thing, maybe I'm looking for leads to fame, maybe I just wanted to be noticed a little and had to get this crap off my chest...


Thanxxx for listening either way, or reading, or whatever "this" is called...


Talk soon


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You mean by posting a link to the original theme like this.


I love that movie/show! I'm dating myself here but growing up in the 80's in a dance studio I lived and breathed this show. This was one of my favorite songs, I can still picture a very young me dancing around the house in my leg warmers and headband!


Sara don't stop

just remember that fame and notoriety are very different animals.

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I can still picture a very young me dancing around the house in my leg warmers and headband!


Kyra, although we have never met I must confess after just now viewing your beautiful photo albums I too can picture you in leg warmers and a headband. ;)


Sara, I have viewed your wonderful album and have concluded that I would like to see you in leg warmers and a head band as well.:grin:

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Guest S**a*Q

I will... I can... I am...



Well I have another name, which that is what I will be famous under, but I'm on it... Not sure what I need to be on to get famous, but I like what I'm "on" now... Haha :)

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Guest S**a*Q

I have leg warmers somewhere, I tend to wear them as armwarmers though... That stems from always wearing tank tops to show off the tattoos though I think... :D


*Puts on a headband, arm/leg warmers and dances around the room nekkid*

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Guest s******ecan****
I have leg warmers somewhere, I tend to wear them as armwarmers though... That stems from always wearing tank tops to show off the tattoos though I think... :D


*Puts on a headband, arm/leg warmers and dances around the room nekkid*



Perhaps this article could help you out Sara!



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Guest S**a*Q
Perhaps this article could help you out Sara!




Haha funny thing I thought of the ones that I could do...


Reality show, or tv show... *(that's what I want... my own tv show... I have no skills, well that transfer well to tv... lol :P but I am a personality!)


Comedian, magician... People have told me I'm hilarious but I'm more spontaneous, poking fun at what's going on or conversations I'm having... I don't know how that would do on a stage...


Own a successful business... That's coming after the travel, but I was hoping to avoid the store work part of it by getting famous first...


Write a novel... I'm still working on that one. :D


Invent something... I have good ideas, but I'm not that crafty... I usually tell my father about them... Nothing yet.



I'm not sporty, I'm too old for supermodeling, I don't lie well, so that negates politics, and well I'm not that great in the marriage area haha so finding someone famous to marry is probably harder than doing it myself... :)


I'll keep at it, things happen sometimes... and well you never know ;)

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I have leg warmers somewhere, I tend to wear them as armwarmers though... That stems from always wearing tank tops to show off the tattoos though I think... :D


*Puts on a headband, arm/leg warmers and dances around the room nekkid*



You know one of the inherent sexual inequities... when a woman gets nekkid and dons arm/leg warmers and a headband, it's just plain sexy... but when I do it, neighbours call the police.

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Guest S**a*Q

I think if anyone's watching me dance, they'd call the cops as well.


"911. What's your emergency?"

"I think my neighbour needs an ambulance, she seems to be having seizures."


Haha, I still say dance like no one's watchin'...

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Guest s******ecan****

Reality show, or tv show... *(that's what I want... my own tv show... I have no skills, well that transfer well to tv... lol :P but I am a personality!)




Why don't you approach your local cable provider about doing a documentary of your upcoming "gypsy trip". Most cable providers have a local access channel, you'll film your trip create a documentary and they can air it after your return.


You ask for nothing up front just some help with the editing upon your return and a promise from them to seriously consider using it. This would help you learn some skills, and get some exposure. As well you would have a ready made audition tape that you could use for future projects.


PLus it might make your trip more interesting.

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Guest S**a*Q

I like cameras. :) I'm gonna put some thought into it for sure, I'm always thinking. Lol.


Ottawa will be my local soon :) Better cable networks there. I have a lot of personal plans for once I move, that'll be on the list hehehe.

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