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While it is not a local charity or close to home, I stumbled across this man's story and it was very compelling. I found his story through something else I was researching and that is synchronicities in numbers which happens to me many many times a day for the last year and a half. Despite what he believes in and whether or not others can relate to how he got there, I admire this person very much and what he has done to help so many people and want to help him through a donation.




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Guest st*****ens**ors

Excellent thread


I'm helping to sponsor a refugee family this year, so much of my capacity is allocated already, but I'll be spending a fair bit of time volunteering at nursing homes in my area, providing Christmas music.


Needs exist year round and I try to be mindful of that, but without question I always try to find a little extra time in the holiday season.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

A few years ago I sponsored a family and gave them grocery gift cards and food hampers..it was a heart warming relationship and they've since moved out west.


I've donated about 7 jackets to the coats for kids program this year. I've also decided to help Truro's Outreach Society and will be donating all things needed at the homeless shelter. Blankets, bags filled with sweaters, socks personal hygiene products and food.

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For most of my adult life I have been involved in charities and community groups mostly related to children's needs and supporting families in the community... I will readily admit that my main motivation for this involvement has tended to be my own children whose capacity to care for others and seek out opportunities help has been inspiring to me... I'm not sure if a Christmas tradition we started as a family played apart in the giving nature of my children but I hope it did. Each year as a family at Christmas time we would seek out families that we could assist during the Christmas season with gifts and food and frankly the basic necessities of life.. in the early years money was tight in our family but we made a point of ensuring that as we did for ourselves at Christmas then we did for others... As our family income grew we were able to do more but the reality is we tended to get more out of the giving then the families receiving... To meet and develop friendships with these families sometimes over several years taught me and I think my children that happiness was not derived from financial abundance... I learned that the stereotypes of people in need are just that stereotypes ... people find themselves in need for many many reasons and it in no way reflects on their character or integrity. The fact is you or I could be in the same situation...I have always felt that it was a blessing for me and my family to be allowed to be part of their lives.


My children are older now and they continue to contribute to the community in wonderful ways well beyond anything their old man could ever have thought possible for me personally my charitable en devours have slowed quite a bit over the last few years as I have struggled with personal issues in my own life but our family tradition of giving to others at Christmas has remained a huge part of the Christmas Spirit for me.

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Most of my donations go to my mother's church in Cape Breton . I make a monthly contribution because a lot of my money goes to helping the poorest of the poor . The church helps people who have fallen between the cracks of society . Those who for whatever reason don't qualify for assistance and just don't have enough food to make the month .

I empathize with world hunger and poverty but feel my donations need to stay closer to home .

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Are the same .. the Catholic Church in my community in NL .. My great Grandparents donated all the land in the area which house the church, schools, graveyard, park, town council office etc .. our church celebrates 100 years in 2018 and is about to shutdown and sell if we cant pay to keep it .. so i give 2500 a year toward its bills to save it and our precious land :)

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I generally do not make fiscal donations to any organizations except local food banks (giving them money rather than food is preferable since they often have arrangements for discounted bulk purchases, meaning a dollar spent by them goes a lot farther than a dollar spent by you to buy food to donate).


I tend to be philanthropic in volunteering. I volunteer everywhere all the time. Okay, not *everywhere*. But if I see an opportunity to help out and I have the time to commit to it, I do.


I have done reading programs through public libraries to encourage literacy in adults and children, I do scads of volunteer work with special needs and those with intellectual disabilities through various local and nation-wide organizations, and I do event volunteering which is usually only a couple days or a week of commitment so it's easy to find time for that.


Recently I have wanted to get back into volunteering with distress call lines. They always need people to help man the phones, especially this time of year when many get depressed or stressed out due to the holidays.


I always tell people if you don't want to give money or things then give time. We might not all have the means to provide clothing, food or financial aid but most of us have an hour or two a week we can use to make a difference. And no matter what your personal causes are, there is an opportunity for everyone.


I'm warmed and happy to see so many of my fellow Cerbies are also philanthropic.

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