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Twice, both time with a professional companion. Sadly it works better when you become a regular.


Have you ever cheated on a partner while in the same room?

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Guest st*****ens**ors
  emiafish said:
Never engaged in public masturbation. Somehow if a woman masturbates in public it's exotic and exciting. But if a man does it! They call SWAT. Closest I ever came was when I was paying for food at a fast food joint, that rhymes with Furger Bing. The cashier looked me right in the eye and said "Strip down, right in front", after the screaming died down I realized she was talking about my debit card


Ok, I laughed SO hard at this!

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taking liberties here with that last question... yes, I have indeed enjoyed the fun of three sisters... not.. however, how it is likely meant (I stick to one at a time usually..<grin>


but.. had a wonderful fun day with three lovely young ladies just the same ;)


now.. to get this moving again <hehe>...


Have you ever done something sexual that most would consider 'taboo' so you have yet to tell anyone about it, for fear/nervousness of what they may think of you? but if you had the opportunity to repeat.....<grin> you would without second thought?

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ummmm.... I'd have to write a few series of novels to answer this one so I'll just answer YES! Several. lol

As for blood relatives.. no. I don't really get the appeal. To each their own though... there's plenty I consider kinky that people would say, 'But.... I don't get it?' so whatever lol

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Many years ago, before the internet, there were a few bars to meet sp's. I had been in before and had met with one lady a couple of times. She saw me come in one night and went to the ladies room and came back to sit with me. In the ladies room she had removed her panties. I ordered us some drinks and we chatted for a bit. At one point she led my hand under the table to finger her pussy and clit. No one could see what was happening under the table. She did cum but hid it by hugging me close so no one saw her face.


Additional Comments:

Have you ever done something sexual that most would consider 'taboo' so you have yet to tell anyone about it, for fear/nervousness of what they may think of you? but if you had the opportunity to repeat.....<grin> you would without second thought? from capitalCforcougar


I would have to say that most men that have been on this site or have seen any of the ladies, don't tell their families or relatives. That would be taboo. :icon_biggrin: And I would think that a lot of the ladies don't talk about their secret life to their families. Some are very open to family but they are very few.

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haha... I understand that last comment completely.. but that's not what I meant by 'taboo' dear boy ;)


at any rate... your recount was lovely (under the table)... my most 'brazen' was on a greyhound bus lol


but... to get things rolling here again......have you ever... had sex where food (other than the proverbial whipped cream heheand chocolate sauce) was involved...?

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does having it drunk 'out of'a body art count? <grin>... I have ;)



have you ever... had an encounter.. brief or no.. that literally changed your life....? typically, due to the general flirty nature here, yes, this would mean sexual encounter.. but could be anything... :)

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hehe... but my dear.. did that change your life somehow.. other than discovering the two could be enjoyed at once? <hehe>


so.. I ask again.... <in my typical cheeky, but now somewhat restrained nature...>


have you ever... had an encounter.. brief or no.. that literally changed your life....? typically, due to the general flirty nature here, yes, this would mean sexual encounter.. but could be anything... have you ever... had an encounter.. brief or no.. that literally changed your life....? typically, due to the general flirty nature here, yes, this would mean sexual encounter.. but could be anything... ;)

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Guest st*****ens**ors

Yes. An astonishingly beautiful girl I had just met asked me to kiss her, and I did. I've never been the same since, and I wish, every day, that I hadn't lost her.


Sorry. Perhaps not in keeping with the thread. More lightly:


Have you ever managed to survive an entire "Toxic Waste" candy?

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Never heard of it before so never tried it. After googling I don't think I want to try it.


Have you ever ... seen any of the wonders of the world in person?

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if you are talking the 'actual' wonders.. no, I have not.. but... in my crazy eclectic life.. I *have* seen.. up close and personal-like quite a number of what I consider actual wonders...


- 3 wk old baby initially born very premature (30 wks gestation I believe)... literally die.. for almost 4 minutes.. and is now a happy, brilliant and sharp-witted 21 yr old...

- drug addict and shut in, in and out of institutions for years...now is happily married with two gorgeous children...

- 16 yr old street kid now owns their own business that has people flocking to it due to the nature of the owner..


...... tons more, but hehe ;) I'm usually prone to saying life itself, is wonderous.. no matter a maytag box or a mansion ...so enjoy it ;)

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Have you ever had sex on top of a mountain, a real mountain above the tree line, during a mini blizzard in June? If you have, we need to talk...

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  capitalCforcougar said:
hehe... but my dear.. did that change your life somehow.. other than discovering the two could be enjoyed at once? <hehe>


so.. I ask again.... <in my typical cheeky, but now somewhat restrained nature...>


have you ever... had an encounter.. brief or no.. that literally changed your life....? typically, due to the general flirty nature here, yes, this would mean sexual encounter.. but could be anything... have you ever... had an encounter.. brief or no.. that literally changed your life....? typically, due to the general flirty nature here, yes, this would mean sexual encounter.. but could be anything... ;)



This DID change my life lol.... It became a standard. SomethingI would insist upon every single time, if not for the err... side effects (aka punishment) for eating too much chocolate. But if I could, I would every time. It also taught me, simple as it is, to (in sex)always indulge, always take that extra inch and to take a look at other non-related things that could serve to entice/increase anticipation, or amplify the experience... to include all senses beyond just touch. I pay closer attention to things like ambiance, lighting, sound, scent and yes... taste. So it may be shocking, esp from a Kinkster like me but yes, the first time I included chocolate, it changed my life. ;-)


Beyond that... and this may be the most irritating answer on earth but its the truth; I believe that every great encounter does change my life, albeit the degrees vary. Nonetheless, each notable encounter takes me further into the great beyond. Once I have done/tried something for the first time and enjoyed it so much that its added to my repertoire, I always end up delving further into my psyche and discover/create new things, as a direct result of that mind-blowing encounter. For me sex is evolutionary, esp with on-going partners. But can I pinpoint one specific event that did this more than others? No. Im far too eclectic for that and one could not be fairly compared to another.

Oh.... well, I suppose the first time I... er... I cant say... you know... old faithful? So ya, that did change me.



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lol... not splitting hairs here.. but was that a comment or an ad? ;)



......And, seeing as apparently nobody here has had sex on the TOP of a mountain (inside one.. why yes sir, I have ...lovely caves in Banff hehe).....


Have you ever: done something totally on impulse... NOT sexual..... literally not being able to help it.... <grin> and what was it?

Myself; I was in a line up for a movie, a great mammoth of a man standing on the stair below me... bald head.. something came over me... an incredible urge to slap that head... no reason.. don't know him.. just... Arrrgh!... and I DID!! wonderful *CRACK* of skin on skin as my hand connected with the back of this strangers head! hahah

I ran out of the line up and almost the entire way home I was so freaked out :) true story.... f*ck haha (sitting here laughing now at the memory hehe)




  JessyCeleste said:
This DID change my life lol.... It became a standard. SomethingI would insist upon every single time, if not for the err... side effects (aka punishment) for eating too much chocolate. But if I could, I would every time. It also taught me, simple as it is, to (in sex)always indulge, always take that extra inch and to take a look at other non-related things that could serve to entice/increase anticipation, or amplify the experience... to include all senses beyond just touch. I pay closer attention to things like ambiance, lighting, sound, scent and yes... taste. So it may be shocking, esp from a Kinkster like me but yes, the first time I included chocolate, it changed my life. ;-)


Beyond that... and this may be the most irritating answer on earth but its the truth; I believe that every great encounter does change my life, albeit the degrees vary. Nonetheless, each notable encounter takes me further into the great beyond. Once I have done/tried something for the first time and enjoyed it so much that its added to my repertoire, I always end up delving further into my psyche and discover/create new things, as a direct result of that mind-blowing encounter. For me sex is evolutionary, esp with on-going partners. But can I pinpoint one specific event that did this more than others? No. Im far too eclectic for that and one could not be fairly compared to another.

Oh.... well, I suppose the first time I... er... I cant say... you know... old faithful? So ya, that did change me.



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How can it be an add if I am answering your question? Also, that is a low-down thing I would never do. I have ads in the ad section. It's who I am... if it sounds great enough to seem like an ad, well I cant help that and will just take it as a compliment. Anyone who has spent time with me...and even in reading my true ads you will find that I AM in fact an eclectic person and my regulars will tell you that it does get better the more we know what makes each other tick. I am not one to censor my answers in fear that it sounds like an ad. You asked the truth, I offered it. As for things I did not refer to, that is because I did not experience them.


As for impulse moves, I have had many ludicrous urges such as the one you described.. simply inexplicable urges to act out. A friend of mine & I were playing pool and one of the urges came over me. I became curious if anyone else gets these and their brain's filter makes them decide not to act. In this case my friend was aiming a difficult shot, concentrating hard and I suddenly wanted to grab the cue ball and whip it at the big screen tv in the bar. I didn't act upon it. I would never cause harm to another, once I gave the matter a second's thought. Sometimes I do wish I had your freedom. So the answer to this is no.

In fear of sounding like I am promoting myself rather than innocently taking part in a fun thread, which is something I almost never do despite repeated encouragement (participate in threads), I will stop posting here. :-( This isn't out of spite or to make you look bad (that's another thing I wouldn't do) its just that, what you suggested is so against my principles that I don't wish to risk others thinking this of me. All I can say is, I was being genuine. I find the first time to be awkward when compared with the 10th when you know each other and inhibitions are released and both feel less coy about what they like. Seems logical to me.

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Hey Capital,

Thank you again for your PM. I really appreciate it and as I said... you are adorable! I didn't realize you are an SP...or female. Anyway, I just wanted to say again that I really appreciate the apology and your explanation makes sense.

Sending you a cyber-hug and butt-pinch,


Ok... have you ever.... had a pet hop in bed with you, intruding at a very um... inopportune moment?

I was kissing the lower regions of my boyfriend at the time... super into what I was doing, all sensual...I open my eyes lazily to gaze up at (who I thought at the time was) my perfect man but instead of him I opened my eyes to my cat's round innocent eyes, his nose an inch from mine and was greeted with a very loud. "Meow?" that translates to "Whatcha doin Mom. Food time????" Kinda killed the moment (for a moment) as I and the BF cracked up laughing (he saw it happen). This in no way gives the humor of the moment any justice as its one of those you-had-to-be-there things. I actually have a lot of pet-invasion moments... Ive considered the possibility that they may be doing it on purpose and be laughing about it later. Thank god for hotels... as for my home life, I finally accepted a few years ago that theres no way around it, as if I lock the door, they sit there incessantly meowing in harmony til I let them in. Sigh.... :-)

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Still laughing!! My little dog, Mia does that all the time-when I shut the door she cries to come in, seeing that's the bed she sleeps in! So when I go in there, she automatically thinks its bedtime:) I have learned to give her treats before hand lol

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Jessy - was doing some filming with a spouse. It was a solo scene. The cat decided to walk along the back of the couch - looks down at me like WTF? Then jumps down on the floor, walks in front of me - again looks at me. Then - walks across the room, straight up to the camera - peers into the lens and lets out this big loud MEOW. Spouse is cracking up, I'm trying to pretend the cat isn't doing anything, but even I couldn't stop laughing.


If there was a $10,000 funniest porn video, I would have won!

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  Meaghan McLeod said:
Jessy - was doing some filming with a spouse. It was a solo scene. The cat decided to walk along the back of the couch - looks down at me like WTF? Then jumps down on the floor, walks in front of me - again looks at me. Then - walks across the room, straight up to the camera - peers into the lens and lets out this big loud MEOW. Spouse is cracking up, I'm trying to pretend the cat isn't doing anything, but even I couldn't stop laughing.


If there was a $10,000 funniest porn video, I would have won!


hahaha<THUD! Owf*ck!>hahahaha too funny ;)


all mine was, hehe at a most inopportune time, my cat decided that my curls would be a great thing to attack... he swatted my head, both front paws/claws... scared the hell out of me... and my parter... I bucked.. their face got hurt...<grin> cat freaked.. I got scratched... hehe nooot the fun had planned ...and me being a cat.. hehe who would have thunk it? ;)



Have you ever: gone in to a 'battle' you were fairly confident about as far as your outcome, but weren't entirely sure... and it was sort of a 'be all end all, if this bl*ws up I'm screwed' scenario? but... went charging ahead anyway? ;)

Edited by capitalCforcougar
they censored the word b.l.o.w.s lol <insert eye roll here please>

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Thank you all for the awesome pet stories and I hope more will come because you all gave me a great laugh!!!

Does fries with mayo count? They're potatoes. My bff was French Canadian and I saw her doing this once and was like wtf? and started teasing her. She stopped chewing, insulted at my mocking of her favorite delicacy and promptly jammed a mayo blooped fry into my open laughing mouth then said 'Don't knock it til you try it" she was right. Its quite good. Then she pointed out that potato salad has mayo in it and I felt like a judgemental fool. We were about 8 or 9 at the time....

In my defense this is the same crazy bitch who enjoyed raw ground beef (not from an expensive resto serving carefully prepped beef tartar or wtvr its called. No, Im talking she would rip open the cellophane of an IGA pack of ground beef and scoop out a spoonful and chew as she stared at the fridge deciding what to snack on... and then deciding on a hotdog, she;d pull it from the pack and munch away at it happily. She was a weirdo to say the least when it came to food so seriously, can you blame me for my assumption something she likes was probably gross????

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