emiafish 30979 Report post Posted April 1, 2016 Back to pets making an inappropriate entrance... I was in the midst of providing mouth love to my partner. My face and chest were low on the bed, but for some reason my butt was up in the air as I was on my knees. Think of the supplicant position. I was lost in the wonder and pleasure of my partner's poo-nanny. My world had shrunk to include only what was in front of my nose and I was feeling fine! Suddenly and without warning I became aware of a wet tongue tickling my low hanging fruit. All at once my world expanded as the realization that one of my two 12 pound dogs had fount their way up on the bed. I turned to see, not one dog, but both dogs, male and female, at the end of the bed. The male had been the brave one. His sister was sitting back and, I swear to God this is true, was judging us!! Needless to say, much laughter followed. The dogs were relocated and we continued where we left off before "Will" and "Grace" decided to make it a foursome. Additional Comments: Oh and fries any mayo is A May Zing! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted May 27, 2016 Sooo... have we all run out of things we have done (or wish we had done) hehe? Just because this was a fun thread... I'll start again; Have you ever... purposely teased/led someone on, already knowing you had no intention of following through..? just to watch them 'squirm'? ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted June 1, 2016 LE GASP!!!! No I very well have NOT!!! Unless of course that's what they.. nevermind lol So... In which case, yes, yes I have. LOL Otherwise, not only is it rude, I also lack the desire for self-control to deny myself having fun all over someone's face LOL So even when being in a Dominant mood, Ive never succeeded. lol Ill make them squirm and all but in the end, I totally give in. So my intent is there but I just love watching pleasure as much as receiving it so in the end...its me who wants to give in..SO IM STILL THE ONE IN CONTROL, OK!?!?! I AM!!! I SWEAR!!! lol (Good one Cap!) oK...lets see... *clears throat impressively* Have you ever... er... um... Ok ok Have you ever had a spastic coughing fit mid-Orgsm? I once was having so much fun I took a deep intake of breath, not realizing it had been a while since I had last swallowed... A tiny mist of saliva sailed down my throat and I started coughing, choking, spluttering all over the place, my legs flailing in the air, tits bouncing, abs heaving, I guess my inner muscles were spazzing too...either that or this guy just discovered his coughing fetish because it caused him to climax... I continued to cough and choke as he quivered and flopped over spent. LOL Before anyone accuses the gent of anything, Id like to point out that at the start of said coughing fit, he did start to pull away, which prompted me to wrap my legs tightly around his waist and keep him there to signify Id be fine and to please keep going. I thought Id get it under control faster than I did... either way it was fun and funny... What I would give to have that moment caught on tape! So... anyone??? PS Thanks Capital for starting this again. Its my fav thread and I'm sad I'm one of the guilty who let it go. OK....GO! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted June 1, 2016 hehe yes... I have done that before <grin>... (have a habit of knocking partners right out of me... and not always from coughing lol) and yes.. funny... AND fun ;) hmmn... my turn.... Have you ever; tasted something in a restaurant that was sooo bad, your mouth couldn't stand it.. or something went *wrong* ad your body/your reflexes couldn't help it.. and you tried very discretely to not throw up... and lost? .....I did :( again, funny.. but... lol (was on medication that was pretty rough on an empty stomach and literally tossed my cookies into a coffee cup.. then the garbage can...<groan>...) ....and.. you're welcome ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted June 6, 2016 Oh Gawd... No cant say that befell me. The closest I got was something extremely spicey that I had to spit into a napkin because I would've died.. cant handle spice. But Ive never lost it totally. Have you ever lied about a medical condition in order to happily keep doing something that was distracting/annoying/disturbing to others? Hee-hee, lets see if anyone admits to this one or if it'll stop this thread cold again. lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted June 7, 2016 Many times, as a kid, I lied about being sick to avoid school (which I hated; an irony as I spent so many years paying to do more of it...) I'm fairly certain my parents were annoyed by this, and equally certain that this wasn't really what you were asking, Jessy, was it? Have you ever had a leg cramp/ back spasm/ hit your funny bone, that was so bad you had to end before finishing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted June 7, 2016 No, I cannot say i have had yo leave becase if such. I may have had to adjust or reposition however... Have you ever caused yourself to cramp or cause pain as a distraction to keep yourself from 'finishing prematurely"? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted June 7, 2016 Many times, as a kid, I lied about being sick to avoid school (which I hated; an irony as I spent so many years paying to do more of it...) I'm fairly certain my parents were annoyed by this, and equally certain that this wasn't really what you were asking, Jessy, was it? Have you ever had a leg cramp/ back spasm/ hit your funny bone, that was so bad you had to end before finishing? Hi Stillopendoors, No, not really. See, you lied to avoid doing something u didn't want to do, but I was asking about lying about a condition in order to KEEP doing what you were doing that annoyed people. I'll give an example although I hate to admit it. I was a nip of a naughty teenager... I would never do this today.. in fact I often ask people to tell me if I'm disturbing them... anyway; I was on the subway once, listening to music full-blast as I always do and a lady tapped me and asked me to turn my music down as she could hear it and it was disturbing her. Without thinking, I shamelessly LIED MY ASS OFF saying that I come from a family of musicians and (omg I cant believe I'm admitting this) and growing up with loud live music had damaged my hearing and *hangs head in shame* I had to listen to it at that volume in order to hear it. She immediately apologized profusely for disturbing me and smirking to myself, I happily continued disturbing everyone around me. I know, I was a horrible person back then. Sigh... No, I cannot say i have had yo leave becase if such. I may have had to adjust or reposition however... Have you ever caused yourself to cramp or cause pain as a distraction to keep yourself from 'finishing prematurely"? Hi nsguy76 I will allow yours to continue instead of answering and starting my own as this question would be better suited for men. Being able to achieve infinite multiples, Ive never had to avoid one.. so please, who ever is next, reply to the last question posed by nsguy. Have a great day! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted June 7, 2016 Not fully stopped the scene, no.. but hehe had to abruptly change things around so as not to fall over...(back spasm was pretty horrendous lol) .. but.. the person I was with remained completely unawae as to why things suddenly became much more than originally planned... and not a single 'complaint' was uttered ...by either of us <grin> have you ever just completely given into something you knew was 'wrong' (take that however you like/need) and found, no matter how much you tried talking yourself into believing it was 'bad/wrong'... you found you *couldn't* regret it? (and yay for those of us who have! Life is far too short for that sort of self-abuse hehe) <wink> 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted June 8, 2016 By oddest coincidence, yes, I have, and recently too :) a moment takes on a life of its own, which you either embrace while it's there, or are haunted by as something that might have been. Have you ever accidentally thwopped a partner with elbow or knee or something in the midst of a private moment with sufficient force to end the fun? Or been thwopped yourself? And yes, thwopped is a highly technical term with great currency on the East Coast. Ok, in my town. Or house. Fine, it's really just me who uses it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brody Boivin 8445 Report post Posted June 8, 2016 Thwoped. Yes. I'm kind of the queen of this!! Funniest one yet (I still feel bad about it) was when I was with a partner and he assumed I was going for his prostate when really, I lost my balance and grabbed his upper, bottom thigh. He then, in reflex kneed me in the face. PERFECT. Have you ever, had sneaky hidden "fun times" and by a thread almost got caught, but luckily were scot-free? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted June 8, 2016 <grin> yes..... although, honestly have no idea how on earth nobody saw us.. as we were in plain view... seat on a greyhound bus... way back in the day <grin> and no, not the very back seat either. A gent and I had been seated next to eachother.. shared a few drinks which he had in his duffle bag (hehe teeny airport bottles) and well.. I sort of ended up on his lap <grin>.... and well... <biiig grin> Just as we were 'finishing'.. someone walked down the isle of the actually packed bus (that's what I meant by no clue how we never were 'outed'.. not one empty seat).... someone came walking to the washroom and smiled at the two of us.. and no, not the 'hehe I know what you were doing' grin.. more like the typical 'I'm a friendly Canadian who smiles at everyone' grin hehe One of the more entertaining bus rides I've been on. have to say ;) hmmn... Have you ever.... done something (s3xually) specifically for your partner's enjoyment.. request, despite it being completely (and I mean COMPLETELY out of your comfort zone.....and surprised the h3ll out of yourself by finding you are even more turned on by the particular activity than they were/are? <blush> (and I don't tend to blush easily!) _______________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J**ck*9 Report post Posted October 19, 2017 Yes ... A girl I used to date when I was in college was really into butt plugs and really wanted me to try it. I wasn't keen on doing this but wanted to please my girl. So she inserted this 5 inch butt plug into my ass pushing it slowly and I couldn't believe how amazing it felt. I have never looked back as I now have a love affair with women inserting butt plugs into me. Getting hard just thinking about it.... Lol Have you ever had sex with a partner while their partner was watching? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
natrabbit 1000 Report post Posted December 20, 2017 Have you ever had sex with a partner while their partner was watching? Wow. After reading through this thread I figured there was little chance I'd end up on a question I could answer in the affirmative... but yes I have. Unfortunately for me, it was not nearly as hot as I had often fantasized. I basically settled for a situation that I wasn't that into just so my night wouldn't be a complete bust. Let's see... have you ever resurrected a dormant thread and wondered if anyone would answer? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxvioletxx 1117 Report post Posted January 4, 2018 Sex on a train was my first experience with sex in public. Sooo gooodd. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214237 Report post Posted January 6, 2018 Sex on a train was my first experience with sex in public. Sooo gooodd. That is really hot Violet, Have you ever tied someone or been tied and blindfolded to have sex with? That would be one of my fantasy ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites