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I ran over a skunk last night! He came out of nowhere and I wasn't able to stop in the rain on a back road in Ottawa. I think it was Anderson Rd. I ended up hitting it with the front right wheel of my truck and hearing that crunch sound made it much worse. I know, I know... people will probably think it's no big deal but the fact that it was something that was living and breathing seconds before I killed it, makes me feel bad. I'm also an animal lover.


The same thing happened when I ran over a coyote 10 years ago on the 401 with 5 cars behind me in the left lane. He just stepped out onto the highway. What can you do? I was pulling fur and washing blood out of the grill on a Ford Mustang. In that incident, I felt awful.

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It's natural to feel bad, even though it was an accident and you couldn't avoid hitting the animal. I feel the same way when a bird flies into my truck when I'm driving and once, when going fishing towing my boat, a deer ran out in front of me...in spite of the damage to my truck I felt worse about hitting the deer.

But it could have been worse, if you had tried to avoid the skunk on the wet road you could have skidded off the road, had an accident, and injured yourself (or worse)

Don't know if this helps or not


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The skunk probably had rabies, this makes them very docile and they wander into traffic or wherever not really knowing what is going on, so you most likely did it a favor by putting it down and helping to stop the spread of rabies.

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Guest f***2f***

I hit a fox a few months ago in a similar situation. He went under the truck and I didn't feel any bumps or crunching. I'm hoping he got away. I drove by the next day and there were no signs of a body so hopefully he made it back to his den in one piece.


It is an awful experience though I can really sympathize.:cry:

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Unfortunately, BTDT, a number of times. I think it's only natural to feel badly, especially since it was something that couldn't defend itself. Accidents will happen.

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I sympathize Nicolette. It's a difficult situation to accept. There's nothing you could have done without putting yourself or others at risk if you were to try to avoid the critter. Humans vs wildlife always sucks. The skunk probably didn't suffer anything and that possibility is one consolation.

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Awwwwww.... I think we all have been there.


I remember the first time I ever saw an opossum... I killed it. I was coming off the 401 and turned slowly on to one of the access routes. I saw this strange beast and thought... wow that's a POSSUM.


I slowed down. The possum was suicidal. I turned and veered but the possum just kept coming. I think he may have been on crystal meth or pcp... or something. Whatever way I turned, he just kept running towards my tires. I was doing about 30 kms an hour when I heard the thud... and then the scream of a drug crazed suicidal possum as he died. I felt horrible. Then I thought to myself, maybe that's just what the possum wanted. Maybe he wanted me to end his life... maybe he was like a possum martyr and this was his way of dying for his cause. Maybe he just needed me to send him to possum heaven where he was to be met by 56 possum virgins.


Maybe you have given that skunk a sense of religious fulfillment. Probably not. Heheheheheheh

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Nicolette, Old Dogs reply was very much like the comfort that I wanted to offer (without the humor, and it was humorous). I don't like accidental killing of any animal, but if we consider the circle of life it starts to make sense. You don't have to accept the circle of life completely but accept the possibility. It helps put all life and all death in prespective , even your own.I don't believe we should cause death but accept it. Still there is a purpose for greiveing. We need to save that for the ones you love, be they human or animal...chavez

ps. it was alright for you to share these feelings

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Guest ***nsut***jr

I would not feel too bad about it.

I love animals too but as far as the ones in the wild go we seem to be having a real population explosion especially in the Ottawa region.

When I was a kid you were lucky to see the odd deer in and around the city.

Now you see all kinds of stuff like turkeys, coyotes, fishers, moose and even buzzards all close to or in the city.

Its inevitable that some will perish by being struck on the highway especially at night.

The one thing to remember as mentioned in another post is to NOT swerve although it is tempting.


I wonder if the car wash has the deep underside wash with wax and tomato juice option for your truck? Stinky stuff!

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Thanks for all your posts everyone. On the long drive home through back roads after hitting the skunk, I began to think about the life cycle with humans and animals and how short it can be. It kind of makes you think in one split second it can all be over -even with a skunk.

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Thanks for all your posts everyone. On the long drive home through back roads after hitting the skunk, I began to think about the life cycle with humans and animals and how short it can be. It kind of makes you think in one split second it can all be over -even with a skunk.


Sounds like you could use some comforting ;).

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Sounds like you could use some comforting ;).


I've had a lot of "me" time this weekend to "think".lol. Usually I am always busy doing everything but thanks. Hugs are always good! :)

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