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Unfortunately after a lovely date last night I took an uber, and left my cellphone in the car


Within an hour I had discovered it was missing, but was unable to call as my phone was, well, lost.


So, I'm currently at 'the office' and called around. My findings are: According to Android tracking, my phone was shut off within the hour I noticed it was missing, as it was last active on the 23rd. My phone is currently off. This is odd because my battery was at 80%, therefore it was impossible for it to have died within an hour.


This indicated someone stole it, as they turned it off when they found it to prevent it going off in the cab, especially if the ' call your phone at top volume for 5 minutes straight function' was activated.


Uber will not give me the information of the people who were in the cab ( the driver I had said four people were in after me, within that time frame). Uber also doesn't want to contact them on my behalf.


The police were also useless. Completely useless. My phone is technically a lost item. They told me to go to protectyourdata.ca to put my IMEI# in and get a ban on all phone companies. Sadly, you can only search IME#'s to see if your device was stolen. You cannot report a stolen number. I tried calling several times; it appears they are either busy or closed.


I called my provider, and they took my # and placed a ban- however, it only works for Wind mobile.


My phone is also unlocked, and we all know what people can do with SIM cards.


I'm pretty well fucked, right? And not in a good way..


If anyone has suggestions I'd greatly appreciate them.

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Maybe this will be able to help you:






I would still try and attempt to locate your phone. If it ever surfaces again when you track it, report the location to the police and if they don't want to respond, then tell them you are going to confront the thief with or without them. They probably will respond thinking there could be an incident if you confront the thief.


If you do try to retrieve the phone yourself, have someone with you and take photos and/or videos of the perpetrators. It might make for a good viral video.

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I am not sure there is a lot more you can do... you could try to pressure Uber but unless you are willing to invest significant time or money it's unlikely to be any real help.


Is your cell phone covered by your home owners policy... it was stolen? Not sure what your deductible is... it might be as much as getting a new phone.

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I don't think it is covered in my home owners insurance, I don't recall seeing anything phone related in the small print.


I never installed the app on my phone, all the device manager is telling me is my phone was last on before midnight, and that it is currently off, and has not been turned back on.


Wind was not more helpful, they wanted to disable my line but seeing how I can call it, should it ever be turned on, and that it is finger print locked, I found it unnecessary.


I'll take a look at all other links provided. I'll try and pressure Uber, I have sent two emails with no response, funny, they responded to my two " I left my cell in an Uber emails within five minutes'. If they won't give me the information or at least contact the people on my behalf I will not be using their services anymore.

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I don't think it is covered in my home owners insurance, I don't recall seeing anything phone related in the small print.


Not Not anything about cell phones in your policy is not necessarily a bad thing... it would fall under th insurance for the content and if not excluded in the fine print might actually be covered if stolen... if you decide to make a claim be sure to check out the cost of any deductible in comparison to the phones value.. and consider if the claim would drive up your rates.


Given the value of phones I would most likely just chaulk it up to life and move on.

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Thanks, Ice. I'll be sure to look into that.


So a few updates. The website the police linked me is useless, and I need to go through my provider.


Intially called Wind, and they told me the IMEI bann would be for WIND only.


Customer service for the site the police gave me told me it should be on all servers for all providers.


Called Wind back: Because I bought my phone with Telus, unlocked it ( yeah, spend 800 and had to pay more money to unlock the darn phone) and brought it to Wind they are unable to take my IMEI # down and help me.


Look up my IMEI # on the site the police gave me and no ban was issued.

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Thanks, Ice. I'll be sure to look into that.


So a few updates. The website the police linked me is useless, and I need to go through my provider.


Intially called Wind, and they told me the IMEI bann would be for WIND only.


Customer service for the site the police gave me told me it should be on all servers for all providers.


Called Wind back: Because I bought my phone with Telus, unlocked it ( yeah, spend 800 and had to pay more money to unlock the darn phone) and brought it to Wind they are unable to take my IMEI # down and help me.


Look up my IMEI # on the site the police gave me and no ban was issued.


Make a complaint against Wind and Telus with the federal cell phone regulator... CRTC



It won't get yo (t) back but it might get it made unuseable

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I know it won't help in this case but perhaps someone in the future.


I have a Garmin Vivosmart watch, it has a lot of useful features for keeping fit but aside from it's core features which are worth considering, oddly one of the more useful features is it alerts me immediately anytime my phone gets out of bluetooth range (30 - 40 feet) so this has saved me from this fate more than once.


Of course the Google Device Policy app which lets me locate and remotely wipe it is also very useful if and when I do ever lose it.


Sorry to hear of your loss, hope you are able to retrieve it.

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Make complaint on Wind Facebook page and Twitter account. I have seen people getting prompt replies on those media.

Best of luck!

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Just a quick update! I have secured a new phone. I'm in a much better mood,and I appreciate everyone's help :)


I'll catch up on your responses tomorrow morning, as I plan to continue this with uber and wind mobile.

Again, thanks for your time and suggestions, they helped me feel a lot calmed and a lot less alone.




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