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Are You Brave? Take A Peek...

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I'm a youthful 22 y.o., I stand 4'10" with a curvy

figure with lightened freckles and a fair complexion.

I've been told my eyes are captivating and very

attractive and unique.

During our rendezvous I will show you my passionate

and down-to-earth personality.

Allow me to fall into your arms, together we can create warmth




Upcoming Schedule:

January 30-31: 10am-10pm

February 1 & 2: 3pm-9pm

February 4-7: 10am-10pm




*Looking for a brave gentleman to join myself and another

gentleman in a M-M-W experience.

If this peeks your interest please follow my directions:

- Contact me via e-mail with an introduction

- Inquire what is required for a M-M-W

- If you have any questions feel free to ask

- See website for contact details


Warm Hugs,


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