jaydanger 376 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 So, I'm trying to figure this out without sounding like a total douche bag here. I've been on LYLA (CERB) for close to 6 years I gather and a hobbyist for the same amount of time and have met some fantastic and gorgeous women here. I've always cherished and loved their company. On average, the SP's charge anywhere from $200 to $240, which is what I'm willing to spend. MA's anywhere from $160 to $200. I'd like to start this thread off with a question... What I don't get is why certain MA's or SP's could substantiate charging $300 + an hour? I had an opportunity to meet with an SP last week. We got to texting a bit but not a lot so I can find out a bit about her. Turns out she was charging $350 for an hour. Like WTF? The audacity though to get the "Thanks for wasting my time" after I declined to meet. I've met with both whom I feel charge too much for not as good quality companionship and vice versa. Met with both who need to charge more (which, btw, I always take out an extra $20 before I leave and place it properly where it needs to be.) Does one feel that they're worth more? All because they have modeling photos done or spent the time to create a website? I'm intrigued to find out. See what kind of feedback this thread will get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Discussing SP or MA rates in public is just rude. We do not have to justify our rates. Too expensive? Shake it off, and pass to the next. 49 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gogofmagog 655 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Dude ... you are gonna get eaten alive in this thread. Why does anyone in any trade charge more than anyone else?(hows that for a wordy question?) If the market will bear your prices... why not? Some girls really are THAT hawt and THAT good.... dudes will pay it. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drlove 37204 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 To the OP, bear in mind, a lady has the right to choose whatever rate she wishes - it's her body, her time, her choice. If you don't like it you have two options: 1) Save up until you can afford her rate 2) Find someone who is in your price range However, please don't complain; it's just bad form. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31765 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Our rates vary ... maybe some charge more because they provide a different type of service...I do charge extra for fetish request... My best advice to you or anyone for that matter if the rate she charges is too much for you then just thank her for her time and move along and find a lady with a more reasonable rate that suits you...there are plenty women with a variety of rates and services It's whatever works best for you... 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikeyboy 27134 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 It isn't up to you what an sp can justify charging. You can choose which ladies to see or not see, but please do it with some class. Judging and calling someone out publicly for the value she places on herself is uncalled for. Just move on if she is out of your preferred price range. Clearly not everyone agrees with your assessment of her value or she would not be able to charge that price. 14 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 that's like asking why one car manufacturer charges $35,000 for a vehicle and another charges $350,000 for a vehicle. The answer is (drum roll please, lol) because each is different in their own unique way. There are many factors to consider when looking at someone's rates. Location, desirability, looks, experiences, and much much more. What our rates are is up to us to have, and generally speaking, most of us are in the same range. If you are looking for a luxury experience, then you are going to be looking at luxury rates. Just like as in a $35,000 vehicle isn't going to have the same features as the $350,000 one, you get what you pay for. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
henryporter 1836 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 This is a great thread... it has Exotic Touch Danielle's avatar pic .Yummy! Oh right, back on topic perhaps the OP should have do a real life test and gone to see ladies of all different price ranges. I certainly have, and as stated here already it just speaks to the type of experience that you may have. That doesn't mean that you will enjoy any one experience better either just because of higher rates. They are just different. There are some ladies that are out of my price range right now that I would love to see what that experience is all about but that will have to wait for now. I certainly don't begrudge them asking the rate they charge. Thats just what it is. H 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31765 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Well hey there lol...wink wink Yes and you are right...the rate in my opinion doesn't mean that her service is better than another lady who may charge less or more...it's what she feels comfortable charging for whatever reasons Just find a lady you connect with and have fun 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amelia Fox 9064 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Wow! You said you've been on Cerb for six years now? Did you think all expenses were going to stay the same? Come on now! 150/200hr doesn't pay for hotel room, let alone all other expenses we have to cater to our beloved friends. So ask yourself, six yrs ago were you making the same wages you are now? I highly doubt it. Lol. 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AUTUMN RAINE 15548 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 I do NOT feel I have to justify myself to you or anyone however since you have decided to open Pandora box publicly then i will do the same ... Do you honestly believe your lower rated ladies have accomplished a fraction of the industry highest awards since as other have?? Can you please tell me have as these women been in Magazines such as I?? Have they been Miss Canada competitors such as I?? Have you or the rest the world been able to track and follow their lives such as mine?? If you can answer YES to any or all of these questions then she is un-charging by a lot and please give them my name and number and i will gladly build them a proper website for free and new rate chart .. since obviously they have NO idea their own self worth .. Breast Wishes, Autumn Raine xo 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amanda-Lee 11094 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Does it matter whether or not someone is charging $100 or $200 or $300 for 1 hour appointment? Does that really matter? You seem to have a issue with comparing others, OP. Do your research. If you don't like her rates and that is a turn off for you, then stop complaining and move on. Your comments are rude and degrading. You need to step back and apologize to all the SPs and MAs.You don't have the place to complain about the rates or openly complain about it. Those who you may contact whos rates are higher than what you want to pay, all the SPs and MAs now know you. It may leave a bad impression on you because of your rude and regarding post. If that is harsh, that's fine. You don't need to like me. Telling as it is. 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 My comments are in line with the ladies here........the consultant rates are their choice for the services and experience they provide. My recommendation is that before any one starts conversations or communication with any lady is that you check out the rates before you loose time on both ends. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Jay, surely you knew you were going to get slammed asking that question? When I first entered this lifestyle I too wondered about the discrepancy in prices but came to realize that what these girls offer has intrinsic value, or value for it's own sake. Who should decide that type of value if not the ladies? By the way, why do you say $200 to $240 is a fair price? Why isn't $300+ a fair price and anything less an absolute bargain. Let the women set their rates based on their reasoning. We then decide whether it is worth it or not by booking, or not. Price can also serve as a way to select your clientele. If I were a lady I wouldn't want to offer my body to price shoppers. I hope you don't get too slammed on here but there are some topics that aren't fair to ask. These women offer a service, not a commodity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Helena D'Orville 33237 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Why? Why not. Why did you choose 300$ + ? Why didn't you start, let's say, at 500$ + ? You are not to ignore that in some "high spheres of society" some people would smile at your question. For some people, 100$ is a lot. For other people 5000$ is nothing. This is relative. Does a higher price guarantee that you will have a "better service"? No. And what does "better service" mean to you? If what a lady charges is too much for your budget, as suggested by previous members, move on or wait until you can afford a visit. If all communication is done politely with respect on both sides, nobody will be hurt in the process. And by the way, about the ladies who have a website, they usually have information and rates on it. So, it could avoid you some surprises, wouldn't it? So, tell us, Dear OP, what was the real point of your thread? Fun provocation, just curious and amused to see our reactions, or you woke up with a really bad mood because sometimes the world does not make sense to you? No offense... 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 As SteveMcQueen stated, some of us don't want to make big bucks, and are taking this profession as a vocation. NOBODY can judge a girl by how much she decides to charge. And as Mia Adore is stating, doing your homeworks by checking the ladie's website is the best way to choose your SP/MA. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monstermash 583 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 All goods worth price charged! I believe that to be a slogan for Jack Daniel Burbon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest discr33t Report post Posted February 5, 2016 I like to keep time. My Timex is a great watch I got from Walmart and it will keep better time than my Patek Phillippe. Sometimes it's nice to have something that fewer people would afford. No better, no worse. Just makes me feel somewhat different... Most of the time, we justify spending on things we desire and often we desire something just at the end of our reach or beyond. Someone needs to be serving that need Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Steve....priceless! I will never offer up MY time to a price chopper! Luv ya! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest discr33t Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Price elasticity of demand (PED or Ed) is a measure used in economics to show the responsiveness, or elasticity, of the quantity demanded of a good or service to a change in its price, ceteris paribus. OP, understand this, and all your questions will be answered Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madalina.estrella 230 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Just some worthwhile reading whilst on this topic.... http://willsheorwontshe.tumblr.com/post/138631463537/overpricing-yourself-in-a-saturated-market 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Why is cauliflower so expensive this year... why has the price of oil fluctuated so much... Why oh why are there not standardized pricing for all the things we buy.... perhaps the government should step in and impose some form of price controls on all products and services so as to ensure that the appropriate value is placed on everything.... ahhhh but wait there is the rub... not everyone agrees on the value of everything it would appear that individuals in fact do have the ability to determine for themselves what value they place on certain goods or services and remarkably the free market tends to be a pretty good way for that willing seller and willing purchaser to connect and carry out that business transaction. If the buyer feels they are no getting appropriate value for their money they decline to purchase and if the seller feels they are not getting paid enought to cover the value of th good or service being sold they don't sell it... pretty simple when you think about it. I have never been a seller in this particular market but I like to kid myself into thinking that the reason for that is the fact that the market would not pay the enormous value I place on myself when in fact the reality is there is no market for a 55 year old, over weight married guy in this industry lol OFGILF But what I have learned over the years is that if a lady Is selling a service as intimate as what we are discussing (hypotheticly of course given our current laws) then the only person who really needs to be 100% comfortable in the valuation is HER... if I as the client have a problem with the valuation I can just move along she has to live with it. As for the general concept of value for money in this industry I have a a distinct pleasure of meeting ladies who provide service at most of the various price points and frankly while I have seldom been disapointed... I am always fealt that I kinda get what I pay for and as a result the majority of my repeat encounters have been at the higher price point so I guess that suggests to me that I see Value in the money I am spending. PS: that's not to say I don't frome time to time get a wonderful surprise from amazing ladies at all price ranges :) Just My Opinion 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bcguy42 38594 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 So, I'm trying to figure this out without sounding like a total douche bag here. I don't think you were terribly successful at that. There really isn't any way to publicly pose that question without sounding that way. I'm pretty sure if you had reread this question one more time, bearing in mind the nature of the transaction in question, you would have realized this. Be that as it may, there's a simple answer to why someone charges what she does. Because she can. IMHO you would have gotten some flack for posing the question and just stopping there. I think the commentary after the question is fueling some of the other responses. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinelli 22184 Report post Posted February 6, 2016 We got to texting a bit but not a lot so I can find out a bit about her. Turns out she was charging $350 for an hour. Like WTF? The audacity though to get the "Thanks for wasting my time" after I declined to meet. Well you were wasting her time weren't you? You didn't consider her rate before you contacted her. That is just common sense. And common courtesy. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted February 6, 2016 What I don't get is why certain MA's or SP's could substantiate charging $300 + an hour? Out of interest... have you ever tried going to see them and finding out? That's not meant as a snarky question, by the way. We all have a point where things are just beyond our means. I'm just wondering. Well you were wasting her time weren't you? You didn't consider her rate before you contacted her. That is just common sense. And common courtesy. Her rate may not have been published; that's sometimes the case with providers that operate in the less price-sensitive segment of the market. And if it wasn't, then it's not the OP's fault. We can't judge without knowing who he's talking about... and since telling us would be totally against the rules of discourse here, we never will. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites