Jolie 3402 Report post Posted February 6, 2016 I had mentioned I was raising money for cancer awareness and that Feb 4 th I would shave my head for those donations I am a woman of my word and It looks pretty good, I know some had said they would not see me if I shaved it off but honestly I am not so shallow that my world revolves around my hair so I hope that you learn to feel the same. Hair is barely what makes us who we are we are born bald yet we are loved. Some have no choice in loosing their hair and they are the bravest. So I hope some of you can see past my cute bald little head to what really matters , I am a tigress in the sack xoxox and I am a good person. Pictures soon or better yet come see for yourself ;) Regular Donations Are: 140 roses/half hour,TODAY Bald Special 100 roses/hh 200 roses/hour,TODAY Bald Special 180 roses /hour for fun 260 roses/hour and half, 340 roses/2hours Cerb Members Special Massage Rate: 100 roses/half hour 130 roses/45 min 150 roses/1 hour Jolie XoX 613-266-9918 What can I say this is one treat you will love to dine on again and again. Classy, Sassy So if you play nice you may even get to play twice. Once is not enough to fully appreciate what this Lady is like, 5' 5" tall with an amazing set of curvy hips that beg to be held on to,curly auburn hair that flows , warm inviting eyes and a very, very pretty face, all this with a sparkling personality,nimble talented hands, and the great conversations are even thrown in for free. Roll playing, couples and ----------. massage, so much more available. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites