Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 Instead of telling her straight up you made other arrangements (which can be considered as rude), I suggest you tell her you preffer to book in advance. In your very first message, tell her at what time you would like to book, so she will know when to expect you. ''Hey 'her name'. How are you? This is 'your name'. Saw your ad on 'website'. Would you be available at 'time'?'' See the difference? Smoother, she knows exactly where to stand, and give you the proper response. If she replies she is available, be sure to confirm whereabouts and rates. I would be surprise she would be willing to discuss services, tho. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest discr33t Report post Posted February 7, 2016 Interesting, I generally don't hedge bets when booking, as I personally thought it was rude. But perhaps if I said "Hello [x] I am looking for a short notice appt to start at [this time], and am contacting a number of providers. First to respond I will book, as today I am very short on time." That way a lady could decide if it's worth responding, or the Stars have aligned and short notice works well. But I see where you're coming from. I have missed out on date opportunities waiting for responses. Oddly enough, I have done contact and wait, then move on, and it ended up with me booking 2 or 3 encounters to avoid being rude. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 I agree with Grass_Hopper the more information you give the lady in your opening request the smoother the conversation will go... if your request is last minute and time sensitive then tell her and that way if she is busy or not working the day of your request she will realize this when she does read your text and act accordingly.. ladies tend to get lots and lots of messages and only a small portion turn into bookings so keep that in mind. And you know sometimes even the most amazing lady can be having a bad day and may reply inappropriately lol let's face it we have all been there. Just my Opinion 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
newguy75 518 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 I might only know the day before at best if I have a window of opportunity. Most of the time its same day with a specific time range that I can disappear for a few hours. I agree with discr33t its bad form to hedge your bets. I know most sp are not just sitting by the phone waiting for my call or email because I am not the only client in their world ;) but contacting several ladies at once is bound to affect your credibility eventually. when sending a polite introduction I try to request a specific time window so if the SP get's my message late she already knows our schedules won't work out this time. At least we have made acquaintance and it might be easier to set something up next time. I get pretty anxious as my window approaches and I have not had a response. As well its a bit disappointing when my precious window of opportunity evaporates but there is always another day :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manitoba 2758 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 The actual texts were more of the "Hi <name> This is Manitoba I saw your ad on <website> and would like to see you this afternoon. Are you available? I just shortened the conservation somewhat to make the point. The issue was that hours passes and then she wanted me avalable in 30 minutes and was rude about my not being able to be there. (Her incall was at least 45 minutes away from me at that time of day in traffic.) What is a reasonable time to wait for a response? Should a gentleman ask several ladies about an apointment, even if it is days in advance or should he wait for one lady to contact him back before asking another one? If we should be asling sequentially how long until we assume that the lady will not respond. I dopn't know about other markets but in Winnipeg a common occurance to not get any response to a respectiful request for a date. If wait would it matter if this is the first meeting or we had a history together? I know there is no right or wrong answer but an interesting topic to get opinions upon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 The actual texts were more of the "Hi <name> This is Manitoba I saw your ad on <website> and would like to see you this afternoon. Are you available? I just shortened the conservation somewhat to make the point. The issue was that hours passes and then she wanted me avalable in 30 minutes and was rude about my not being able to be there. (Her incall was at least 45 minutes away from me at that time of day in traffic.) What is a reasonable time to wait for a response? Should a gentleman ask several ladies about an apointment, even if it is days in advance or should he wait for one lady to contact him back before asking another one? If we should be asling sequentially how long until we assume that the lady will not respond. I dopn't know about other markets but in Winnipeg a common occurance to not get any response to a respectiful request for a date. If wait would it matter if this is the first meeting or we had a history together? I know there is no right or wrong answer but an interesting topic to get opinions upon. I think you kind of answered your own question... the individual situation will determine what is appropriate... and of course both the request and the response should be respectful. Grass-Hoppers suggestion about providing as much details as possible still applies. Generally I can't expect a lady to reply immediately or frankly within my time frames but likewise she can't expect me to wait for her reply. If I contacted a lady about a short notice (sameday booking) and I did not hear back within 2 hours I would be very comfortable with moving on and explaining that if/when I did hear back from her. If I was doing an advance booking (a better approach but not always possible) then I would not have a problem waiting a few days to hear back from her. The further out the booking date the longer I would be willing to wait as I would assume I have done my homework and I want to meet this specific lady. Just my Opinion Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoungBeautyMirella 5600 Report post Posted February 8, 2016 Usually when I post an ad I will say the times I am available between (for example 8am-8pm) But sometimes that doesn't guarantee that I am available. I had a guy that used to always contact me literally a few mins after the latest time I said I was available (for example 8:03pm)and on days that I did not post for a few days. He would text multiple times and then text question marks or call etc. I don't always have the SP phone on or have it on me so when I did respond when I was able he would be mad that I didn't respond right away. Again, sometimes we don't always have our phone on or do not respond when we are not available so it's best to keep that in mind. Also, just because I don't post doesn't mean that I may not be available that day so it is best to contact to ask. If the lady posted an ad and you contact her, waiting about an hour or so for a response makes sense, or better yet call her. If she does not pick up then leave a message or text her and if she does not respond in an hour or 2 then contact someone else, or wait for her response if she is the one you really want to see. :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted February 8, 2016 Everyone is different. Some do same day-last minute bookings. Some require advance notice. Most will advertise this information on their ad or website. If the lady is someone who accepts last minute bookings, and she does not answer right away, it could be she is in a call and does not answer the phone while on an encounter. If texting, let her know if she can text back (i.e. If you get this text before xpm, feel free to reply). Some won`t reply if more then an amount of time has gone by for discretion. If leaving a voice mail, let her know she can call back by xpm. I always hesitate to reply to text messages if its much later, unless they specifically indicated it is ok to reply later. If sending an email for someone who pre-books, and if she has not replied within a 24 hour period, feel free to re-send your email. Technology sometimes messes up and emails, texts and voice mails get missed or erased. The only issue I ever have is if someone sends me a text every 5 minutes for 2 hours. Starts out Hi, then Hey, then working? then the question marks start. Especially at 2 am. Those I will never reply to and will most likely block, so I don`t even get the texts or phone calls in the future. Or if someone has been rude, crass, asked for unsafe activities, or ignored my instructions posted on my website. I agree the lady who replied it was rude to waste her time when she took so long to get back to you, and wanted you to be there in 30 minutes, is unfortunate. I'm a believer that if its meant to be, it will happen. Sorry this happened. I'm a firm believer in pre-screening your ladies. Contact them in advance to confirm their booking protocols. Introduce yourself, let her know that there are times you have a short window of opportunity, and is she interested in you contacting her if you are both available. This helps to find out in advance if you are both compatible, what her rates/protocols are. Obviously, you don't want to utilize a lot of her time, but this helps to narrow down your options for when you have time to play. If done respectfully, it helps. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
judo 894 Report post Posted February 8, 2016 I prefer a quick response but understand that a provider may be busy with another client and can't return a call at that particular moment. Having said that I feel that 90 minutes no more is an acceptable tolerance. In general I feel like others should be treated with the same respect you would like to be treated, as long as you are holding up your end your expectations should be the same and anything less is unacceptable in my opinion. There are lots of good providers on here and out there to choose from and respect and loyalty will go a long way. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted February 8, 2016 i'm a firm believer that if it is a short notice appt, and you want a quick response, then you pick up the phone for a voice to voice conversation. Texts can go missing, they can get confused, and if they are lacking the required info, they can get ignored. A quick phone call takes you to a voice message if they have one, leave a message if you can, and be SPECIFIC as to what time you are looking for. Afternoon is vague, between 2pm and no later than 4pm is not. And if you have not seen the sp or talked to her before, then it is a good idea to contact her the day before or morning of to see what her schedule is like, rates, general location, and if she prefers prebooking, if she is available during that time period, and to let her know that if things work out for you, you will contact her after 1pm, to set something up. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted February 24, 2016 Coming late to this one. If I'm booking at short notice (same day), I almost always stick to providers/spas/agencies that I can call. That way, you can determine availability very quickly. No answer counts as unavailable, and I move on: no harm, no foul. The only exception to this is when I'm contacting someone I've seen before and therefore have some sort of existing relationship with, and who I therefore know won't hold it against me that it didn't work out this time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oliviaphan 1165 Report post Posted April 22, 2016 Personally, I prefer booking in advance one day as this is not my only job and I am not living at my incall location. I also need time to get ready (yea, we are women!) and go there (both incall & outcall). Besides, I take screening seriously (please understand, it is for my safety) so one day in advance is enough to exchange the information and confirm booking. As your question, I usually respond within 30 mins to the first email but to meet you in 30 mins/1hr is impossible for me. To me, a proper booking email will make it much easier for both the lady and the gent! I prefer it should be: Hello "lady", My name is "...", short description about yourself. I saw your ad on "..." and interested in booking an appointment with you on (date, time, lenght). These are my references (contact info of the ladies you met) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted April 23, 2016 "You call or text a lady and leave a message asking for an appointment. How long is reasonable to wait for a response?" The easiest way is to include your expectation in your initial text or voicemail. Ask "can we get together at this time? Thanks! Btw, if we don't connect by specified time I'll assume you're busy and we'll get together some other time. Take care". Nothing wrong with you including your expectation for a reply, as long as it's somewhat considerate. Personally, if I were booking same day I would text at least half a day ahead of time and give her 2 or 3 hours or so to respond. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted May 3, 2016 (just found this thread, so hehe) As a provider, I definitely prefuuuur a bit of notice (time to properly prepare et al so the session is not only up to the clients expectations, but to mine as well) but encounter one situation all the time that is annoying to no end... A client msgs me looking for same day session (sometimes being thoughtful enough to include what they are looking for as well as prefuuured time THANK YOU! :).. I do tend to reply back within minutes (*if not with client, running errands, busy with life*) my reply, I do insist that a person confirms asap with me and I hear nothing back... generally when I get these emails, the person is asking for same day but later in the afternoon or something (generally a few hours from when they message me).. so there is time to respond.. but they NEVER do...*sigh* being the nice cat that i am, I pencil them in, just in case... and the spot is often wasted due to them not bothering to confirm. Thankfully, I only have a few who do this on a fairly regular basis. I have always ran things on the basis of first confirmed is the one who gets the spot, so be 'warned' gents.. <grin> if you expect to get in same day, at least keep an eye on your email/phone msgs when the same is expected of the provider ;) just as your time is a valuable thing, so is ours as a provider. Especially those of us who are not only accommodating 'fun' sessions with 'normal/legit' ones ;) BTW, I *love* the addition of the 'if I don't hear from you by.." line.. a smart touch IMO ..puuurhaps I shall use it myself in my replies to the 'need to see you today!' msgs I get <grin> __________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites