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Did you know this? Barbie was based on a call-girl character!

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Reading Time Magazine today (February 8th, 2016 issue) I learned that Barbie was based on a German doll that Ruth Handler discovered when she traveled to Europe in 1956. The name of this doll was Lilli, and was a call-girl! Quite funny to learn this today... I also learned that Barbie will go under a makeover to appear more realistic to little girls' eyes, and will be produced in various body shapes. Some dolls will be shorter with more curves, others will be petite, others taller. Barbie faced many difficult phases through her life, and was often accused to cause body image issues to little girls. What do you think of this?



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Guest st*****ens**ors

I did know that, as it happens. Twenty years ago, I recall the pink aisle at Sears, which was entirely Barbie. My littles play most with Lego and Nerf toys, but even those have become gendered.


We tell them often that there is no such thing as a girl 's toy or boy's toy. There are only toys. The message doesn't stick, sadly.

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I am not surprised that Barbie is getting a make over to reflect the times.. as for the original doll being based on a call girl that was not something I knew.


I girls all played with Barbies and thoroughly enjoyed the experience the dolls allowed them to use their imagination in play as they acted out real life themes through the stories they created with the dolls. I entirely agree that the body shape of the dolls was entirely unrealistic but I am not sure that had much of an impact on my girls but accept it might have on other. My daughters also played with poly pockets and my little pony and cabbage patch kids and they were not that realistic either.


When I look at my girls and see how amazingly focused, smart, caring and engaged they are in the world as young adults I don't think the Barbies did much harm... for me it's as more about the overall messaging they get from the people around them parents teachers etc then the specific toy they play with.


Just my Opinion

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