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About this section - please read before posting here

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This section is for industry specific non-profit organizations to post Bulletins, Survey requests and announcements for such things as operational information, contact information, local rally's and protests.


All posts in this area are MODERATED and subject to a VOTE from our SP ONLY members or Council (One a council is formed). Please DO NOT pm me or any of the council members asking when your thread or post in this section will be approved - if it goes to a vote it could take 3 or 4 days especially from a NEW unvalidated account.


Why? We want to make sure this information here comes from reputable sources. It has it's own category so that we can MODERATE all the posts and threads made here and also some members have expressed a concern towards such posts being placed in the general discussion area.

Who? We would love to have members who belong to local groups such as SPOC, Stepping Stone (Halifax), Prostitutes of Ottawa, Gatineau, Work Educate, Resist (Ottawa), Stella, l'amie de Maimie (Montreal) and Maggie's (Toronto). etc... who post announcements, contact info, bulletins and keep our members updates on general public info about each organization. If you work with any organization such as this please ask them if you can post bulletins here and let them know that this area is available for those groups.

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