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Back in middle school...

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Guest st*****ens**ors

...boys and girls would confer furtively with their friends to find out about individuals on the other side of the class. Whispering was involved, notes were passed, and rumours spread faster than germs in a McDonalds playroom.


At times as I read the regular requests for information about this or that BP ad, it feels a bit like I'm back in middle school. Of course this list exists for recommendations and safety tips, but it is searchable after all. Why is the post requesting "any info on this ad" the default first step?


Here's the procedure. If an ad catches your eye, do the following.


1. Read it. Read it thoroughly. Your question might be answered right there in black and white. It might link to a website even! Read that too.


2. Check the images with Tineye and google image search. If you find them all over the web, or simultaneously in multiple cities, you've learned all you needed.


3. Search the provider in the Lyla database. Check members, threads, and recommendations, and not just for your area. People do move around.


4. Call/ text the number and ask your question! That's almost certainly a living breathing person on the other end of the line, and while you should be respectful of their time, most can tell the difference between a courteous request for more information and a time waster. Those that can't I wouldn't bother with any way. Be polite. Be concise. Don't ask anything explicit or vulgar. Thank them for speaking with you.


5. And now mull. Consider. Ponder, if you're the pondering sort. Do you have the information you need to be sure that a provider is legitimate and that you'll be safe?


If you don't, and you REALLY want to pursue it further, post a thread on Lyla, asking for information. Go ahead. It's one of the reasons the list is here. But please have gone through at least a couple of the other steps first.


My early morning 2 cents. Have a great day everyone.

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