Manluvsex 13731 Report post Posted August 6, 2016 At a recent commencement proceedings for Arts graduates at Stanford University, the American historian Ken Burns offered a blistering take down of Donald Trump. While some will write off this speech as more liberal rhetoric Ithink he makes some good points about Trump not having either the proper attitude or necessary aptitudes to lead one of the most powerful nations on earth. One of his quotes: "Having (Trump) lead America is like asking a newly minted (car) driver to pilot a 747." 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted August 6, 2016 'The Hillary' on the other hand will help herself to the US Treasury in a manner that will make a 3rd world dictator look like Mother Theresa ! She has no shame and no morals whatsoever. Just like her greasy hubby. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted November 4, 2016 It is hard to believe, almost beyond my comprehension actually, but there is a very good chance that Trump is going to be the next President of the United States. I have felt from the beginning the anger at politicians and politics as usual, but had no idea that there are millions and millions of people who are that angry that they are willing to go with a Trump to make their point. The politics of hatred, xenophobia, misogyny and extreme right wing evangelical ideology was tossed out in Canada a year ago and we shall see how that works out, but I fear the worst in the Trump makes Harper look like a cupcake. Why do I care? I care because the U.S. is a world power, perhaps THE world power and what they do has a profound impact on everyone in the world. I am truly worried about the economic impact of a Trump presidency, the potential for major world conflicts of a Trump presidency, and of the message that he will send to our young people about how to treat each other. Canada and Canadians will not be immune to his rise to power unfortunately. That election has been unbelievable to watch and follow and I still hope that sanity will prevail even if Clinton is certainly far far less than an ideal President. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted November 4, 2016 This has been the most anxiety inducing election for me, I don't know about the rest of you. I am amazed by his supporters hatred of Hilary. Sure, the country is polarized but Trump supporters are on the fringe of the farthest right fringes. The absolute crap about her they will believe and promote is astounding. I have otherwise "normal" friends in the states who refuse to see Trumps flaws through their hatred of Hilary. If ever a biblical quote applied to this group it's "let me point out the speck in your eye, yet ignore the log in my own", or something to that effect(I'm not religious). They threaten insurrection if she wins, not to mention non specific threats to her personally. If she gets elected these radicals threaten impeachment, refusal to appoint a supreme court judge and more. Democrats seem positively alien compared to this group of seemingly low functioning citizens. I think Trump has done a huge disservice to that country by legitimizing this group. They need to be helped, of course, but they should not be in charge! I'll be glad when it is over. If Trump does win(please no) he may soon face a revolt as he's promised these hillbillies everything with no plan to deliver anything. What happened to that country? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TINCUP 6043 Report post Posted November 4, 2016 I really hope that Donald Trump does not become the President of the United States of America, after the November 8 Presidential election. If he does the whole world will be in turmoil for years to come because of his hatred for Immigrants, Women, L.G.B.T, etc, etc etc. Other countries who do not have the same policies as the "Donald". will feel the wrath of the USA . and Maybe the start of WWW III. I hope that I am wrong. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted November 8, 2016 Well it's Tuesday the 8th and now only a few hours until votes start to be counted. Any predictions or final thoughts? For me I will lean on my long history of idealism so I have to believe that hate will not win out. I think it will be Clinton by a wide margin, but even as I write that I am terrified that Trump will have more millions of secret voters who were too embarrassed to admit they would vote for him. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted November 9, 2016 I'll stick my neck out and predict a Clinton win although I have my doubts about the democrats winning a majority in the senate. I base this on nothing more than a belief that most people can see through demagogues and recognize they're being pandered to by someone with no real plan other than criticism. Regardless of the outcome, I'll be grateful for this election to be over! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reddog01 30280 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 Still up at 2AM and it looks like a Trump victory if you believe the coverage and the pundits. Is there a play left in this Shakespearean tragedy? We shall see shortly once the dawn sheds some light. Until the votes are verified there is no declared winner. Things may get a bit ugly. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blacklabdog 3049 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 Clinton concedes Next tragedy will be stock market and Mexican peso 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterat 20911 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 So sad, in a way...... but they've done it to themselves (and possibly the rest of us!) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted November 9, 2016 When I went to bed it didn't look good and then I had dreams of Trump giving an acceptance speech. I wake up to CBC declaring A trump win. FUUUCK!!! OK, a few more days to process this and then I'll just have to deal with it. In a way, him getting the win and keeping the house and senate majorities means he has no excuses for not "making America great again", but don't hold your breath. It's likely going to get ugly for awhile. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TINCUP 6043 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 Donald Trump was right on one thing, by saying that the system was rigged, it was rigged alright, but in Donald's favour, and we thought he was complaining that it was rigged in favour of Hillary Clinton, again the people got conned all I have to say is God help us all, because the Donald is an unknown quantity, 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blacklabdog 3049 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 5 minutes in and stock market is calm so far my retirement plan is safe lol 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boomer 33202 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 Well the American electorate have spoken. I'm not surprised and think that many of Trumps more outlandish ideas may not be acted on in the cold light of day as he will have to still get Senate and Congregational consensus. Some of his ideas that will affect the business community and growth may in fact be positive for the economy. The one area which I think is really unfortunate is Obama's failure to get his Supreme court nomination through. The next conservative appointment will be I think a real setback to social justice for many years to come. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31750 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 I mean anyone can be president smh ... I will pray for You America and everyone around the world Scarey 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Manluvsex 13731 Report post Posted November 9, 2016 (edited) I am very disappointed that Trump will be America's 45th elected President and that he will lead the US for at least the next 4 years, but as I read recently, he is a product of American society and convinced enough voters that he would be a better leader than Hillary. Some of the reasons he was elected IMHO: 1. Voters disliked Clinton more than they did Trump; 2. Trump did not let truth get in the way or his political ambitions; 3. Hillary's political experience, association with the Obama regime and her husband Bill were seen as handicaps; while Trump's lack of such experience and attractive wife and children were perceived as advantages; 4. Trump's bluntness was perceived as sincere, while Clinton's filtered "Washington-Speak" was perceived as insincere; 5. Trump the brash and successful businessman was perceived as a fresh voice coming from outside the political establishment (even the Republican establishment rejected him); 6. His simplistic answers to complex issues was appealing as it made him appear decisive and a strong leader; 7. Trump's anti-intellectual rhetoric was appealing to less educated voters; 8. Trump/Mr. Apprentice is perceived as a hard-nosed negotiator who will put the US first and who will win against tough opponents; 9. Trump is a billionaire and successful businessman and a well-known TV star; 10. Trump's international isolationism discourse (USA vs. the World) appealed to voters resentfulness and fearfulness; faced as they were with a decline in America's prestige on the world stage; the perceived negative effects of a globalized economy on American jobs; the increased pressure of immigration at US borders; and an exaggerated perception of terrorist risks against the US. 11. His "Political Incorrectness" appeals to primarily white male voters faced with increased racial strife and perceptions that non-White citizens are gaining in power, and to individuals who hearken back to "simpler times" when blacks and women "knew their place". 12. Pragmatic Republicans have calculated that Trump will not likely pursue his most radical electoral promises (e.g. Mexican wall, Deportation of illegals), but are convinced that he will carry out his fiscal and socially conservative agenda (e.g. Corporate tax cuts, appointment of conservative judges to the Supreme Court and the roll-back of Obama-Care); 13. Clinton did not have a strong enough slogan to counter Trump's: "Let's make America great again"; and 14. Trump took more political risks than Clinton did during the campaign and was not afraid to lose (or he did not doubt he would win). Edited November 9, 2016 by Manluvsex Added another example to point 12. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted November 9, 2016 Good points, Manluvsex. My father said "politicians don't listen" and he thought Trumps supporters finally felt they had an ear and a voice. Go long enough not being heard (or listening) and WHAM, all of a sudden your served with divorce papers and your facing radical changes in your world. The reasons don't matter as much as being truly heard and accommodated, where possible. Like a divorce, things will be acrimonious for awhile but hopefully we learn from it and can come out of the experience as better listeners and a more caring society that works hard to leave no one behind, even disaffected older white folks. People who listened to/voted for the smooth talkin' don juan will soon realize they got played. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kathryn Bardot 99339 Report post Posted November 10, 2016 I am heartbroken and terrified for my American friends, many of whom are queer and/or POC. Just absolutely gutted. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OceanMassage 5357 Report post Posted November 10, 2016 I am just disappointed that the USD didn't crash... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowdark 5613 Report post Posted November 10, 2016 First news article that pooped up on my computer today was how to avoid a Trump rescission. There's a reason economists were terrified of him getting in. While I truly believe the world needs to bace itself for some very tough economic times, what I'm truly upset about it that this will wipe out all the social progress the U.S has made the last eight years. It will be as though Barrack Obama was never in office. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Manluvsex 13731 Report post Posted November 10, 2016 Donald has no problem with lying but plenty of problems with the truth! Additional Comments: Here are 76 of Trump's election promises: Additional Comments: Donald Trump's outrageous quotes: The man behind the mouth Trump's consistently racist, sexist, bigoted, small minded, ignorant and mean spirited comments have already created a more divided and smaller America. How can black, hispanic, muslim, women, lesbian, gay, transexual and other groups targeted by Trump's hate-speak feel as equal citizens or even safe in their own country? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted November 12, 2016 Both Clinton and Trump aren't ideal but based on Trump winning, the U.S. isn't ready for a female president. What shocks me even more is after Trump's misogynist and disparaging comments about women, is how many women actually voted for this idiot. It's like having an orangutan who was covered in Dorito crumbs running the United States. He can dish out insults but can't take it and has the attention span of a gnat to boot. lol. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites