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If I could choose a new name for the "-French" group out of Montreal, it would be "Pleasure, Inc." That is truly what they are all about! I simply cannot put into words all the things I would like to say about my hour with the lovely Angela-French this morning! She definitely puts the "spin" in "spinner." We all have our own version of "the perfect body," and mine would be summed up in those two words: "Angela-French." The amazing massage was but a prelude to an incredible, maximum pleasure experience that I will not soon forget. What a great way to spend a cloudy, rainy day in the arms of this charming lady. Angela has all the right moves, and the finale was absolutely superb! Guys, she's on her last day for this trip, and believe when I say you will thank me for this recommendation. Special thanks to darling Angela and her secretary, too!

  • 5.0
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  • 5.0
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I'm adding to my own review today as I was just privileged to spend another amazing hour with Angela-French this morning. She takes the notion of "upscale experience" to another whole level. Her figure is that perfect combination of 'spinner' and 'hourglass.' From the first kiss hello to the last kiss goodbye, it was absolute bliss to be in her presence. Just wow!

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