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The Unknown

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The unknown is scary. It is exciting. It is intimidating. It is liberating. It is mysterious. The unknown makes us take chances. It makes us take risks. It makes us feel alive and free. The fear of the unknown can also keep us from experiencing the things we wish we had the courage to try or do.


I am a complex woman. I stopped trying to figure myself out a long time ago. There is a very large part of me that loves to face challenges and overcome them. That same part of me gets excited at the thought of trying something new…taking that chance…that risk. It’s invigorating and wonderful.


Then there is the part of me, albeit a smaller part, that gets scared and wants to cower in the corner at the thought of taking on the unknown. What will happen? Will I get hurt? Will I make a mistake? Will I regret? The unknowns I have faced in my life have been both wonderful and devastating.


If you never overcome the fear of the unknown, then you’re not living your life to it’s full potential. If you never take that chance then you could be missing out on the most incredible experiences of your lifetime. If you get hurt, then you can deal with it and heal. If you make a mistake, then you can learn from it and be a better person for it. If you regret, then you can hopefully chalk it up to one of those life lessons and put it behind you and move on.


The familiar parts of our lives are the parts that help us feel safe and secure. The familiar is like a comforting blanket or a hug from a loved one. The familiar is like a cocoon that we all need to feel…but always? Why do we always want to run back to the familiar when the unknown is so much more exciting?


The unknown is vast and always present. It’s always staring us in the face…beckoning us…tempting us. It’s enchanting and intriguing. The unknown is one of my biggest challenges, and I choose to accept it and overcome it with each passing day.



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It is the risk, the reward, the yin and yang that drives us in life. You could sit by passively and just wait for things to drop into your lap.. or you can take that chance, that leap of faith.


Your post was thought provoking, Alexis. I'll post a story about a leap of faith I once took, a long time ago, and have never regretted it.

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You folks are all getting pretty deep this early on a Friday


But seriously...-when I stopped drinking 15 years ago there was fear of the "unknown in knowing"


that I could never dtink in safety again.

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