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I Haven't Even Met Him Yet...

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Guest al****s

I?m thinking of him again?I think about him a lot?more than I likely should. I haven?t even met him yet. I know we will meet?we absolutely must. I gaze out my window and imagine what it?s going to feel like to be with him. The first time we look into each other?s eyes?he will see mine sparkle?the first smile we share will be one of happiness and seduction?the first embrace that I know will be comforting and erotic all at the same time. I?ve waited for what feels like forever to be in his arms. The first kiss?oh that first kiss. It will start out tender and gentle?lips brushing lightly together as my legs turn to jello?tongues reaching, licking, and tasting. I do love to kiss. To me there is nothing more erotic and sensual. That first kiss will deepen as we melt into each other?a low, almost primal moan will escape my throat as I pull him closer to me. The first touch?he?s already touched me in so many ways, but not in this way. Our hands begin the wonderful process of exploring?discovering. His hand touches my face gently as he tilts my head up to receive another one of his wonderful kisses. He?s dreamy?I can feel his passion for me and I know he can feel mine for him.


I begin to unbutton his shirt?I simply must feel his skin. The first four buttons are undone and I can?t wait to undo the rest. My hand sneaks inside and I touch his chest?mmmmm?.my fingers slide lightly over his nipples as a little teaser. I undo the rest of his buttons and slide his shirt from his shoulders. My hands easily glide over his skin?his chest?up to his shoulders?down his back. I?m sure to use my long fingernails to lightly graze over him, giving him goosebumps. My lips need to taste his skin?I begin to kiss his shoulders?slowly?seductively?lingering in a few different spots to have a little lick?up his neck?to his ear?I take a little nibble and whisper ?I want you??then proceed back to those wonderful lips. I feel like I could kiss him forever?


I am so aroused?my desire is at its highest peak. I feel like I?m vibrating. I take off his belt while looking in his eyes?I smile and arch my eyebrow as I say ?you?re going to be mine? With the belt off, I undo the button on his pants, slide the zipper down, reach into his pants for another little tease. With his pants off, I slowly slide his underwear down as my nails graze down his thighs?and my lips and tongue taste?


I haven?t even met him yet?but when I do, he?ll know the rest of this story?.



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I know I'm aroused after reading that lovely thread.;-) That is sensuality and a moment that is very erotic, thanks Alex for posting your thoughts!

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Well, well, well, fellow CERBites, I do believe that Birdboy has met his match. Let the sparks fly. I still say that a collaborative effort is in the works. Wear teflon gloves when handling your device because it will be hot, very hot.

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Alex you have a gift with words and I admit I found this thread not only erotic but extreemly arousing as well. I sit here at my computer truly wishing I could be the one to live out the rest of the story with yours truly.:)

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An engaging seductive narrative intertwined with a personal touch. We all can identify with the quest and yearning to find the ?one? that we are totally comfortable with to the point that we can reach the heights of arousal and excitement we all crave.


A great segue to the fantasy I am about to have as I turn in for the night. I will continue the story in my dreams. Thanks.

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Well, if Alexxis ever decides to look for an alternate career, erotic novelist looks like a definite option. I like to think her story also reflects the perspective of the hobbyiest when they visit someone new. Anticipating not only the physicality but also the potential chemistry. Nice to know some of the ladies share the same thoughts.

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Alexxis, your hot erotic story stirs something up in my loins. :wink:

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You Alexxis,are a shameless flirt. Your writing teases us, and we are the perfect subjects for your firtation. We paint ourselves into the scene that you have created to tease us.

If 100 men read these prose, 99 men will think they could be that man, but you know only one can be that special one.

Mission accomplished ,( 99%)......chavez

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Alexis, this is the most erotic and stirring of your posts yet. As I read it, my breath grew quick and shallow, my pulse raced. This tale stirred my imagination and well.. other more corporeal places. ;)


This man is very lucky indeed, to have stirred your imagination as well as igniting your passions. You may need to have a defibrillator at the ready for when the two of you finally meet, for I fear for both his mortal heart as well as his spiritual one!

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