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What Makes a Person?


This is the title thread,and I know that there is other debates in the question such as nationality, but I look at the entire issue quite differently.


When I strike a rapport with a lady, and recently there is few ladies that I really thoroughly enjoy talking to, and extending our relationship based on what really makes a good person below.


It has nothing to do with race,color of skin,build,piercings,tattoo's, or in fact nationality,but it does however intrigued many of us.


But my perspective on the question is the following-what makes a good person......


a) Genuine- a goodness from that heart and soul of that person.


b) Authenticity- An authentically good person is transparent and shows the core of who they really are consistently allowing others to trust them.


c) Compassionate- Compassion from heart makes a good person. They extend from their heart to others through support,empathy and understanding.


d) Kindness- A kind person offers themselves to help others,their conscience does not allow them to neglect others.


e) Forgiving- They let go of resentment and anger they are not a door mat to walk over but realize we all make mistakes.


f) Respectful- A good person respects others,but this respect is derived from respect from themselves.


g) Honest and Trustworthy- A good person is trustworthy who does not gossip.They do not get pleasure from hurting others.Their word is truth and is filled with honesty.


So those characteristics above is what I think makes a good person, not where they might of been born,raised etc etc.


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A. How do you know this??



Cap's post was honest and without malice.


Same way you were not there to lecture me on how I should have responded to him.

johnstutterjr was not there. Johnstutterjr is in no position to presume to "lecture" Cap about how to conduct himself with an SP based on the post Cap contributed to this thread.

I will please ask you and anyone who will keep posting in this thread to leave the Capitalman - Isabella situation out. He brought it up but I do not agree and would prefer not to mention anything else about it. Again, I do not publish anything about my encounters unless is to warn other ladies and for that there is a special area.

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Guest s******ecan****


Maybe harsh, I guess but I do find the "not white" reference inflammatory.

Etasman calls it a "racial fetish" which also comes out a little strange to me when it is an open forum. I feel that they are a poor choice of words especially when presented in the context of IG's original post.


And no I wasn't there but cap made it clear what he was looking for on his post but did he let IG know that this was a deal breaker?

It just seems that he pushed the point to far and way too soon. Why not change the subject and move on.


"A lie would have been better..." Are you kidding me? I'll take an honest blunt smack down any day over a fabrication.


Don't mean to offend anyone but for now I'll stick with my opinion.





Well if you want to call him rascist I think you should come right out and do it instead casualy tossing about hand grenades like "non-whiteness" etc.


Many hobbyists are attracted to SP's of different races, its as old as time? Are you suggesting there is something wrong with this? Should white gentlemen only be allowed to see white SP's? If white gentleman are interested in non-white sp's are they to be forbidden about expressing this?


Again you weren't there, your're in no position to lecture Cap about how to establish chemistry, I'm quite sure he has done well without your insights.


If you have an opinion offer it without the unecessary judgements and hectoring (ie whats the rush, don't push it, you might be surprised, kinda crude) etc.

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Guest ***nsut***jr

Absolutely Pete.

If that list had been followed I don't think that this thread would exist.



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Guest s******ecan****





Same way you were not there to lecture me on how I should have responded to him.



I will ask you and anyone who will keep posting in this thread to leave the Capitalman - Isabella situation out.


I didn't lecture you anywhere. If you read my post you would see that I only offer my interpretation of what I believe to be Caps, complaint, ie the way you handled his inquiry. i also make it clear I was not there.


As for not commenting on Caps post or any comments about Caps post, that is not for you to determine Isabella. You do not own the thread. If Mod says otherwise fine. But so long as the Post remains anyone is free to comment on it.

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Thank you Pete this is the kind of answer I was hoping to get and is my idea of what a person is. My heart feels a lot happier now to see there is people who still value that. You just made my day :)


So those characteristics above is what I think makes a good person, not where they might of been born,raised etc etc.



Additional Comments:

I never asked not to comment on capitalman's post I asked to please leave out the Isabella - Capitalman situation as nobody has the right to comment on something that happened between two people unless they both agree and opinion is asked. I do not agree. He decided to publish something that should only concern us two and even then he just directed the message to me yes, I find he should have done that in a PM but still he did not end the message asking others what they think.


As for not commenting on Caps post or any comments about Caps post, that is not for you to determine Isabella. You do not own the thread. If Mod says otherwise fine. But so long as the Post remains anyone is free to comment on it.

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Guest ***nsut***jr

You can be offensive without being racist.


See whoever you like for whatever reason you like. No problem with that. But you still need to respect the ladies in every way.


And we will all do just fine in our own way I guess.



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Guest s******ecan****
See whoever you like for whatever reason you like. No problem with that.




Glad to see you have clarified your earlier comments where you admonished Cap for choosing to see Isabella because he was interested in her "non-whiteness"

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Guest *o****ea****t

i agree with pete. those characteristics are definitely part of a 'good' person. however, good wasn't part of the question (if it was in fact a question). while all those characteristics do make a person so to does our family, friends, how we were raised, where we were born, where we live, our jobs, lessons we've learned, life experiences, choices we make plus i'm sure countless others. all of this, no matter what, is part of who we are.


some might say a bottle of tequila & bad decisions is what makes a person. i wouldn't.....but some might :lol:

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Also, if you read Capitalman's post the word he used was 'anglo-saxon' which many here are not btw. But the point I'm trying to make is he never used the word 'non-white' to refer to me.


And for the record white is a skin color not a race so yes, the term is used for that but is wrong. There are people from all over with white skin (including myself, a little tanned but my skin is white)who are not from what is considered a 'white race' and this does not make them/us 'non-white' same way there are people born in any of those countries that call their people 'white' for the only reason of being born there and have dark skin. I think if people want to refer to the race perhaps 'Caucasian' would be more accurate? However again, is just a skin color.

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I posted at the start of the thread, but couple thoughts popped into my head

In the course of conversation, the sp has every right to reveal any/some/none information about herself, just as the hobbiest has the same right. It is a matter of personal comfort and privacy for each and every individual

As for the matter of nationality/race/ethnicity some sp's and agencies do advertise this, look at some ads advertising asian girls,(too numerous to count) brazilian ladies (2 come to mind), irish girls (couple agencies come to mind) etc etc etc. It is part of the advertising out there, by sp'/agencies.

That having been said, for me, the ladies personality is more of a factor in her attractiveness than her looks...they are just icing on the cake

My 2 cents more


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Are you guys kidding? Geeze. The girl just wants her privacy what the heck is wrong with that. If you ask an Sp a personal question and she does not want to tell you, just grow a pair and move on. I cannot believe that this thread keeps going on and on and is now turning into a race thing. As a hobbyist its my choice who I see. If the Sp is unwilling to give information that I feel necessary for me to see her, then pick someone else.


Seems to me this is all a matter of someone trying to get closer and more intimate than is wanted...


Chin up Isabella.

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Isabella, you have every right to keep your nationality to yourself. I admire your ability to keep some things private. I lack that ability. I am an open book for the most part.


As an aside, I've had more than one person ask me if I'm half-Asian, which I find hilarious, because I don't think I look even remotely Asian, but what do I know. I'm third-generation Canadian. Maybe there is some Asian in there way back I don't know about. Haha.

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A lady's race/ethnic origin makes no difference to me. Its unlikely to even come up in conversation unless the lady volunteers that information and its makes for interesting conversation.


As to her nationality, as long as its a country located on the planet earth, were good to go. ;)

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Guest Ou**or**n
As an aside, I've had more than one person ask me if I'm half-Asian


Probably due to your quiet and demure nature ;)

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As an immigrant myself, I find this thread interesting. On the one hand, giving information on one's heritage might compromise one's identity (Here on CERB, most of us prefer anonymity). On the other hand, recognizing that someone I meet is also an immigrant provides a common element for idle chit chat and/or significant information about their personhood.


BTW I have no idea why the topic of "race" and "racism" got into this thread.



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Does it offend anyone that I am from Connecticut and of Irish decent?

Probably not.(Well maybe not!!!)


I don`t even think that disturbs my anonymity. LOL


People are people...ethnicity and all.

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Guest *o****ea****t
Does it offend anyone that I am from Connecticut and of Irish decent?

Probably not.(Well maybe not!!!)


I don`t even think that disturbs my anonymity. LOL


People are people...ethnicity and all.



well, i think bill 'the butcher' cutting (gangs of new york) would be offended by your irish decent. if memory serves he said something about god squatting over the side of england & what came out.......ireland. but what does he know. who doesn't love the irish spring guy & lucky charms. they are magically delicious!!

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Thank you Berlin, as I said it goes with the level of comfort, I have revealed a little too much in few occasions so I am not that good but rather decline politely or change subject than tell a lie. Not saying is wrong or right to do so (in this particular escort-hobbyist scenario) but I do not feel comfortable with it plus I think people that lie get all messed up with their own lies and others notice.


Isabella, you have every right to keep your nationality to yourself. I admire your ability to keep some things private. I lack that ability. I am an open book for the most part.


I guess because most of us at some point misread others post and get the wrong message commenting in a different topic as a result. Then a sub-thread begins lol


BTW I have no idea why the topic of "race" and "racism" got into this thread.




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Thank you Berlin, as I said it goes with the level of comfort, I have revealed a little too much in few occasions so I am not that good but rather decline politely or change subject than tell a lie. Not saying is wrong or right to do so (in this particular escort-hobbyist scenario) but I do not feel comfortable with it plus I think people that lie get all messed up with their own lies and others notice.











You have to do what you are comfortable doing. As long as no one is getting hurt, there really is no issue. I've felt comfortable enough with two ladies to be a little more open than with the others I've been with, but no one got hurt or treated with disrespect. You wanting to keep aspects of your life private, nothing hurtful or disrespectful in that.

More two cents worth


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I was intrigued by your post for a couple of reasons - It sounds like you have reason to obscure your origins. Curious, because in this community, nobody really cares about anyone`s background (unless they`re someone like Idi Amin). I say this not to insult or disregard your concern, but, you brought the question up. Why are you concerned?


Another interesting point was the issue of discretion - every culture has a sensitivity to the escorting profession. Are you from a background that has a particular phobia about prostitution? I`ve seen ladies from middle-eastern backgrounds (pant, pant) and believe me, they are very concerned about their privacy. If their families ever found out about what they`re doing - oh man, they would have trouble.


If you want to share your personal background with us hobbists, that is totally up to you. If you are torn between cultures, I suggest you talk to someone to help you resolve it in your mind. Maybe that was what your were originally trying to do here?


Best of luck.

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An American!! Yes that might offend me but I would not want to get into a fight with you :)



Does it offend anyone that I am from Connecticut and of Irish decent?

Probably not.(Well maybe not!!!)


I don`t even think that disturbs my anonymity. LOL


People are people...ethnicity and all.

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