Eraser 529 Report post Posted April 23, 2016 Does anybody out there have a contact number for Nelle? She has not been advertising for a bit and I'd love to see her.I've left a PM but if you have a number I'd appreciate if you would post it or PM it to me.Happy Trails! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtie 1732 Report post Posted April 24, 2016 Good Luck....she is a hard lady to contact or book with.....If any one does I think they should buy a lottery ticket.....just saying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milfhunter1967 2154 Report post Posted April 24, 2016 I saw her a couple of weeks ago I had no problem getting a hold of her! She looks smoking hot! Her new pictures don't do her justice but she does only work part time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eraser 529 Report post Posted April 25, 2016 I saw her a couple of weeks ago I had no problem getting a hold of her! She looks smoking hot! Her new pictures don't do her justice but she does only work part time. Have you got a number? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted April 25, 2016 Sharing a number from third hand is not appreciated from all SPs. I would say some of us don't feel comfortable with that kind of request. This might also be the reason why nobody awnsers... 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted April 26, 2016 Just to offer the perspective of another SP, Id like to second what Grasshopper says here. If an SP doesn't have a recent ad going, its likely she is not available anymore or at the time. Esp here on lyla where payment is not necessarily needed to post ads. If an SP is working, she will definitely be advertising, since itd otherwise be impossible to work. If no recent ads are around and especially if PMs go unanswered, that indicates retirement or hiatus even further. It is up to us when we want to work, not work or retire and its uncool to try to force contact when contact is not sought via ads or an active account. Im sure the OP's intent wasn't to cross any lines and I offer benefit of doubt that he likely didn't think of it this way. But just as we should never contact a client who isn't seeking our contact, a hobbyist shouldn't try to track down the contact info(esp a phone number) of an SP who is no longer actively inviting it. Also, Im not 100% certain, but I believe its against Lyla's rules for anyone other than the SP herself to post her phone number. If a lady is available to be seen, trust me, she will (be dedicated to) make herself visible and list all means with which you may contact her. Some SPs are available but change policies, no longer using a phone, preferring to book only via her site, PMs or email. This is her prerogative. If you can't find the number, she doesn't want to be contacted that way. If she is on hiatus (as I believe was the case here) she will definitely post her availability and contact info if she is ever available again. (sometimes hiatus turns into retirement) Furthermore, some SPs choose to semi-retire, no longer posting ads or using sites like lyla and only seeing a small pool of regulars she hand-selected, who she privately invited to continue seeing her. Again, this is her prerogative. I'm sure no harm was meant, but please try to keep in mind that we are individuals with our own lives and it is solely up to us who we do and do not see, how we wish to be contacted etc.. And just as you would not want us to contact you if you stopped hobbying, SPs would like to have their decision to be unavailable respected too. This business more than any, is one that sees its members coming and going. Given society's views on the industry and its risk of effect to our personal and (career) professional lives, discretion and the respect of it, is priority #1 for both parties.. we both need to respect each other's privacy and each other's rights to bow out (even without warning) and trust each other to respect our decisions. This is in no way a rant or an attack. I'm actually glad this was brought up so that we can clarify that this (OP) goes against etiquette and to explain the rationale behind this unwritten rule for both parties. Not everyone is going to see all aspects of the whole picture, esp when blinded by lust for a gorgeous beauty such as Grasshopper :-P . Desire can cause us to act without thinking things through thoroughly so something that seems obvious to some, comes as a shock to others and a *facepalm* with 'OF COURSE' moment to others, so its good to create dialogue about it so that other's may benefit. Its all about mutual respect. xoxo 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allin 440 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 Good thing you don't live in Ontario Eraser, they might have taken your pooning license away from you lol. I guess we might be a bit more reasonable in Manitoba. I guess that's why they call us FRIENDLY MANITOBA! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 Hi Allin, Not to argue (I hate arguments as much as I loathe drama) but I wasn't aware it is considered to be unfriendly and *shock* unreasonable to ask to have our privacy to be respected (esp after we leave the biz) in the same way we do yours. I actually think its unfriendly and unreasonable not to. I would never do this to a client. And... as much as the revocation of the poon licence cracked me up (which it did so thanks for that) I think I was being extremely friendly, reasonable and understanding, offering the benefit of doubt that nothing bad was intended and simply offering an explanation on why this isn't the right way to go about things. I am sure SPs whether in Manitoba or LA would feel exactly the same about having people pass their phone number around when they have clearly moved on with their life. Im also certain clients in Manitoba would not appreciate our contacting them by phone without them having contacted us first. Friendliness goes hand in hand with respecting each other's boundaries. Forgive me, but I think you're confusing the word friendly with free-for-all, the word reasonable with disrespectful and entitled that once an SP, always an SP and you can feel free to contact us and pass our info around whether we are retired or not. I actually feel your are misrepresenting MA here. As far as I know, this is not common practice in MA. I also feel you are being hard on us who have handled this matter with polite understanding, empathy and an effort to offer valid explanations to why this mutual respect exists, rather than attack. I actually made it clear I wasn't attacking and I admit I didn't read every post but what I did read wasn't any worse (again I may have missed it). I honestly feel that the one who wasn't being friendly and was being unreasonable here was you. You turned my laugh into a frown as I kept reading. If she isn't available.. it means she isn't available... you honestly think you are being friendly and reasonable by dismissing this? Itd be friendlier and reasonable to respect it. Wouldn't it? But perhaps we have a different opinion of what is friendly and reasonable.. but Id say this has little to do with what province we live in. Every Manitobian I have met has been respectful of privacy &boundaries... well, until now. I just hope your post doesn't give people the wrong idea. MA is having enough trouble with girls not wanting to travel there from what I've heard and its due to severe unfriendliness actually...the few ruining it for the many so... *shrug* I dont think where you live has much to do with whether or not you show mutual respect any more than race or age does. If you were referring to something specific that I had not seen, and weren't referring to posts like mine, I apologize. In my defense, you did throw us all in the same statement by saying 'they' and not adding the offending quotes in your post.. so my assumption has merit but apology (if valid) stands. And OP dont worry, your poon licence has not been revoked, you didn't get so much as a point. Just a friendly and reasonable explanation of why the rules or the road exist to keep us all safe and happy. I cant speak for others, but you are welcome to contact me... as long as I am available. lol Seriously, I hold no animosity toward you. Have a great day everyone. xoxo 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 Good thing you don't live in Ontario Eraser, they might have taken your pooning license away from you lol. I guess we might be a bit more reasonable in Manitoba. I guess that's why they call us FRIENDLY MANITOBA! As Jessy has posted...she may have decided to semi-retired and only want to see regulars. She may also use her personal phoe number related to her real name How would you feel if I gave your phone number to a random person, that you don't know and can vouch for, online on a publiv forum? 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 Does anybody out there have a contact number for Nelle? She has not been advertising for a bit and I'd love to see her.I've left a PM but if you have a number I'd appreciate if you would post it or PM it to me.Happy Trails! If she hasn't been advertising, there is a reason for it. If you cannot find any older ads, then she may have well left the business or is not entertaining new clients. I know in my own personal experience in the last 6 months, I have not advertised a lot because I have my regulars and other work and let the ads expire. When I came back advertising again, people I had known found me. Some ladies do not advertise regularly. Try doing a google search with the keywords being her name, "Winnipeg" and "escort" to see what comes up and that way, you are not infringing upon her privacy by asking others to post it publicly if she has in fact left the business or just seeing her regulars. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allin 440 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 Hi Jessy, I hear what your saying and agree with the points your making. I wouldn't like it if girls started passing my number to each other or start calling me out of the blues which has happened in the past and isn't a great feeling. I also wasn't trying to start a big fight or a war between another province but I do notice that a lot of people from other provinces (normally Ontario just stating a fact) seem to always have something to say in threads from Manitoba and really have no idea what the situation is but seem to want to let us know what we are doing wrong. In this case like I said I agree in general that it's not a great idea to pass along a girls number who might be retired or not working but the only people who know this girl and if she is working is the pooners in Winnipeg. She might be working but not needing to advertise anymore because she has enough regulars. To me Eraser has been around for long enough and has credibility and maybe he is one of her regulars but lost his phone and doesn't have her number anymore? to me the way he asked the question tells me he's seen her before and probably more than once. Again I'm not trying to start a big fight and I do agree in most cases it's not cool to give out numbers but again under certain situations it may be fine and even as a local pooner I don't know this lady and not sure if it's ok in this situation, so I'm guessing that people from another province and HOURS away probably don't know either. I also think it's a bit of a low blow to say girls don't seem to want to travel to Manitoba and we have all these problems here. We seem to get some pretty good top end traveling girls that come and continue to come back and do well here. We might not get as many traveling girls or have as big of a local scene as some other cities but we are also a lot smaller than other cities so I'm guessing that may be a reason. Even thou we might be a bit smaller of a city/province we still know how to act and probably don't need that much help. Hope this didn't come off too harsh because it's not meant to be but I'm just trying to make a point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 A quick 3 second google search instead of asking for someone to publicly post it here would make this entire thread a moot point. I know because I just did. lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eraser 529 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 I withdraw my go back to work kids.Smh... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 ...I do notice that a lot of people from other provinces seem to always have something to say in threads from Manitoba and really have no idea what the situation is but seem to want to let us know what we are doing wrong. In this case like I said I agree in general that it's not a great idea to pass along a girls number who might be retired or not working but the only people who know this girl and if she is working is the pooners in Winnipeg. She might be working but not needing to advertise anymore because she has enough regulars. **To me** Eraser has been around for long enough and has credibility and maybe he is one of her regulars but lost his phone and doesn't have her number anymore? to me the way he asked the question tells me he's seen her before and probably more than once. Again I'm not trying to start a big fight and I do agree in most cases it's not cool to give out numbers but again under certain situations it may be fine and even as a local pooner I don't know this lady and not sure if it's ok in this situation, so I'm guessing that people from another province and HOURS away probably don't know either. I also think it's a bit of a low blow to say girls don't seem to want to travel to Manitoba and we have all these problems here. We seem to get some pretty good top end traveling girls that come and continue to come back and do well here. We might not get as many traveling girls or have as big of a local scene as some other cities but we are also a lot smaller than other cities so I'm guessing that may be a reason. Even thou we might be a bit smaller of a city/province we still know how to act and probably don't need that much help. Hope this didn't come off too harsh because it's not meant to be but I'm just trying to make a point. This is the most offensive post I've ever read, and I've been around for quite a while... Wow. 1. FYI: As one of the most dangerous profession, we have to hold tight one to another for our own safety. We can't know personnally every SP in Canada, let alone those with multiple names. But there are some none written rules that apply all around the country, and maybe you are given the impression we all come from Canada east (Ont., Qué.), but again, we are more important in number. So it's only an impression due to the ratio. 2. ''To me...'': And who are you? Who are you to decide what's good and what's not for her, or anyone? And even, who says that being around that long is part of her screening? Maybe not... 3. As stated before, this is part of the non-written rule. And being hours away have nothing to do with it. I know I can rely on friends all accross Canada, and so do they. Nelle isn't one of them, but this is a glance at solidarity we have between us. 4. And although I really don't consider myself as a low class provider (not to repeat your term that was huffely offensive), I will not travel in your province anytime soon, if ever. The more financially comfortable escorts can travel for pleasure, and provide services while they are there, or absorb the expenses if a trip doesn't go well. I personnally can't, nor have the time to. I don't quite appreciate the kind of attitude I see, the posts I read. Very few worthy of my attention, honnestly. (Wow! You're lucky! And you didn't even get to pay!) I assume this won't happen again. BTW: I took the liberty of deleting some part of the text, because I too am not looking for a fight. Just sending out a mesage that this was really not appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
timeforchange 726 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 Hi Nelle, I noticed on your public profile resent activity that you were online yesterday. I'm interested in your opinion on this thread since 1 comment by you could stop or fuel the growing flame war. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allin 440 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 This is the most offensive post I've ever read, and I've been around for quite a while... Wow. 1. FYI: As one of the most dangerous profession, we have to hold tight one to another for our own safety. We can't know personnally every SP in Canada, let alone those with multiple names. But there are some none written rules that apply all around the country, and maybe you are given the impression we all come from Canada east (Ont., Qué.), but again, we are more important in number. So it's only an impression due to the ratio. 2. ''To me...'': And who are you? Who are you to decide what's good and what's not for her, or anyone? And even, who says that being around that long is part of her screening? Maybe not... 3. As stated before, this is part of the non-written rule. And being hours away have nothing to do with it. I know I can rely on friends all accross Canada, and so do they. Nelle isn't one of them, but this is a glance at solidarity we have between us. 4. And although I really don't consider myself as a low class provider (not to repeat your term that was huffely offensive), I will not travel in your province anytime soon, if ever. The more financially comfortable escorts can travel for pleasure, and provide services while they are there, or absorb the expenses if a trip doesn't go well. I personnally can't, nor have the time to. I don't quite appreciate the kind of attitude I see, the posts I read. Very few worthy of my attention, honnestly. (Wow! You're lucky! And you didn't even get to pay!) I assume this won't happen again. BTW: I took the liberty of deleting some part of the text, because I too am not looking for a fight. Just sending out a mesage that this was really not appreciated. Well I'm sorry if you think that what I said was that offensive but I don't really see it that way. I don't think you really understand what I was saying because I have 0 idea with the points your trying to make to me? 1. I never said anywhere that all the sp's are coming from Ontario, Quebec etc out east. I said that it seems like a lot of ppl comment from there but not that all the sp's come from there? 2. Your right I'm not in any position to say what's best for her or what she wants but my point is who are you to say what is good for her or what she wants? I don't know her and maybe she doesn't want her number out there but I know a local sp that I've seen for years and she never advertises anymore because she works part time and only see regulars but is totally ok with us contacting her. Maybe that's Nelle's case and maybe not but I trust that the local pooners would use good judgement and help out if that's the case. That seems to be the case here. The demand is so high that a lot (but not all) of the real good locals don't need to or decide not to advertise that much anymore but are still seeing past clients. I don't know if that's the same out in Ontario because I've never been there and don't know what happens there! 3. I have no clue what your saying here? I agree with what you said but I never said anything about this? 4. You took that totally the wrong way my dear! I never called anyone low class at all. My post is there so you can review it again if you want. The point was made that girls didn't seem to want to come here and I said we have many good high class girls coming here? What's wrong with that? We do! I never said you or anyone else weren't nor was it applied? If you don't want to come to Winnipeg because of what's been said then that's your choice but to me the comments you made sounded pretty harsh. If you deleted some of your text because you didn't want to start a fight then I'd hate to see what you wrote because I found your reply to be one of the most offensive I've ever seen! I have no clue what you were trying to say at the end so I can't really comment on that. My main point is that this thread was started from a wpg pooner asking for contact info on a wpg sp from other wpg pooners. To me this doesn't make much sense for ppl that have no real info and aren't even from here to comment on that? There are threads that make sense to open up to everyone but something as simple as asking for contact info doesn't seem to make sense. I took it as ppl feeling like they needed to school us small town dummies proper edicate for pooning? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted April 27, 2016 I found something in the rules and FAQ that says that no hobbiest is allowed to share info on an sp location. I've ask MOD if a phone number was considered as a location, due to its nature of privacy, but received no awnser so far. Curious? I don't post the rules link for a reason. I'll let you check it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted April 28, 2016 With all this said, and discussed in this post with tempers flaring, perhaps going way back to the OP's original request, I might offer the following response: Not good/permitted (or recommended) that one pass along the phone number of the SP ever, however, alternatives might include passing along an email address as contact (we all get spam so no real harm there, provided we are talking about a public, not private, email address), or if someone did have contact info on her, he could pass along the desired message to the SP and she could decide whether/not to initiate contact. The ball should be in her court for contact/release of info, period. I know that I would not want my home address or phone number passed along as public info on this or any other site either. Lets keep it discreet as it is supposed to be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtie 1732 Report post Posted April 28, 2016 Have you got a number? I bet you are sorry you asked lol Lots of opinions from the east from people that probrably have no Idea who Nelle is. Just my 2 cents Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted April 28, 2016 I've asked the MOD yesterday if it was against the rules for a third party to provide such info, without the SP's consent. Here's a copy of the PM I got. Re: Does ''location'' includes phone numbers? ''It would most certainly be a breach of trust andcould compromise a ladies safety so it would be against the rules if posted publicly here'' To see the refference, go in the rules and FAQs, first page, 7th or 8th topic. This whole thread is a moot... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eraser 529 Report post Posted April 28, 2016 I bet you are sorry you asked lol Lots of opinions from the east from people that probrably have no Idea who Nelle is. Just my 2 cents Indeed I am...a faux pas was committed...I wonder which part of withdraw my request was not understood... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted April 28, 2016 Sometimes, we can't understand why a decision is made, a rule is established, or an opinion is strongly deffended. For those who have the time, this is no way to bring this matter into a fight and will be written in the softess words I can find, but it is what lies in my heart. Every day, a service provider is attacked. Everyday she is exposed to various akwards situations, if not dangerous. We are not only bold and beautifull, but also extremely courageous and mentally strong. We are also smart, and make our own decisions (reffering to this thread). We don't always feel the need to fill in with an explanation, as we will never have to justify ourselves on the decision we make. Making this point is extremely important because I would have appreciate a fellow provider to do the same for me. I'm sorry, language is still a barrier, but I think you can understand my point. *Kisses* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nelle 2165 Report post Posted April 28, 2016 Hi eraser, though I appreciate the comments. I'm actually finding that the thread regarding myself literally been highjacked. All I see is that your asking for my contact info, I don't see anywhere that your asking to make public unless I've missed something. Please just start a new thread if people want to continue this topic thanks. To answer your question Eraser, I have decided to put this business on the backburner and go into retirement. I tried to dip my toes in and see how it worked out. It has gone well however it is interfering my personal life and I need to make that a priority first and foremost. I learned that for myself I can't have one foot in, one foot out. I do apologize I haven't answered you earlier. I wasn't really intending on going on this site but it was brought to my attention of the ongoing topic on this thread and I felt like I should intervene and though I really didn't want to publicize my personal business. I felt like I should speak on my own behalf instead of having people whom I'm not familiar with jump in and speak for me. If I do decide to come back. You will be one of the first to know. Additional Comments: Bowtie, you took the words. Right out of my mouth dear. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtie 1732 Report post Posted April 28, 2016 Hi eraser, though I appreciate the comments. I'm actually finding that the thread regarding myself literally been highjacked. All I see is that your asking for my contact info, I don't see anywhere that your asking to make public unless I've missed something. Please just start a new thread if people want to continue this topic thanks. To answer your question Eraser, I have decided to put this business on the backburner and go into retirement. I tried to dip my toes in and see how it worked out. It has gone well however it is interfering my personal life and I need to make that a priority first and foremost. I learned that for myself I can't have one foot in, one foot out. I do apologize I haven't answered you earlier. I wasn't really intending on going on this site but it was brought to my attention of the ongoing topic on this thread and I felt like I should intervene and though I really didn't want to publicize my personal business. I felt like I should speak on my own behalf instead of having people whom I'm not familiar with jump in and speak for me. If I do decide to come back. You will be one of the first to know. Additional Comments: Bowtie, you took the words. Right out of my mouth dear. Good luck Nelle......all the best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted April 28, 2016 I jumped in because sharing SP info, unless the MOD decide to in the dangerous section, from third party, is very important. Nothing else. It's a mix of two rules: 1. A hobbiest can post a link to an ungoing ad as a refferal to ask about a specific SP. Meaning if you don't have one, it will be taken for granted that you do not wish to be contacted at this time. 2. Nobody is allowed to share location info, including a phone number. (see previous post) You can find either ones in the rules and FAQs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites