mod 135641 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 NEW RULES ADDED Bumping Threads and Recommendations What is bumping? Please do not BUMP threads. Bumming is when you post a comment on a thread to BUMP it back to the top of the "New Threads" or the first page of that thread index. BUMPING RECOMMENDATIONS I have been ignoring thank you's posted on peoples recommendations where the thank you is placed within 24 hours of the post. Because this is too hard to police and explain to people I must ask that NO thank you's are posted on recommendations (As some people are abusing this and others see people post thank you's that were done within 24 hours and think it is ok to do). If you wish to thank someone for posting a recommendation that you started or that is about you please PM them a thank you (OR) you can post a thank you on the persons guestbook (Profile) but please DO NOT advertise on peoples guestbooks. BUMPING THREADS If you post something and do not get a reply DO NOT bump the thread to get it more attention or re-post it. Use the search feature as you will probably find the info you are looking for already covered. If it has been 6 months and no one replied you can post a NEW thread asking the same info (If no one replies again consider it a dead subject that no one has interest in discussing on the site. BUMPING ADVERTISEMENTS Q: Sometimes I bump my ads so I don't have to start a new thread. Is this okay? A: That is fine as long as you are following the "Only one advertisement post per 24 hour period" rule. Bumping a previous ad with updated information would be considered a advertisement post for that day. That is a good question so I will add it to the RULE. Guys are NOT permitted to ask the ladies to contact them! Guys. You can ask your fellow cerb members for advise such as "Does anyone know any 7 foot tall women in moncton?" but you can not post "Any ladies 7 feet tall in the moncton area please contact me" (This is considered advertising for ladies to contact you - and is not only lazy it is unacceptable). You can not post stuff like .... "I will be in town for tonight only can any lady who is available tonight email or pm me" (NOT ACCEPTABLE) "If anyone offers BBBJ in this city can you PM me to set up an appointment" (NOT ACCEPTABLE) etc.. etc.. Please DO NOT hijack threads! Hijack threads means you post a completely OFF TOPIC post and take control of the conversation that someone else started. Instead open a NEW thread and NEW TOPIC yourself. This includes posting on someone's ADVERTISING thread. If you are a competitor and you place a comment on someone's advertising thread that would be considered HIJACKING a thread.... and if you advertised yourself on someone else's advertising thread I am sure you will not make any friends. Q: I've commented on occasion on creative ads. I've never seen this as hijacking or bumping is it? A: It's more BUMPING then a Hijacking unless you are including an ADVERTISEMENT of your own (This includes your Signature). ** At this time that has not been a problem. Unless I get valid complaints about such things I will continue to allow that. If you were doing this to "Help" your friend out by bumping her ad to the top others will complain. Posting short comments to boost your post count Posting short comments such as "I didn't know that" and "wow, that is great" and "thanks, I like that" on threads when you are in the moderation period will clearly tip me off as to what your intentions are! Yes, this happens a lot and I catch them! I know these people are posting like this in order to get out of the moderation period (Either to look more creditable or maybe to post recommendations or some other slanderous thing - trying to get it to slip by) This does get noticed by me! I will then put these people on to my WATCH list as I suspect as soon as the moderation period is over they will post a SHILL recommendations or something bad on the site (Slanderous) Just want you all to know I watch for this and if you do this I will PULL your recommendation or posts that you make once out of the moderation period and I will remove the account (but also search the IP to see if I can pinpoint who is doing this) WHY NEW RULES?? I think we are all adults and can distinguish between right and wrong and fair and unfair. I only make rules when people abuse the site and when people bring valid complaints to me. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 Sometimes I bump my ads so I don't have to start a new thread. Is this okay? This includes posting on someone's ADVERTISING thread. If you are a competitor and you place a comment on someone's advertising thread that would be considered HIJACKING a thread.... and if you advertised yourself on someone else's advertising thread I am sure you will not make any friends. I've commented on occasion, especially for ladies like SarahMQ and megforfun who post creative ads. I've never seen this as hijacking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135641 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 Sometimes I bump my ads so I don't have to start a new thread. Is this okay? That is fine as long as you are following the "Only one advertisement post per 24 hour period" rule. Bumping a previous ad with updated information would be considered a advertisement post for that day. That is a good question so I will add it to the RULE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135641 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 I've commented on occasion' date=' especially for ladies like SarahMQ and megforfun who post creative ads. I've never seen this as hijacking.[/quote']It's more of a BUMPING thing then a Hijack thing. At this time that has not been a problem. Unless I get valid complaints about such things I will continue to allow that. I think we are all adults and can distinguish between right and wrong and fair and unfair. If you were doing this to "Help" your friend out by bumping her ad to the top others will complain. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135641 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 UPDATED - ABOVE and on the FAQ & RULES link. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmartnSexy 2089 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 You can ask your fellow cerb members for advise such as "Does anyone know any 7 foot tall women in moncton?" but you can not post "Any ladies 7 feet tall in the moncton area please contact me" I don't know why, I find it hilarious (in a good non sarcastic way) that out of all the cities on the board, you picked Moncton for this statement. Thanks for the updated rules mod, you're right, we should be able to live without them as we're all adults, but sometimes things need to be spelled out for some people. For threadjacking, I had a question as to how tolerant you will be of this. Sometimes (I've been guilty of this myself) someone will post something and someone else will reply with something somewhat related, but that takes the thread in a new direction. Is this acceptable? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 Thank you for your responses, mod. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capital Hunter 18263 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 It is great that we now have these newly added rules in writing for everyone to read and know. I am equally guilty myself as I did unintentionally bump up a recommendation a couple of weeks ago and got a surprise warning from the new cerb moderator :shock: and then I realized that I was not alone in doing so afterwards. Now there is no excuse for anyone to bump up recommendations or advertisements. Thank you mod for having the new rules in writing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 I can see why the rules are in place, if is for those ladies that are not busy and that men continually chat about the ladies that are busy to please stop it. I understand the issue, there is numerous times in schedule announcement or recommendations where gents (even ladies bump a ad of a lady's) because of it is so unique and different then others and continues to be at the top of the schedules and announcement area or rec area. I guess that happens when you hit it off and are popular, you get spoke about. Now with rules in place it may not happen as much anymore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135641 Report post Posted October 21, 2010 For threadjacking, I had a question as to how tolerant you will be of this. Sometimes (I've been guilty of this myself) someone will post something and someone else will reply with something somewhat related, but that takes the thread in a new direction. Is this acceptable? basically... if it gets reported I will review it and see what I think. nothing is ever just black and white. sometimes it's a obvious hijack and others it's just a topic gone astray... unintentionally. if that is the case I try to sort out threads and let people know what they did wrong. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmartnSexy 2089 Report post Posted October 22, 2010 Understood. Thanks mod! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted October 22, 2010 Can some ladies contact me so I can get my posts up by bumping them.....???? heheheheh....sorry... MOD you are very good at what you do and have made it quite clear with each point. on the other side..there goes my chance to make the 3000 post count. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted November 1, 2010 NEW RULES ADDEDBumping Threads and Recommendations What is bumping? Please do not BUMP threads. Bumming is when you post a comment on a thread to BUMP it back to the top of the "New Threads" or the first page of that thread index. BUMPING RECOMMENDATIONS I have been ignoring thank you's posted on peoples recommendations where the thank you is placed within 24 hours of the post. Because this is too hard to police and explain to people I must ask that NO thank you's are posted on recommendations (As some people are abusing this and others see people post thank you's that were done within 24 hours and think it is ok to do). If you wish to thank someone for posting a recommendation that you started or that is about you please PM them a thank you (OR) you can post a thank you on the persons guestbook (Profile) but please DO NOT advertise on peoples guestbooks. BUMPING THREADS If you post something and do not get a reply DO NOT bump the thread to get it more attention or re-post it. Use the search feature as you will probably find the info you are looking for already covered. If it has been 6 months and no one replied you can post a NEW thread asking the same info (If no one replies again consider it a dead subject that no one has interest in discussing on the site. BUMPING ADVERTISEMENTS Q: Sometimes I bump my ads so I don't have to start a new thread. Is this okay? A: That is fine as long as you are following the "Only one advertisement post per 24 hour period" rule. Bumping a previous ad with updated information would be considered a advertisement post for that day. That is a good question so I will add it to the RULE. Guys are NOT permitted to ask the ladies to contact them! Guys. You can ask your fellow cerb members for advise such as "Does anyone know any 7 foot tall women in moncton?" but you can not post "Any ladies 7 feet tall in the moncton area please contact me" (This is considered advertising for ladies to contact you - and is not only lazy it is unacceptable). You can not post stuff like .... "I will be in town for tonight only can any lady who is available tonight email or pm me" (NOT ACCEPTABLE) "If anyone offers BBBJ in this city can you PM me to set up an appointment" (NOT ACCEPTABLE) etc.. etc.. Please DO NOT hijack threads! Hijack threads means you post a completely OFF TOPIC post and take control of the conversation that someone else started. Instead open a NEW thread and NEW TOPIC yourself. This includes posting on someone's ADVERTISING thread. If you are a competitor and you place a comment on someone's advertising thread that would be considered HIJACKING a thread.... and if you advertised yourself on someone else's advertising thread I am sure you will not make any friends. Q: I've commented on occasion on creative ads. I've never seen this as hijacking or bumping is it? A: It's more BUMPING then a Hijacking unless you are including an ADVERTISEMENT of your own (This includes your Signature). ** At this time that has not been a problem. Unless I get valid complaints about such things I will continue to allow that. If you were doing this to "Help" your friend out by bumping her ad to the top others will complain. Posting short comments to boost your post count Posting short comments such as "I didn't know that" and "wow, that is great" and "thanks, I like that" on threads when you are in the moderation period will clearly tip me off as to what your intentions are! Yes, this happens a lot and I catch them! I know these people are posting like this in order to get out of the moderation period (Either to look more creditable or maybe to post recommendations or some other slanderous thing - trying to get it to slip by) This does get noticed by me! I will then put these people on to my WATCH list as I suspect as soon as the moderation period is over they will post a SHILL recommendations or something bad on the site (Slanderous) Just want you all to know I watch for this and if you do this I will PULL your recommendation or posts that you make once out of the moderation period and I will remove the account (but also search the IP to see if I can pinpoint who is doing this) WHY NEW RULES?? I think we are all adults and can distinguish between right and wrong and fair and unfair. I only make rules when people abuse the site and when people bring valid complaints to me. Hi, I am sorry but I don't understand the part of posting short comments? I am not allowed to use the words"wow" and I did not know that...etc. It says that it is for a certain intention? I do not understand.Please be patient with me, I am trying to learn the rules and I am getting confused.Thank you respectfully, Sophia. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted November 2, 2010 Hi, I am sorry but I don't understand the part of posting short comments? I am not allowed to use the words"wow" and I did not know that...etc. It says that it is for a certain intention? I do not understand.Please be patient with me, I am trying to learn the rules and I am getting confused.Thank you respectfully, Sophia. When you post, you'll see that you are unable to post one word comments like "wow" anyways. I believe what the Mod was getting at was people responding to threads by posting a few words just for the sake of getting their post count up and not contributing anything worthwhile to the topic at hand. I don't believe he was banning the use of the word "wow", per se, just not using that a response with no further elaboration. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted November 2, 2010 Sometimes I bump my ads so I don't have to start a new thread. Is this okay? I've commented on occasion' date=' especially for ladies like SarahMQ and megforfun who post creative ads. I've never seen this as hijacking.[/quote'] Just want to say that i agree with you, we should be welcomed to compliment one another. Additional Comments: When you post, you'll see that you are unable to post one word comments like "wow" anyways. I believe what the Mod was getting at was people responding to threads by posting a few words just for the sake of getting their post count up and not contributing anything worthwhile to the topic at hand. I don't believe he was banning the use of the word "wow", per se, just not using that a response with no further elaboration. Thank you so much. And must say now, that I look more closely at the rules I have to laugh at myself! LOL, I will get the hang of this. Additional Comments: Just want to say that i agree with you, we should be welcomed to compliment one another. Additional Comments: Thank you so much. And must say now, that I look more closely at the rules I have to laugh at myself! LOL, I will get the hang of this. I just wanted to add that I think it is funny that people would go to such length to drum up business! Their reputation should hold enough water to not resort to such methods. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135641 Report post Posted November 2, 2010 I just wanted to add that I think it is funny that people would go to such length to drum up business! Their reputation should hold enough water to not resort to such methods. Reputation takes time to build.. most people get into this business with no long term goals in mind (Thinking they will do it for a while and get out) and want to make the most money possible as quick as possible... and therefore building a reputation is often not even a thought. Cerb is more for the seasoned ladies and the ladies who really like working in this business. Ladies who feel that reputation is important and want to build a safe long term business (and remain ethical and have integrity). This is where reputation counts. This is something that is often needed to be learned and many of the ladies jump into this business with no goals but find they like the business and choose to stay... so the ladies who try to short cut and spam market may realize that they do not need to do this (With the help of cerb and sites like .... so lets not be too hard on them... Lets show them that a better alternative exists, lead by example... and show them that the effort is well worth it. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RobX 2084 Report post Posted November 7, 2010 NEW RULES ADDEDBumping Threads and Recommendations What is bumping? Please do not BUMP threads. Bumming is when you post a comment on a thread to BUMP it back to the top of the "New Threads" or the first page of that thread index. I have questions regarding bumping based on an actual example from one of my first posts. One of my first posts was a question I asked in the Newbie section. I did not receive any replies. At the time I thought that it was because no one read the Newbie section, and that I should have posted in the General Section. I waited 3 weeks and then searched for answers to my question on some of the other boards, and posted this info in the thread I had started. This essentially bumped my thread, but since it was in the Newbie section, where there are less threads, the thread was only bumped from the 5th thread from the top to the first. However, my intention was not to bump the thread. I didn't even know what bumping was at the time. My purpose, rather, was to add more info in the hope that it would prompt some replies. Following my second post, I immediately received several replies all addressing the info I posted in my second post, essentially taking exception to this info and setting the record straight. The replies did, however, essentially answer the question I had posted originally. My questions, therefore, are: Q1. Does the no bumping rule apply to the Newbie section as well? Q2. Is adding new relevant information to your own thread, in a follow-up post considered bumping? Q3. Is it realistic to expect a newbie to wait 6 months to re-post if he doesn't receive an answer to a basic question? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted November 7, 2010 (edited) hello, just wanted to thank you for having threads such as this, i will most definatly never do any of the above, and if i have im sorry,honest mistake, im still kinda new to this site and just trying to learn and correct my mistakes, i will be reading the rules very closely, i truly enjoy this site and i would never try to disobey such important rules, this is a very cool family to belong to, and would truly love to be apart of it for a long time. again please accept my apology. from the bottom of my heart. and u can count on me to follow the rules. ... Edited November 7, 2010 by Guest honest mistake. truly didnt mean too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted November 7, 2010 I personally don't think your comments violated any rules, Shay. You were commenting on the reception you had received in Ottawa, and to me this is perfectly fine, unless I'm misinterpreting the rules. It was more than just a "bump" thank you, but a genuine comment, as I see it. It's unfortunate that after getting all these great and well-deserved recommendations, you find yourself apologizing. It's quite possible that I'm not understanding the intent or logic of the new rules, though, but this is how I see it. . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135641 Report post Posted November 7, 2010 My questions, therefore, are: Q1. Does the no bumping rule apply to the Newbie section as well? Yes. All sections. You can tell if the thread is being read (It displays how many people have read each thread) most of the time these are not answered as they have been covered before... if not then no one has anything to say on the subject. Q2. Is adding new relevant information to your own thread, in a follow-up post considered bumping?No, of course not. Big difference between BUMPING a thread to get more attention to it and posting more information on the subject. I would not think anyone would need to ask such a question. Q3. Is it realistic to expect a newbie to wait 6 months to re-post if he doesn't receive an answer to a basic question?Yes! Newbie's need to learn how to use the SEARCH button and how to ask a question properly... to do this they need to spend some time reading posts on the site, exploring the site, making friends on the site, etc... (And reading the rules) most newbie questions have been covered (MANY TIMES) but most people who ask these questions don't even bother searching for the answers first. Thankfully we have some great members that when they have time they will reply to these threads with links to the previous discussion and a comment that the search features is a good place to start. I use to do this but I no longer have time to do it thankfully we have some amazing members here who do find time to help and welcome the newbies and that is what that section is for. The BIG problem however is guys like the obscure fetish guys or the guys looking for service in a specific obscure area (because they do not have a car usually). For instance the guy posting over and over asking for recommendation on anyone working in some remote section of northern Quebec and who can forget DiaperBOy who is looking for a mommy and wants to post every day complaining that no one has given him and suggestions on someone willing to change his crappy diaper. + That is mainly why I needed to make these rules. I personally don't think your comments violated any rules, Shay The comments Shay is referring to were removed. When someone gets a warning or a infraction 99% of the time the offending post is removed. Shay commented on her own recommendation thread. As explained above I use to ignore these if the thank you was done within 24 hours (even 48 hours) but when people were commenting a few weeks later and BUMPING the thread back to the top of the recommendations with the thank you's it was making many people mad. Some were just randomly commenting on the threads as well to bump them... it's too hard to police now with the 24/48 hour leeway and this was hard to explain and confused people (Basically made it even harder to police) so the rule was made that NO commenting on the recommendations is permitted by the ladies (If they wish to thank the guy post on his guestbook or by PM - then no one gets accused of bumping a recommendation thread) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted November 7, 2010 Thanks for the clarification, mod. Understood. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hotguy1967 100 Report post Posted October 2, 2011 these are good rules and rules should be followed. im new to this and still trying to figure my way around but i like rules and try to follow them. thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piano8950 32577 Report post Posted August 2, 2013 Please DO NOT hijack threads! Hijack threads means you post a completely OFF TOPIC post and take control of the conversation that someone else started. Instead open a NEW thread and NEW TOPIC yourself. Yeah, I've been guilty on this. Considering some of the recent threads that popped up (one in particular), I think a few members might want to read this rule again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted August 2, 2013 One thing, if you "leave comment, rep points", it does not bump up the thread. So, my understanding on Reco's, if you leave it as a comment, instead of replying, you are not bumping. Am I correct? That's ok right? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135641 Report post Posted August 2, 2013 That is correct, your welcome to use the leave a comment icon to thank people for the info (it will not BUMP the thread and will give the guy some rep points rewarding him for the nice comment and info provided). I would encourage the use of this from both the ladies (as a thanks) and the other guys (who found value in what was added). 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites