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Fines for too short miniskirts & too much cleavage

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I hope these Italian laws never come to Canada!



"Women who wear skirts that are considered too short or who show too much cleavage face fines of up to 500 euros ($714 Cdn) under new rules to be introduced by an Italian town.



Castellammare di Stabia, near Naples, intends to prohibit women from wearing provocative clothing and also wants to ban men and women from wearing low-slung jeans as part of a list of 41 new rules that "every good citizen must respect".



The centre-Right mayor, Luigi Bobbio, said it was all part of an effort to "restore urban decorum and improve coexistence".



Playing football in parks and gardens and swearing in public will also be banned under new regulations to be put forward for approval at a council meeting on Monday.



Italy has become entangled in a web of petty rules and regulations in the past two years, after the government of Silvio Berlusconi gave councils extra powers to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. Across the nation, towns have banned activities such as building sandcastles and feeding stray cats."












































Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/Italian+women+face+euro+fine+wearing+miniskirts/3711941/story.html#ixzz137DKBwKT

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You know the world has gone mad when you're in Italy and can't enjoy a nice game of football in the park and admire a beautiful woman walking past in a short skirt. I would assume that is a way of life for many Italian men, to outlaw it should be a crime in itself!


And banning making sandcastles! What will the kids do now?


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You know the world has gone mad when you're in Italy and can't enjoy a nice game of football in the park and admire a beautiful woman walking past in a short skirt. I would assume that is a way of life for many Italian men, to outlaw it should be a crime in itself!


You know Italy is not the only one that has gone mad, though very tragic. I remember in my childhood seeing young girls and women going to school or walking by on the streets wearing mini skirts (and I was preying for wind lol), and now the new reactionary backwards law forces them to cover neck to toe. I hate it when someone steals the power, claims to be God or represent God, abuses power and tries to enforce his own moral standard upon other people. Religion has always been destructive and abusive in the history of the mankind (no pun intended as usually religion has been a lot more abusive to women than men lol)

Edited by S*****t Ad*****r

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Guest S**a*Q

I do think that this is a horrible rule for ADULTS. However, I was appaled at what high school girls are wearing now, when I worked retail near two high schools in Orleans.


Holy crap, I NEVER dressed like that when I was in school... Mind you, I didn't LOOK like that in high school either... I think that kids are having to sexually mature too quickly, either cause of peers, media or what have you. *(Although they are forced to mature sexually, I don't think the emotional and mental aspects of sexuality are up to par...)


I think that schools should definitely implement something like that to try to keep our children what they are... Simply Children.

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Yes but Sara what you are talking about is legislating morality versus asking people to be responsible parents, they are entirely different things. People should be responsible for their children and what they see, wear, and what they expose them to and when, I agree with that, however to ask the government to censor that and to legislate it for everyone I do not agree with, I believe it is up to the individual adult to be responsible for their own actions and for individual parents to be responsible for the actions of their children, the government should not dictate our sexuality which includes the clothing we wear. Of course this is just my opinion and I respect that everyone has the right to their own (bring back the sanity ;) ) but I do believe legislating our skirt lengths, what shirts a woman wears, etc. goes to far, it speaks of of an inherent sexism in our culture that should not be tolerated.

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I do think that this is a horrible rule for ADULTS. However, I was appaled at what high school girls are wearing now, when I worked retail near two high schools in Orleans.


Bring back uniforms.

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Guest S**a*Q
Bring back uniforms.


That's one of the issues...

One of the schools had uniforms, but the girls would reef their skirts up to higher than thigh height...


Seuxuality is much too rampant in the youth of today.

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Scary! I recently read that 13% of Germans want to bring back a Furher and now Italy is moving forward socialist policies like this. I totally agree that people should be able to express themselves without government regulation as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Every generation disapproves what their kids wear and how they wear it and that is probably healthy! Just my $0.02!!

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