someguy 67067 Report post Posted June 7, 2016 The question should be why not? This is a recommendation board with many people looking for information about various women on Cerb and on other boards. If one has a good time with a woman, Why not post a recommendation here, so that other men feel safe to see this woman. I tend to visit women here that have more then one recommendation here. The few times that I went because the pictures looked good, were not great sessions. But the women that I have met here that had great recommendations, gave me more confidence in taking a chance with them. The women that consistently had many recommendations were usually the best. Except for a very few women that I have met thru Most of them have been great dates and many I still see or keep contact with till this date :) There are many great women that deserve a recommendation, it only takes a few minutes to compose one. It does not have to be explicit, but just a description of her features, and whether you had a good time and would or would not repeat. Many of the new women that start here wonder why they don't get clients after a few weeks of advertising here. Mostly it is because they don't have a recommendation and men don't like to venture into the unknown. I know that most women are thrilled to get a recommendation. I've been told that some of the MA's are very happy to get there first positive recommendation. To them it is feedback and validation that they are real and that they give great service. A few good recommendations is all it takes to get make some of these girls popular so that they can make a living doing this. It also gives Cerb members confidence in meeting these women, knowing that it is not a B&S and that she is real and delivers great service. I've had many women pm afterwards to thank for me writing them a great recommendation. If I enjoy myself, they will usually get a good recommendation. And if I really enjoy myself, they usually get a great recommendation and many repeats from me :) The downside to me writing a great recommendation, is that the girl sometimes get so busy. They don't have time to see me :( when i do last minute bookings. But if I book ahead they usually save me a spot :) So do us and the women a favour and write a recommendation if you have met a woman that you think deserves it. 21 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted June 10, 2016 Just wanted to know, what it would it take for you to post a recommendation if you already haven't posted one before? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LadyMichelle 730 Report post Posted June 10, 2016 As a sp I also find it benefits the gentlemen as well. Often when I am considering meeting a gentlemen it can make me feel safer about meeting with him. It is very common that I check if the gentlemen has made any recommendation to reputable ladies. I feel much more comfortable seeing a lyla gentlemen that has some history on here ;). 13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterat 20911 Report post Posted June 12, 2016 I attempt to post reco's a couple of days before a lady is advertising that she has availability. Reco's, just like all other posts, tend to get bumped down the list so I have to guess that a current reco is most helpful to the lady when she is currently available. Ladies? 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted June 13, 2016 As long as they're not too explicit alls good! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31750 Report post Posted June 13, 2016 I most defiantly appreciate when a gentlemen leaves a positive reco after our time makes me feel appreciated and that he enjoyed seeing me and it is also very helpful for other gentlemen looking for a reputable lady 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikeyboy 27134 Report post Posted June 14, 2016 I normally try to post reccos when I have enjoyed myself. I feel it is my way to help the lady out with her business when deserving, as well as to give back to the other gents, and to this site for all of the helpful information I have been given over the years. Communities like this are give and take. It's only right that I give back when I can. If everyone was here simply to get information and not share their own experiences, it wouldn't be much of a site. Nobody would win. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted June 18, 2016 I normally try to post reccos when I have enjoyed myself. I feel it is my way to help the lady out with her business when deserving, as well as to give back to the other gents, and to this site for all of the helpful information I have been given over the years. Communities like this are give and take. It's only right that I give back when I can. If everyone was here simply to get information and not share their own experiences, it wouldn't be much of a site. Nobody would win. I agree with your post. I feel obligated to give back and to show my appreciation to the ladies with whom I have had a great time. That said, I certainly don't write a reco. for every encounter I have had and enjoyed. For one reason or another, there are many times some ladies will prefer that no reco. be written when I offer to write one, and I certainly respect their wishes. There are unusual circumstances sometimes when I feel especially compelled to write one. This has happened recently when an out-of-town lady finally gave in to many (mine included!) requests and visited this city. For her, making her visit worthwhile so she would come back again was another reason ( to post a reco.) besides the good time I had with her. One last note - I normally take a lot more time than a few minutes to compose a reco. as someguy alluded to in his previous post. I do feel that the time I have spent is well worth it for the lovely ladies I have met.:grin: 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InfiniteJest 187 Report post Posted June 24, 2016 As a newbie I think you do it because when you discover the review process you are so very thankful for it. It's only polite to return the favor. It really helps everyone involved. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted June 29, 2016 If you had a good time, you should really take the time to post a recommendation. The girls really appreciate it as it brings attention to them and it will lead other members here meet them. Plus for the members, it tells us that the girl is real, as advertise and worth seeing. a Win Win situation for both parties. There are a lot of competition out there and it is difficult to pick some one these days, that is real and dependable and not a bait and switch. I've been luck and have had great experiences with the ones that have been recommended here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xoxCarmen 340 Report post Posted July 21, 2016 I appreciate a reco and I also appreciate a client who bothers to post them A good reco brings me better business and a client who posts recos is gret for me as I can see if we are a good fit ahead of time. I feel like they benefit everyone. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted July 21, 2016 Yes I forgot about that. When you have posted a recommendation. It allows the woman to verify that you are a member of Lyla. That you have seen another lady here that she may contact as a reference. And by reading your post, she can decide whether to see you or not. I've had many women thank me for my recommendations as it does help them meet new clients. And I've had many members here thank me for my recommendations as it has helped them to decide to see the woman. So it is a Win - Win situation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted July 21, 2016 I'm on the other side of the fence.....Last thing I want are 27 pages of recommendations. Especially when it is the same person posting over and over - I get it, you like her, but when someone posts over and over, about the same person, it's almost obsessive. I hate descriptive recommendations. Whether it is about me, or someone else. This is not the Penthouse Forum - I know of some that go over the top. She did not hang from the the ceiling. Yes, it might have felt that way, but reign it in a bit. I met her, she was fantastic (amazing, beautiful, talented...), I will see her again. Thats about all you really need to say. Please, do not rate her like a cut of beef. F: 5/10, B: 8/10, A: 6/10. This is not the Olympics - these women are humans. It cuts when someone rates anyone. Then rates someone else better, but comes back to see the original lady - I really like you, so, can I come over? So, you rated her better then me, but you want to see me now. What, is she unavailable now? Or worse, F: 10/10, B: 10/10, A: 10/10. So, are you now shilling or bragging? I know Lyla does not allow ratings - thank you Mod. However, I see on other sites - they can be brutal. I also understand that for someone starting out, recommendations are so important. However, don't ever ask for someone to post a recommendation so they can get a discount the next time. It's fake and phoney. I've had guys ask if they could post a recommendation for me, and declined them. I would rather no recommendations, then someone who has never posted before on any site, post "I just had the most amazing experience of my life". Guys see through that. I see new girls that have 10 reviews (other sites) from new guys - first post. She then posts "I asked them to post a review". It doesn't work. Give it time - the recommendations will come. xo 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aficionado 993 Report post Posted July 21, 2016 Well I just posted my first reco based on my first experience. I think I was sensitive, thoughtful, and discreet. I really hope it doesn't have any negative connotations. It was a great first experience and I'd like to share in case it encourages others who may be intimidated or reluctant to initiate a first encounter. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted July 27, 2016 I'm totally with Meaghan on this one. Multiple recommendations by the same person of the same SP or MA every session they have seems obsessive to me. Personally I get a weird 'trophy vibe' from it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spitflyer 1311 Report post Posted July 27, 2016 As someone very new to this hobby, I can't imagine being in the game without the shared recos from those in the know. It would scare me off. I truly appreciate the time and effort that hobbyists make to help me make informed choices. It means that when I make a visit I go with anticipation rather than trepidation. Thanks to all. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 I find the recommendations lately are more like other board 'reviews' and are getting quite raunchy which is creepy and disturbing imo. Has Mod relaxed the rules or maybe he's on summer holidays? ;) Either way it's pretty surprising 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 I attempt to post reco's a couple of days before a lady is advertising that she has availability. Reco's, just like all other posts, tend to get bumped down the list so I have to guess that a current reco is most helpful to the lady when she is currently available. Ladies? Not sure if it makes a.difference "when" a person posts...but obviously current ones will garner more attention/validity than ones from a year ago :) As to posting one when you know someone is available...hehe How do you know? ;) Most of my lovely reco's (and thank you again gents...always appreciated. ..) are left once they have seen me...within a day or so of their session. To me...that makes.sense. ...and although I realise some may find it 'silly' to post repeatedly even after the first times, those can also be a tremendous help...perrrrrhaps something stuck out in a more.recent.scenario. ...something was al... it's *not* something one.needs to do *every* time lol...certainly not....*that* would get a bit nuts <grin>....but.. any/all recommendations. ..on a *recommendation board* <grin> show the provider you enjoyed yourself...and to ease the.mind of someone who may be sitting uncomfortably 'on the fence' (and after a while.of sitting there.....that post has *got* to be a bit painful hehe) On behalf of all of us ladies here....thank you...for all the reco's, lovely words...and times, pointing out things that maybe could be improved upon....all of it is perrrfectly lovely and appreciated <3 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted August 20, 2016 If I have had a good experience, a recommendation is part of how I express my appreciation to the lady I've seen. Her permission is a prerequisite for my posting anything. There's a difference between a recommendation and a review. A review puts the client in the position of a critic, like a movie or restaurant reviewer. There's an assumption of authority implicit in that, an entitlement to grade, rate and itemize aspects of an experience as though it was simply a product. Because of the nature of this industry, it is nearly impossible to distinguish between an experience and the person who provided it, and the entitled position of the reviewer becomes distasteful and troubling. Then there are the smug, self-congratulatory penthouse letter style reviews which really boil down to something akin to public masturbation. Those are just middle school bragging sessions. A recommendation doesn't have the same connotations to me at all. You simply get to say that you think someone is terrific. It's a thank you to them, and potentially beneficial to their business. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OceanMassage 5357 Report post Posted August 20, 2016 Maybe it would help if we'd say what we find apposite in terms of recommendations... Here are my thoughts about it: If it is after another poster has asked a question about a lady then answer the question from your perspective. Eg: "I" love sweet but bratty ladies, I find xyz just kills me with kindness yet manage to keep me on my toes. "I'm a shy guy, abc was wonderful at putting me at ease from the get go as she had a great smile and no rush attitude." Unless you have repeatedly been seing a lady, remember to anchor your comment in time: She had a great smile, she took the time to... Rather than She is a lot of fun, she's insatiable. You do not know if what you are bringing up is a constant. Regardless of it being a positive or negative element, you do not know if it is a trait. You can only comment on YOUR experience. If it is to contribute to the community and thank the lady after you had a lovely time with her then here are some pointers: Keep it short Focus on one or two elements that stood out for you and briefly puttin it in context: "I was having a bad day she made me feel like an old friend I could talk to. She managed to lift my spirits and send me off ready to face it all." "It was my second time with her. I believe I mentionned I craved gummy bears the first time we met. When I walked into the room after my shower, she was lying in bed sprinkled with gummy bears!" Life is full of unforseen situations or obstacles; how was one of those handled? We all have different perceptions on what is ponctual, clean, safe, comfortable so unless you can describe those objectively (within 5 min of apt, freshly showered, well-lit parking, firm yet plush mattress, etc) its better not to mention them. Finally, tell if "I would go again" or "if so and so is something you enjoy, I recommand this lady". 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted August 21, 2016 A recommendation is saying someone is good and deserves to be chosen. It's usually short and sweet. A review is more involved and we're supposed to just recommend on here. It's a good philosophy to follow. When I first joined and met a few ladies, I didn't write a rec as it seemed weird in this context. Since then I have provided a few recommendations for ladies I've met but the weirdness still lingers a bit. Personally, I don't put much stock in a recommendation as they are so subjective. What someone else enjoys, I may not. I prefer to check pics and read their posting history and then take a leap of faith. In a few cases where I decided to act based on a recommendation primarily, the experience wasn't really my cup of tea. Sticking to reliable sites is the best recommendation for a good experience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tempted Monk 5057 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 ..... Please, do not rate her like a cut of beef. F: 5/10, B: 8/10, A: 6/10. This is not the Olympics - these women are humans. It cuts when someone rates anyone. Then rates someone else better, but comes back to see the original lady - I really like you, so, can I come over? So, you rated her better then me, but you want to see me now. What, is she unavailable now? Or worse, F: 10/10, B: 10/10, A: 10/10. So, are you now shilling or bragging? ..... xo I completely agree with Meaghan - all these ratings just don't have any sense, it is too personal. I never write this sort of reviews with ratings or too explicit details. I write recommendations not often, only when I had really good and distinguished experience. I understand, it is just my personal opinion. And in my recommendation, I try to express the general feeling about this date, give some ideas about Lady's personality, describe what impressed me the most. From my recent observations, writing good recommendation can have interesting side effects: - A couple of PMs from Ladies offering some discount if I turn to be in their area. And no strings attached - I don't need to write recommendation. - Was asked after the date if I am still seeing that girl (I wrote recommendation for). Positive aspect here - the Lady has taken some efforts to know me, have read my recommendations/ posts. But definitely some comparison was expected in my answer - positive of course, I am here and not there. - One young Lady asked me after the date to give her some suggestions regarding improving her service and mentioned my recommendation as a target. It looks like posting recommendations can lead to interesting experience :-) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 A recommendation helps the woman gain new customers and the client to know that she is real and not a bait and switch. All experiences a YMMV and depends on chemistry and connection. Not all sessions are the same. But the most important fact is that she is real and as advertise and is safe. Don't need to put in the details of the encounter. But just the fact that you left happy and would or not not repeat. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BossMan44 606 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 In any service-oriented business, reviews/referrals do make a major difference. I really love seeing ladies who I've had a great time with getting positive reviews from others. They pour so much physical generosity into their work that it deserves to be recognized and shared with others. And although every interaction is subjective and personal, there really is such a variation between experiences on offer, ranging from the uncomfortable and unfortunate to the mechanical to experiences that leave you with a glow for days afterwards that it's worth sharing those blissful experiences so that others may experience them too. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mister T 45020 Report post Posted September 9, 2016 Similarly, from a few years ago: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites