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chloe-should have listened

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Guest newtohere

just joined this board but have lerked same with another site. i hve read all about chloe so decided to book an appointment for tonight at 9 and this was done on monday. thne i get an email from her saying what is your cell number and i told her i dont have one( i dont). so she says can you confirm by 12 on friday to my number and i told her i am a professional and have clients but can call at 5 or 5 30 she says ok then i get another email confirming our appointment at 5 pm for today, when i email her back and tell her that its 9 all she says sorry that times book that stuff happens. so i have changed my plans for tonight and now she changes everything.

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sorry to hear that..I have seen Chloe when she was working with PK and I didn't have no problems booking her since I saw her twice there. I've heard that she is not really reliable when it comes to booking, but you can still try again..if she flakes out again then she is dandruff material and just brush it off.


I myself have been having hard times booking a special lady who I want to see and hopefully I will be able to soon hehe. (btw its not her fault...its just the timing) But I'll get it right.

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Most SPs these days have more inquiries than they can possibly book -- do you blame anyone for taking those who seem like a sure thing first?


If you want to see this lady, I suggest you be persistent. It's been busy lately, but hopefully if you're nice and make a good impression on her, she'll find some space for you.


Good luck!



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I met her several times and she is great..

We (the Sp's and men) all reschedule at times. It happens...

I think you should try again.. :)

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New to CERB..


I disagree with missed appointments. While it is true that some SPs have a larger following and may have trouble keeping appointments straight, that's not an excuse. I had made a number of changes to my schedule to meet Chloe. Both times, she was a no show.


First attempt was for a 9am appointment. Called her from the lobby as she instructed. Over a dozen calls and an hour later, it was time to cut my lost time and get back to work. I contacted later and asked her what the issue was. She said she slept in. Ok, stuff happens. Decided to book for a week later.


Same deal, different hotel. This time, a noon appointment. Again, called from the lobby, and her voice mailbox was full. 45 minutes later, it was time to get along.


Two attempts, and stood up twice.. both without prior notification.. both without any regard to my lost time.


So I ask... how many attempts are there in being "persistent"? If I cancelled on clients in such a manner, I wouldn't be in business too long. Time is a precious commodity, and regardless of your financial status, one cannot buy more time. Chloe wasted my time twice. Twice at bat... there won't be a third attempt.


Good SPs respect clients' time. I have met a number of SPs here in Ottawa and Montreal in the last 15 years. In all that time, in all those appointments, only Chloe has been a no-show...


I have no doubt that other clients have had a decent time with Chloe. My post here (and on another board) is done without malice. Fortunately, there are other more reliable SPs in town.



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Guest HotStuffHeidi

I love Chloe.

She is my best friend and she will never be dandruff meterial, ever.


Sure it is hard to get ahold of her sometimes, but she is a really genuine and caring person.. and not everyone is perfect?


Everyone has their problem, and everyone has their own story.


Would you rather see a bitch who has no problem with being punctual, or a down to earth and kind girl who may have some problems with organization (I love with her.. her phone DOES ring OFF THE HOOK) thats what you guys DONT see.


Sometimes we do have to turn it off, we may be SP's.. but we are women who sometimes want to live regular lives too, just like you guys.


Shes really worth getting a hold of and getting to know, if you dont feel the same way then I am deeply sorry that you feel that way.

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As I said about Chloe before, she's done the exact same to me.....then was totally unapologetic with a couldn't care less attitude. So I decided to say "same to you"...there's quality, respectful and professional SPs out there....you don't need to put up with this from Chloe.

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Guys, I agree with Heidi, Chloe is a very friendly and warm lady. I am convinced that she really does not mean to stand you up. She must have had her reasons.

We missed a couple of times but we met over five times since..

Guys be patient and cool about it. Being with her is worth it.. :)

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Guest Sy**

I've seen this before, people with less than 5 posts suddenly appear with negitive information. As a rule, you should post some good stuff for awhile if you want to have credibility on this RECOMMENDATION board.


Obviously from my tone I'm not neutral. Only saw Chloe once late last year but I had no hassle or cancelations. In fact the last time I tried to hook up with her I had to cancel the day before. She was definetly my cup of tea though, perhaps just a bit young for me.

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Guest newtohere

sysy3333 , first off i just found this site. i don't see many sp as i don't have lots of time. maybe being a little older means i look at things different. i was brought up that your word means something. i emailed her after the appointment asking what happened and never got a response . Heidi i dont know chloe and didn't say she wasnt caring etc. she is unreliable and takes peoples time for granted. i was supposed to fly home on friday but put it over 1 night to stay in ottawa to see her. I will not try again and obviously she doesnt care just letting other people know that there is a good chance she wont show

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Guest Sy**



I hear what you are saying, dude. I'd be pissed too if I'd arranged to that degree and experienced last min failure like that.


I'm thinkin though we underestimate how many e-mails some of the ladies get. Doesn't help you though.

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Chloe's website acknowledges that there have been issues with booking.


I was providing a factual account of my two attempts at meeting up with Chloe. My post was done without malice. Just providing information - as defined by "recommend a service provider to others with a positive review or request for information". As I didn't have a review to offer, I was providing information.


And yes, I am new to this board. I have failed to connect the dots what being "new" has to do with providing information.



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Guest newtohere

sysy3333 i imagine she gets lots or calls and emails, that has nothing to do with this. when someone makes an appointment you write down, in a book on the computer etc. the facts thats she gets a lot of requests doensnt change the fact that as others have reported, she is unreliable and doesnt care as the next guy will pay.


just letting the next guy know that there is a good chance she will bail. now when clients do that to there sp's it is just as bad.

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Guest Sy**



Its not hard to connect the dots.


Its nothing personal. New=not established= may be viewed with sceptisism if comment negative or overly positive. Unfortunatly, you don't have to dig too hard on this board where ppl have come on with new accounts with remarks that have an agenda.


I'm done, shutting up now.

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