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Why does it seem that Torontonians dont use Lyla much?

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I cant help but wonder why Toronto doesn't seem to take advantage of lyla. I know there is another board but what about this one? Is it a cultural difference between Ottawa and TO? Ottawa was a section on the other board but why isn't it reciprocated? I came here to see whats new and other than just one post, there was my old one from quite a while ago. Any insight or speculation?

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Guest st*****ens**ors

It's very tricky to nudge a board's demographics. At the moment Lyla has a strong Ottawa focus, a moderate Maritime focus, and a smaller Winnipeg focus. Because most posts pertain to those areas, Lyla tends to attract users from those areas. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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the T, M, P erb boards are more local to specific regions of Canada.


Lyla is nationwide.


Also may be due that lyla is a recommendation boards, not a review board, when the others are...so for clients some of them like to be able to read actual reviews that may be negative or more graphic

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I would agree with the above observations.


When I was in Ottawa, I found Lyla, then CERB, (now Lyla again) very informative, and very community focused on both hobbyists and providers, in Ottawa, and nationally.


Now that I have re-located to the GTA, I have had to rely on another board, more locally focused. It is more 'review' versus 'recommendation' focused, I would think that other larger metros would be the same.


I do miss the spirit of this board - I hope it continues, especially with input from

providers that care about their clients, as well as other peers in the industry.

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I think Layla fills avoid where the other boards don't fill.


Ottawa was not really representative by the other boards so that's why I think there is such a high amount of people from Ottawa.


Same with the maritimes, not really representative by the other boards.


Layla may be nationwide but not really... Three main areas, as mentioned.


Those other boards have been around awhile so may be the go to boards.


Too bad there's not more participation from other regions... Maybe it will change.

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i wish it was different as well.


The fact that sps can post ads for free, and participate in discussion forums should be a no brainer to maintain a presence. Where the sps post, and participate, clients usually follow.


but the dilemma is if the clients are not already here then the sps don't stay, and around it goes again.

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A couple reasons I would suggest.

(1) there are several other forums that exist including TERB that have more Toronto content.

(2) There is relatively few SP from Toronto who use Lyla; there is a critical mass from Ottawa, but not from Toronto.


I'm based in Toronto, but I do sometimes go to Ottawa so Lyla is convenient for me. Also I like the no negative reviews thing and I like the friendly interactions you get between SP and hobbiests on Lyla as a result.


Ooops heading should read "NOT using LYLA". Sorry.

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Correction: In my OP I said 'Ottawa was a section on the T-board' but it should read, 'Ottawa HAS a section'...stupid fingers!


  Malika Fantasy said:
the T, M, P erb boards are more local to specific regions of Canada.


Lyla is nationwide.


Also may be due that lyla is a recommendation boards, not a review board, when the others are...so for clients some of them like to be able to read actual reviews that may be negative or more graphic



Yeah I know lyla is nationwide while others are more focused on specific areas, but I don't know, if I were a client Id want nationwide access given that so many girls travel.


I also get the fact that they are review boards whereas this is strictly recommendation (plus I know the censors resulted in many users ditching lyla all together which is unfortunate) but from what Ive noticed of Ottawa gents is that they use both. The T-board has an Ottawa section allowing the a spot to report unhappy times but they use lyla to see who are the best. Sort of a both extremes of the spectrum to take in on who is who. I just don't understand why TO seems so much more inactive than other areas that have their own boards. (Montreal as well, although this maybe due to language.) Not that I travel all that much yet, but from what I see it seems areas with their own boards still have active lyla sections... Maybe because the P-board isn't specific to just one city but several and that's the dif? Same with M-board covering the maritimes as well but is specific to Mtl, and the T-board covering Ottawa but is specific to TO. *shrug* personally I would use both in selecting an SP. Oh well. C'est la vie. Thanks for your input beautiful!


Additional Comments:

  NTF69 said:

I do miss the spirit of this board - I hope it continues, especially with input from

providers that care about their clients, as well as other peers in the industry.


I totally agree with u about the spirit of this board. I recon the best way to encourage activity is for those of us who are still on it, to continue using it. When I was in GTA I was posting here too and I didn't have to renew my ad because there were so few for GTA. I think its reciprocal to an extent. Newcomer hobbyists visit and see that there are barely any ads and very few posts of any kind and eventually don't return. Maybe if the few of us around were more active, it would attract new comers and may win back those who left? I'm going to always post on lyla for any city I'm in, active or not. Not only in hopes that it will help revive it but also because it is well worth it. When I was in GtA I was staying by the airport. I got contacted by someone from out east who only knows lyla and had never heard of the T-board. Had I 'not bothered' (sounds so harsh, hence the quotes lol) to post, I would've never met a wonderful person. I'm really hoping the more who use it the more will and I think it starts with the SPs. If there are no ads, the gents don't have much cause to check it out or post reccos.. they'd be posting reccos of ladies who don't advertise here or aren't even members.


Thanks for your insight!


Additional Comments:

  fortunateone said:
i wish it was different as well.


The fact that sps can post ads for free, and participate in discussion forums should be a no brainer to maintain a presence. Where the sps post, and participate, clients usually follow.


but the dilemma is if the clients are not already here then the sps don't stay, and around it goes again.

Perhaps its up to us to not only post in these regions but even go as far as to mention this board to those we meet? Meaning gents we book when in these cities as well as fellow SPs we speak to on twitter or the other boards... I think I'll start doing that. Every bit helps right?

The point about lyla having a free advertising option is a good one! The other boards are ridiculously expensive for short periods of time (actually..in fairness many sites are far worse) The fact that its free should have SPs from EVERY city posting here.. which is why I was so surprised to see barely any ads for TO on here. I don't know if SPs just don't know about it or if they see its inactive and don't bother...making the inactivity reciprocal as u say, around it goes again. Le Sigh...


Additional Comments:

  nntsci said:
A couple reasons I would suggest.

(1) there are several other forums that exist including TERB that have more Toronto content.

(2) There is relatively few SP from Toronto who use Lyla; there is a critical mass from Ottawa, but not from Toronto.


I'm based in Toronto, but I do sometimes go to Ottawa so Lyla is convenient for me. Also I like the no negative reviews thing and I like the friendly interactions you get between SP and hobbiests on Lyla as a result.


Ooops heading should read "NOT using LYLA". Sorry.


I'm glad u mentioned this as it confirms what I thought of above in reply to another's post. I think u r right. I think its up to the SPs to make the section more active mention it to those they meet or talk to (hobbyists and other SPs alike) and the gents would follow. The other areas do have sections on the T, M and P boards and they are very active as well as lyla.. well the Ottawa section in T board is at least, I don't know about the others. Hmmm seems we may have found a solution here by putting our heads together! Thanks everyone! Hopefully, we can change this and make lyla truly be nationwide. :-)



So I guess the lesson here is we SPs need to bump up Lyla's prevalence in these cities by posting in their sections and telling locals about this fantastic place we know of.


Thanks to all of u who contributed. U all had great insight and If theres any more, pls keep sharing. We need all the help we can get! lol

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This lack of a Toronto presence could be useful for a smart lady like yourself, Jessy, if lyla watchers come from other parts of the country and find you here, but not a traffic jam of other sp's!

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By posting more here of experiences. I have pretty much stuck to T board for my trip reports etc but used other boards when I was more active in Hamilton and Niagara Falls long ago. But I will try and remember to post here on upcoming tour. Some of us go back more than a decade and have habits of what boards we post on i.e. I have almost 2000 posts on T and I am not even in Canada but have a "following" for my somewhat unique interests in trip reports.


A couple reply points.

I avoid traveling gals at home or in Canada simply since if really "connect" with someone may want to see them again in a home city or where I travel to. I know Toronto very well - especially for my interests more than just typical escort interaction - and have friends there so that is where I have gone for like 20 years.


Negative honest ads are very helpful for an analytical like me (CPA background). For months before my trips I do a pre trip spreadsheet of potentials or who to avoid. Since I have a physical preference (slim to medium build, natural breasts no larger than C and less defined "attraction." However, even more important is personality and sensuality (not just sex acts done) which comes from reviews. Negative reviews as well as positive help in the selection often from the many choices of agency or body rub websites.

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This site is great for general discussion and advertising for the flesh trade.


However, there are better alternatives for real world reviews of service providers. Sites the provide both positive and NEGATIVE experiences.

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Lyla was the first escort board I joined. It is a great community no doubt. Shortly after a week of being a member I decided to see about the other board. It is not as much of a community but does have a higher participation do to it's quantity of users.


Since I am a punter who truly enjoys variety and that the other board does reviews as opposed to just recommendations, I have found the other board to be more informative for my aforementioned purpose. I do tend to spend more time on Lyla and I do enjoy reading Lyla recommendations but unfortunately it seems that very few punters post them (respectfully, such is their choice). When I am seeking someone new to visit I can go to the other board and sometimes find pages of info about a specific SP containing good and/or bad and/or neutral feedback. If the provider is fairly new on the scene, one can start a thread about that SP and have a higher chance of gathering info, again, because of the higher amount of users and participation. The feedback can contain good, bad or neutral information which are all helpful in forming a decision.


In the aspect of fun and attitude of members I do prefer Lyla. Fun threads and somewhat off topic threads are entertaining; however, as opposed to the other board I find Lyla does lack in overall SP information. In saying all this, I have come to think that there is no perfect escort board.

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This certainly seems like a more civil alternative to T.E.R.B. which is often full of petty arguments and name calling. I will be using it more often now that I have found it.

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