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Wed is Delightful Duo Day!

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Guest S****r

Care to spend time with not just one, but TWO sexy women?

Many of you have requested that I bring in a friend.


Well.......I listened!

And Wednesday is your day to finally tick it off your bucket list!


Cost is $440 for an hour of "wow!"

You KNOW we won't disappoint.

We guarantee you will leave with a grin on your face.


Only want a massage? We can do that, too. No problem!



If that is too much for you,

I can still see you alone.

She will go take a dip in the pool while we have our fun.


So either way----you know who to contact:

Sensuous Summer

[email protected]



Note: The silhouette of two women is not a silhouette of her and me. It is just to represent two lovely women, like her and me.

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