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Jasmine -Little blond, 20,

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I saw a few inquires for Jasmine here in Nova Scotia so I thought I would post my NB recommendation for her ( there is a strong possibility I am subconsciously hoping it will score me some points next time i see her )


Hi. For anyone who thought about seeing Jasmine but didn't pull the trigger, I would suggest you put that event at the top of a list, called things to do when time machines become available. Jasmine is amazing.For all the instances that one could state "a picture is worth a thousand words" I can now pronounce that a picture of Jasmine though nice would reveal next to nothing of what it would be like to spend some actual personal time with her. I know many of the hobbyist's who do this, are in it as much for the rush of the overall experience as they are for physical play, and for those guys it really would be hard to top this girl. For anyone who has ever had a bad experience where they felt like the sp was only interested in separating them from their donation, Jasmine would be the vaccine which would quickly eliminate those feelings. She was only in Fredericton a day and i told her i wanted to see her last as i wanted to know her a bit and after my official time was over, she generously spent a couple of hours just hanging out with me. How this gorgeous, incredibly sexy, down to earth person has not received a NB recommendation before is mind boggling. However I suspect it may be because anyone who is lucky enough to take a chance without reading a review simply does not want to share, and I get to be the dumb one who puts her interests above my own. I had always imagined that the sp's where very informed about sites like Lyla and this is simply not the case. A few people had told her she was mentioned in NS, but until I showed her the site, she had never been on it, and when I showed her that people where asking, she said "I don't know how I feel about that" to which I replied "there are many people who want to know a little something before they commit and if the guys on here knew what you are really like you would be answering texts 24/7. At this point I should probably put a disclaimer that I am not related to Jasmine, never met her before last night and am not in anyway being compensated to overly promote her lol. I am not giving any details about the physical because at the moment I am still a little gaga over the evening and don't want to add the things that we all want to know lol.I will respond to anyone who asks through PM and I assure everybody that you will rarely find the kind of enthusiasm to please that I encountered even with those that you dated or married. It really was an unforgettably experience and I doubt I would ever see anyone else when I knew she would be coming to Fredericton soon. If Jasmine lived in Fredericton I would be homeless LOL . There where many moments when Jasmine was talking to me that I was looking at her beauty and would have to ask " what? , What where we talking about? my brain just wondered off" can not say enough.....

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