Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted July 8, 2016 In my whole life time, I have never hated a politician like I did with the Bitch 'Clinton'! Of all the hypocrites, I have never seen worse. She is hiding under XX chromosome and abused that identity. So Mr. Trump: Please Trump the Bitch! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted July 8, 2016 I'm not a fan of Hillary. However, the implications of electing a frothing at the mouth, xenophobic, misogynistic, egomaniacal bag of sour flatulence and bile like Trump horrify me completely. *cough* Which is to say I respectfully disagree with your post ;). Have a lovely night! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikeyboy 27134 Report post Posted July 8, 2016 I'm not a fan of Hillary. However, the implications of electing a frothing at the mouth, xenophobic, misogynistic, egomaniacal bag of sour flatulence and bile like Trump horrify me completely. *cough* Which is to say I respectfully disagree with your post ;). Have a lovely night! Lol . Not a Hillary fan either but certainly the lessor of the 2 evils. How's this for a campaign slogan: "You make not like me, but at least I'm not Trump!" 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted July 8, 2016 The US does not have much in the way of options this election. Both candidates are very unappealing. On another note, is there anything to the rumor that Trump wants to see Hilary's va-jay-jay before conceding she has any right promoting herself as the first potential female president of the US? Would you put it past him? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Manluvsex 13731 Report post Posted July 8, 2016 Totally agree with with comments by Stillopendoors: I'm not a fan of Hillary. However, the implications of electing a frothing at the mouth, xenophobic, misogynistic, egomaniacal bag of sour flatulence and bile like Trump horrify me completely. *cough* Which is to say I respectfully disagree with your post ;). Have a lovely night! Trump builds his populist message on simplistic solutions to complex problems and would have America turn its back on the world, at a time when it is critical that all large countries work together to help solve some of the globe's most serious problems. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted July 9, 2016 The above responses are of no surprise. They simply reflect why we have Trudeau at the first place! I wonder how Trudeau would look like on a round table with Trump, Putin and all the alpha males out there. (excuse me, did I say on the table or under the table) ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slacker 1290 Report post Posted July 9, 2016 One of the reasons I detest Trump is his seemingly pathological inability to tell the truth. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted July 9, 2016 The above responses are of no surprise. They simply reflect why we have Trudeau at the first place! I wonder how Trudeau would look like on a round table with Trump, Putin and all the alpha males out there. (excuse me, did I say on the table or under the table) ;) Like I said, both are unappealing, but "Trump the chump" is also a big time hypocrite. He's just more amateurish with his lies. He's the equivalent of a high schooler running for school pres and promising Coca Cola in all the water fountains. Hilary is the uber organized, annoying, narcissistic "rule girl" telling everyone what to do. Thing is, if he wins the election, anyone expecting free coke is a fool. They are going to have to hold their noses, vote and wait 4 years. At least with Hilary as POTUS, there may still be an America worth having another election for. As for Trump, Putin and Trudeau together at a table, there would be no room "under" the table as Trump and Putin would be under there giving each other b.l.o.w jobs! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted July 9, 2016 This are me chuckle. Can at one really think that Trump is capable of engaging in meaningful negotiations with foreign heads of state, much less one as tough minded and astute as Putin? He can barely articulate a policy position, contradicts himself, changes his positions and resorts to ad hominem attacks when he doesn't get his way. If Putin has a sense of humour, he'll take advantage of Trump's buffoonery and make the US the heel of every confrontation. Trudeau, by contrast, will behave like a statesman and ably articulate and advance our nation's agenda. As for alpha male, which of them can you see climbing into a ring with a political opponent, Trump or that other guy, you know, the one who took on that conservative hard case Brazeau and handed him his a$$? All for charity of course, but if you're claiming Trudeau is somehow less than manly, I'd suggest you might want to take a closer look. What, exactly, makes Trump an alpha male? Is it his ability to defend his record of calling women "fat pigs" on camera by appealing to the right's distaste for political correctness? Was it that moment when he ran an appreciative eye over his daughter and said he'd like to date her? Is it his ability to reverse his position in a heartbeat in order to pander to a crowd? "What, my current supporters are pro life, so heck, I guess I am now too, even though I've claimed to be pro choice for years." Sorry. Went on a bit too long, and didn't mean to hijack your thread. The above responses are of no surprise. They simply reflect why we have Trudeau at the first place! I wonder how Trudeau would look like on a round table with Trump, Putin and all the alpha males out there. (excuse me, did I say on the table or under the table) ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepartypigeon 1096 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 Trump builds his populist message on simplistic solutions to complex problems and would have America turn its back on the world, at a time when it is critical that all large countries work together to help solve some of the globe's most serious problems. He only pretends to be a populist. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted July 10, 2016 Let's set the record perfectly clear. So all the above believe that the Bitch is a better candidate than Trump? Unfortunately, at this juncture it's Trump vs. Bitch, so one has to decides where s/he belongs? There is no in between or the typical Canadian political correctness in this thread. I am not seeking lectures about idealism, simply putting it out clearly: the Trump vs. the Bitch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted July 10, 2016 I'm sorry, but which part of the record of this thread is unclear? For that matter,which part of it was politically correct? I'm fairly certain my calling Trump a bag of sour flatulence crosses some sort of political correctness Rubicon. I'm starting to feel a bit like a Billy Goat Gruff here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brad 49548 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 Let's set the record perfectly clear. So all the above believe that the Bitch is a better candidate than Trump? Unfortunately, at this juncture it's Trump vs. Bitch, so one has to decides where s/he belongs? There is no in between or the typical Canadian political correctness in this thread. I am not seeking lectures about idealism, simply putting it out clearly: the Trump vs. the Bitch? Given the name-calling, anger, and dismissive view you've taken to those who responded to your thread so far Jane, I'm not sure if you're actually looking for a discussion or other points of view, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Assuming your above post is asking whether we prefer Trump or Clinton, then my answer is easily Clinton. Trump has said so many ugly, racist, and sexist things that I think it an indictment that he has so many supporters. I hope you won't accuse me of lecturing about idealism because I can't support someone who is explicitly prejudice, and unapologetically caters to that element of society. But beyond that (if there needs to be a 'beyond that') I'm happier to support someone who has experience and success in this kind of work. While I don't think Clinton is perfect, I also think a lot of the hate against her is the product of her adversaries simply repeating over and over again their attacks against her. Eventually the repetition alone makes people think it must be true. How many millions and investigations have been launched against her over Benghazi? The fact that none have shown her liable in any way becomes after a while less important than the fact that people keep bringing up the word as if the repeated accusations alone makes her guilty. I also don't have any problem with the fact that she's changed some of her views and positions over the years. It actually bothers me that politicians aren't allowed to change their minds as society evolves or better arguments are presented. Isn't that what should happen? Personally, I'm less likely to trust someone who hasn't changed a view in 30 years. On the otherhand, I simply don't see any evidence that Trump--cocksure alpha male that he is--is capable of politically dealing with the complexities of the world. Just look at how ahead of the Brexit vote he stated he didn't overly care which way it went. You want to be a world leader but be gleefully ignorant of world events? That never ends well. And even all that aside, for me it can come down to looking at what each has achieved in the past policy-wise and what each promises to do in the future. There may be some things about Clinton I disagree with, but even if you support all of Trump's promises surely the fact that he either refuses or is incapable of explaining how he'll actually achieve any of them ought to be worrisome? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daisy Mae 2693 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 Though irrelevant to my opinion on the election happening in the states' election, I read a really interesting theory that Trump is some sort of scapegoat to basically steal the limelight from every other decent candidate (I've barely heard anyone discussing Jill Stein, I'm even surprised Bernie Sanders got the minimal attention he did) and essentially push Hilary into office vis a via a comparison between her, with her much more subdued and popular views, versus Trumps more radical (and IMHO somewhat dangerous) views. So like, it's like someone saying 'I'm gonna cut off your whole hand, or just your finger. Choose one.' neither is exactly GOOD but you're gonna go for the lesser of two evils, right? SO, if that was the intention, (though I'm not certain since it's also more likely Trump did just want to run,) it's working really damn well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinelli 22184 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 The above responses are of no surprise. They simply reflect why we have Trudeau at the first place! I wonder how Trudeau would look like on a round table with Trump, Putin and all the alpha males out there. (excuse me, did I say on the table or under the table) ;) This is the kind of thinking you use when voting? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted July 10, 2016 This thread was a simple one (In line with my primitive voting mentality!): the Trump vs the Bitch. And the record I wanted to set clear was that who criticized Trump were actually in favor of the Bitch. Plain and simple. As for calling Clinton the 'Bitch', this might sound distasteful to some, but frankly quite elegant for me. Trump has been called all the fancy names so far, as if they were facts established in a court of law. So there is no difference in either campaigns. We are simply uttering opinions! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 I'm sorry to be so blunt...but F Trump! He doesn't give a shit about America or the people that live there, he's racist as hell and treats women like shit Good luck on that one 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 I can't stand narcissists whether overt or covert and Trump is definitely a narc more so than any other politician who may have varying degrees of narcissism. This guy takes the cake with his ridiculous behavior which is an understatement. I'd say all Americans are in trouble right now if Trump wins. God help them all. I would take Hillary any day over that ugly windbag, pompous troll. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest e**m***h Report post Posted July 10, 2016 Funny on this of all boards anyone would be extolling or supporting the alpha-macho, grass roots, hateful Republican side of the political fence that in this country has tried to shut down and illegitimate all the amazing, beautiful intimacies and adventures anyone here can barely even talk about anymore. Incredibly, incredibly strange. But then, that's the sheer unpredictability of life for you! How soon we forget. How fatefully we do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted July 11, 2016 Thank you, Jane. You've confirmed my suspicion that you're simply trolling. You haven't bothered to actually respond to a single poster, and trot out the same epithets every time you post. I love discussion and debate, but won't spend any longer on this thread. Night everyone. This thread was a simple one (In line with my primitive voting mentality!): the Trump vs the Bitch. And the record I wanted to set clear was that who criticized Trump were actually in favor of the Bitch. Plain and simple. As for calling Clinton the 'Bitch', this might sound distasteful to some, but frankly quite elegant for me. Trump has been called all the fancy names so far, as if they were facts established in a court of law. So there is no difference in either campaigns. We are simply uttering opinions! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted July 11, 2016 Thank you, Jane. You've confirmed my suspicion that you're simply trolling. You haven't bothered to actually respond to a single poster, and trot out the same epithets every time you post. I love discussion and debate, but won't spend any longer on this thread. Night everyone. Thanks Stillopensdoors, I agree with your statement. Jane makes no effort to address any of the responses to her thread. I will unsubscribe to this thread as it is a waste of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted July 11, 2016 Thank you, Jane. You've confirmed my suspicion that you're simply trolling.You haven't bothered to actually respond to a single poster, and trot out the same epithets every time you post. Your standards of gathering evidence and setting the verdict are way below mine. And the fair person - indeed - you're, used my right to remain silent against me. The foregoing completed the record for my own purposes! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepartypigeon 1096 Report post Posted July 11, 2016 Thank you, Jane. You've confirmed my suspicion that you're simply trolling. This OP of this thread is the definition of a troll and in this context "bitch" is nothing but the kind of misogyny Trump is famous for. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted July 11, 2016 This OP of this thread is the definition of a troll and in this context "bitch" is nothing but the kind of misogyny Trump is famous for. Sir, thank you very much. You're a perfect living example of the other campaign: simply committing what they are accusing others of doing at the first place. And I was blamed for not taking the witness stand. How could I when my opponents are leading my evidence! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikeyboy 27134 Report post Posted July 11, 2016 You are correct Jane in that there is a lot of name calling and bashing of Donald Trump here. The difference being that everyone who has done so has backed up their opinions with evidence from things that he himself has said or done to make himself deserving (at least in their opinion) of the bashing. You have not done so, and continue to utter the word Bitch in response to anyone questioning your opinion. When you make such strong statements in a "discussion" section on a board, most will assume you are inviting a discussion on the subject and want to talk about the points. You are of course entitled to your opinions, but when you shout them in a forum like this, most will assume you want engagement. I do actually take issue with the word Bitch itself when applied to female politicians. (At least in the manner I assume you mean it, you have not clarified). Hillary is clearly not a kind, maternal person. (Expected female attributes) She even comes off as a bit of a hard ass at times. There is no "male" equivalent to this word, because these are features we tend to revere in our male politicians. You yourself criticized Trudeau for not being enough or a hard ass, and praised Trump and Putin for being so. These same features make a woman a Bitch. If that isn't what you meant, then perhaps some clarification? 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites