ElissaMarie 4310 Report post Posted July 15, 2016 Reading is something I enjoy doing, whether of it's a good book, the news, online articles, a fashion magazine and lately Lyla threads and something I have come across while reading these threads is some stigma associated to certain things, one of them being ladies who advertise being available any time or late at night. I do have a schedule which is mostly based on the time frame I think is more popular among patrons, however unless I have a social/personal commitment I could be available any time, not on short notice any time but any time, last week I was contacted by a gentleman who introduced himself properly, completed my screening successfully and while discussing what time was best for us to meet we realized later was more convenient and it was a great session so this got me thinking I'd like to have a more flexible schedule but I don't want to be stereotyped as a party 'girl' or anything like that the same way I wouldn't assume someone wanting to meet me late isn't a safe person to meet. In the end I do have a screening process. I've also heard some think any time equals desperation or not having anything else to do but that's inaccurate, being available any time doesn't mean those who are sit around all day waiting for a call or have nothing else to do, it means they (we) can plan our days around our sessions schedule and be accommodating to other people's schedules, if I have a certain thing on a particular day/time then I won't be available regardless of if it's daytime or late evening, so I'm interested in reading opinions from both providers and patrons on this. I currently mention in my ads that I may be available outside of my schedule, is this clear enough or should I not include a schedule in my ads and just keep my calendar updated? Is advertising as being available any time as bad as some make it sound? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214220 Report post Posted July 15, 2016 That is a very good question and discussion Elissa. I find myself not having much time to meet ladies during the week and thus having to see them on the weekend mainly Saturday mornings. Not often do I see advertising lets say around 7am - 9am on Saturday so I can set up a date. I hate texting/calling someone at that time and disturb them so to me if you advertise available anytime or 24/7 it means exactly that I can call/text. Again if you advertise available anytime but with the condition that it has to be scheduled I will not go and call/text at 5am that morning. I do not think that because a lady advertise available 24/7 or anytime that she has no life, to me she simply wants to make our timing allowable when we want. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted July 15, 2016 As a provider of all sorts of things, and one who runs their own (legit) business..I do post my 'actual' hours of availability.. but I also include that there may be times I am available outside of those - with enough notice.. and that seems to be working wonderfully well ;) Myself, I have a wonderfully busy life, and not anywhere near all of it is 'work' related... and people are generally very understanding of that... and putting that line in my posts/ads et al.. has been enough to let people know that yes, I would like to be available to you, the client.. but may not always be possible. I work.. I dance, I rehearse, I perform, I babysit... I go out with friends.. I run errands... once in a while I even sleep <grin>.. same as anyone else out there.. and safe assumption.. we all do :) I don't think anyone out there would think most of us are sitting around pining for a visit or are 'desperate' due to advertising we are available any time... just as their lives/time is expected to be respected.. so should yours/ours :) On sort of a 'side note' so far, I have only had one experience where a man (will not use 'gentleman' in this case...) continued to msg me at all hours *including 6 in a row at 4am!!!* insisting that I allow him to come over.. to my private den no less.. simply because he was willing to pay.... .....ummmn.. how about nooooo.. I had explained a few times, my hours, my process for booking.. and he still insisted.. so I finally told him that all the messages he was sending me (and some were quite rude.. so for those of you who know me.. I don't 'phase' easily, so you know it was bad hehe).. .. were all being saved, and anything further from him would prompt me to go to the police for stalking/harassment claims... ....he eventually went away, and for the record.. is not from here :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElissaMarie 4310 Report post Posted July 15, 2016 Thank you NotchJohnson and Ms.CapitalC for your responses. I agree with both of you to an extent but the reason that made me ask opinions is because I have read posts from people who do think being available any time or long hours means desperation, high volume, even addiction/substance abuse but now that I think about it there'll always be people who make assumptions and close minded people no matter what so I won't be concerned anymore. As far as receiving text messages at the middle of the night, I wouldn't mind as long as they're not expecting to see me right then, especially if we haven't met. If I'm asleep by the time they text I'll likely see it until morning anyway so a respectful message telling me they'd like to meet me some time is okay. I've actually met clients (whom I've seen before and feel safe with) at 2:00 - 3:00 a.m. and it was actually fun so I guess I'll start advertising different schedule soon :) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted July 15, 2016 Good points, ElissaMarie. I don't think anyone would get a feeling of desperation from you at all. Still, it's all how you write something that resonates with the reader. "Flexible schedule" sounds better than "available 24/7". One sounds accommodating and the other does have a whiff of desperation, even though it's the same person who wrote it. That's just my opinion though. I like a well written ad. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElissaMarie 4310 Report post Posted July 15, 2016 Thank you!!! I agree with you, the way one presents oneself makes a whole difference. I wouldn't even be available 24/7. I would be able and happy to accommodate sessions very early or late but then I may not be able to accommodate a mid-afternoon session as I may be doing yoga, reading or spending the rest of the day with friends and I need my beauty sleep too ;) so yes, flexible schedule/availability is exactly the wording I was thinking on using :) Good points, ElissaMarie. I don't think anyone would get a feeling of desperation from you at all. Still, it's all how you write something that resonates with the reader. "Flexible schedule" sounds better than "available 24/7". One sounds accommodating and the other does have a whiff of desperation, even though it's the same person who wrote it. That's just my opinion though. I like a well written ad. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted July 15, 2016 ElissaMarie, I think that when you mention in your ads that you can be available outside of your posted schedule, it is very clear. It means (to me, at least) that you are willing to accommodate the client's schedule, outside of your own regular business hours. I tend to be one who perhaps books a little differently, I try to book at least 3 or 4 days in advance, so there can be time for some back and forth for agreeing on a mutually beneficial day and time to meet. If someone really wants to see you, I think he will be willing to wait for that proper day/time after screening. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted July 15, 2016 Wholeheartedly agree with Prufrock... especially with combining these sorts of sessions, for the most part, into my regular work day.. I am one who can appreciate a person booking a few days ahead - gives time to open up/share all sorts of fun details <wink> ..build somewhat of a rapport...as well as adapt, should something need to be changed. That being said, I don't have issue with being contacted for same day .. but again.. within reason of my regular hours and my wonderfully crazy life ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElissaMarie 4310 Report post Posted July 15, 2016 Yes, I am aware of that and I know that in the end if a day/time requested doesn't work the person will contact me again and we will eventually meet and I've actually have had clients go around my availability on a certain day ( thank you so much!) but in most days I'm the one with a more flexible schedule and I don't see a reason why I shouldn't try to make things as convenient as possible for someone who has decided to spend time with me if it's my hands. I definitely prefer pre booked sessions as well but not everyone can plan ahead, this is more about availability regardless on how far in advance the session is booked. Thank you all so much for your input, it really helped me and I'll be making the changes in my ads and website very soon :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted July 16, 2016 Hello Elissa! I'll echo what's been said. 24/7 means always available, which for me raises the concern not that a provider is desperate, but that she may not be in control of her own schedule. I don't want to be in any way complicit with someone's coercion or exploitation. However, indicating your willingness to consider appointments outside of your normal hours just says that your schedule is flexible and at your discretion. I wouldn't have any concerns about that statement in an ad. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted July 16, 2016 The art of advertising effectively, is to ensure that your niche is realized. Not everyone is willing to see clients late at night or early in the morning. Not everyone feels comfortable with same day or last minute encounters. So, if you find a niche that works for you, go for it. So, the issue is how to advertise this effectively. Obviously saying I am available anytime is not an effective method. Clients will think they can treat you as a walk in space, which is not the type of client you would want to seek. You still want to ensure those that you have a connection with, or seek to connect with, understand you are flexible in your schedule. That is a prize in this industry. Not everyone can do that. So, advertising flexibility, within your parameters is what you want to attract. One of the reasons some guys go to agencies is because they like the flexibility of being able to book when they have time. They get frustrated with independents who are on a specific schedule, and will not see others outside of that schedule. So, they go with agencies, who generally have someone available for a wide time frame. They don't always get to see who they want, but someone is available for them. So, advertise your schedule is flexible within the parameters you create. Just be cautious about seeing clients at times others will not, as the possible issues of dangerous clients increases during certain hours. I personally don't see clients after a certain time of night, as my personal experience indicates the likelyhood of overly intoxicated, drugged and aggressive clients increases. However, that is me, it does not need to be your experience. Good luck! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElissaMarie 4310 Report post Posted July 16, 2016 Thanks again to those who have responded. I think I owe some of you an apology as it seems like I've failed to explain myself clearly. Available 24/7 means available all day any day. Available any time means I can host any time and before or after do other activities. The title of this thread doesn't say 24/7 but even for those who use it in their advertising, I think almost anyone would know that they aren't working 24/7 they sleep, go out with friends, run errands, etc. As I've tried to explain in my previous post I didn't literally mean I would be available any time, I have activities and commitments but that I'm flexible in my hours. I also wouldn't use the line 'I'm available anytime' I will likely keep phrasing my ads the way I have, my schedule is flexible and just not post hours as my experience has been that some get confused by that and in all honesty not everyone reads the whole ad. Also, although my late night sessions have been very limited and with gentlemen I have previously met, if I ever considered meeting someone new a bit later in the evening my screening process would be the same. I understand what you mean by the chances for someone asking for late night appointments being intoxicated or aggressive but I believe is not a time of the day issue but a screening one, is almost (different scenario of course) like when parents only get concerned about their daughters sneaking out to have sex at night when it can happen during the day. I appreciate the suggestions but as I said I think my posts have been somewhat misunderstood the same way ads would probably be too which is why I'll be very careful with my wording. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted July 26, 2016 It should also be kept in mind that "available anytime" doesn't really mean you are available ANY time. It just means you can be flexible. I knew an SP who worked her way through med-school. She advertised this despite the fact that she had school, an internship etc. But to write out her schedule would not only be ridiculously tedious, it would be unique each day! This could also be potentially dangerous as she worked from her home and didn't exactly want everyone to know exactly when she was home. The time slots she was available in ranged from 7am, 11am, 4pm, 7pm, 11pm and even 4am on certain nights. It was just so much easier to say "any time" and discuss the specifics later. As for me, I'm no party girl that's for sure.. I only visit Ottawa and usually I'm occupied during the day.. but every now and then a reg of mine will see if I'm up late and in the mood and I'm happy to have a nice surprise. Other times, someone would like to see me at 5am, so they contact me the night before to see if this works for me. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. The point is, I don't know what each visit will bring. Sometimes its been quite during the day and I ended up having a nice nap and get an offer for a 6hr aptmt starting at 8pm. My point is, I say I'm available anytime, because I don't want to deter such offers by having a set schedule in the 2 or 3 days I'm available. Sometimes the reasons for things are very simple practicality. I see no issue with my 'it never hurts to ask, the worse that can happen is I'll regretfully decline." In terms of whether someone chalks me up as a druggy or loser for this, I question whether I would want to spend time with someone with such over-simplified, stereotypical, judgemental views. *shrug*. I wouldn't worry about it Elissa. An intelligent hobbyist will judge whether or not he wants to see you by the content/text of your ad rather than your schedule. Good matter to bring up though as anyone who thinks this way now has the opportunity to see a different view on the many possible reasons a down to earth, reputable SP would be available "any time" Kisses, Jessy xoxo xxx 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElissaMarie 4310 Report post Posted July 26, 2016 Great response Jessy *claps* I did mention above about it meaning more flexibility than anything else, anytime doesn't mean all the time and I totally agree than an open minded and intelligent person will not judge by that but by the way we present ourselves, thanks for pointing that out :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted August 2, 2016 Great response Jessy *claps* I did mention above about it meaning more flexibility than anything else, anytime doesn't mean all the time and I totally agree than an open minded and intelligent person will not judge by that but by the way we present ourselves, thanks for pointing that out :) I hate to harp on this but the definition of anytime means "at whatever time" including anytime of the day or night. A person would initially assume you mean what you say, not something entirely different that does not mean "anytime". Sorry to push this point but a lot of guys see "anytime" as an indicator that the lady "may" be desperate. You don't give off that vibe but that word, or something similar like 24/7, is a red flag for most decent guys that want no part in coercing a women who "may" be desperate. I'm open minded and somewhat intelligent and available anytime or 24/7 are flags for me. I may dig deeper if other parts of your ad clearly indicated something else, or I may just move on. It's kinda like age... I prefer to err on the side of caution I would recommend wording it the way you mentioned in your earlier post along the lines of "flexible schedule", but of course it's up to you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites