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Remembrance day is coming up on Thursday. I note that there has aleady been a Remembrance day special advertised. Eddie Bauer has already been pilloried for it's sales program. You can see the controvery at the following link.




This is a solemn day to remember the sacrifice of many Canadians in the service of our country. This is not a day to benefit commercially, so I hope you gals can treat the day with the dignity it deserves, and refrain from trying to benefit by advertising Remembrance Day specials.

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This is a solemn day to remember the sacrifice of many Canadians in the service of our country. This is not a day to benefit commercially, so I hope you gals can treat the day with the dignity it deserves, and refrain from trying to benefit by advertising Remembrance Day specials.


What would your take be on targeted specials i.e. specials only towards members of the Forces ?

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Veterans should be in our thoughts and honored every day of the year. Specials, like discounts for vets or active service members, while likely well intentioned seem somewhat opportunistic when offered on or around Nov 11.

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Remembrance day isn't a festive holiday and shouldn't be disrespected that way..I'm sorry if i offend anyone but my dad served in the 2nd world war and i have much respect for our veterans and military people.

If you want to advertise a special just say a Thursday special. my thoughts.



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I lay a wreath at a Remembrance Day ceremony in memory of my Dad and other Merchant Navy Veterans.


It should be a day of remembrance and in my view not a stat holiday.




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I can not agree with using a solom dayto promote a sale.

People forget what these people have done...are doing....and will contnue to do.......


And to see a retailer try to take marketing that much further...just shows how out of touch they are.

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I think it's obvious that opportunistic people who try and use a day like

Rememberance Day to profit, have probably never sat down and actually thought about what our veterans have done for us. If they have, and still try and profit, let's just hope others are as disgusted by their actions as we are here, and don't patron the profiteer's business.


Don't forget though, many people out there, are all about the money.:cry:

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Hey guys,


As a CF member who is currently deployed to Afghanistan I would like to say thank you for the offer of discounts but no thank you. As much as I love the service you fine ladies provide I think it would and has cheapened the actual meaning of Nov 11th, when done by other companies and organizations. Please don't follow their foot steps.


Nov 11th is not around to give discounts to currently serving members of the the CF, or past members. It is there to pay homage and respect to the sacrifices so many made in the name of liberty and justice.


The fact the we enjoy these liberties and luxuries is a direct result of the many grave yards filled with maple leaf engraved headstones.


If you feel like doing something for our fallen or our currently serving and veteran Soldier, Sailors and Airmen simply attend your local ceremony, shake some hands and say thank you and if you feel so obliged buy a beer at the legion, sit down, and listen to some of the often hilarious and often tragic stories the veterans can tell. It truly is a great experience.


Your front line hobbyist,



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Hey guys,


If you feel like doing something for our fallen or our currently serving and veteran Soldier, Sailors and Airmen simply attend your local ceremony, shake some hands and say thank you and if you feel so obliged buy a beer at the legion, sit down, and listen to some of the often hilarious and often tragic stories the veterans can tell. It truly is a great experience.


Your front line hobbyist,





Wonderful advice! I am going to do just that. Thank you for the suggestion. :)

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I close my business every Remembrance day and attend local services. both my grandfather and father are vets and my niece was wounded in afganistan. It absolutely infuriates me that with all the bullshit holidays out there, we can,t take one full day to honor those that kept us and continue to keep us safe and free !! i refuse to patronize any business that uses nov 11 th to try and prosper. Essential services are one thing but using this day for extra sales is just plain wrong and your M.P. should be made aware of it...-It should be a national holiday period.

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It should be a national holiday period.

As a young person just out of university, I disagree with this. I wouldn't want Rememberance Day to become another all-night-party drinking day. I sincerely doubt the majority of Canadians would use the day to reflect and respect those who have fought and died for us.


On the other hand, I know that employers have an obligation to gives employees sufficient time off to vote during an election. It would be nice if something similar were in place for Rememberance Day where an employee could take time off work to attend a service, without being penalized.

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As a young person just out of university, I disagree with this. I wouldn't want Rememberance Day to become another all-night-party drinking day. I sincerely doubt the majority of Canadians would use the day to reflect and respect those who have fought and died for us.


Maybe i have too much faith in them but I do not believe all of our young people use holidays as an excuse to party all night, My university children and their friends certainly don,t.


If we continue to reduce or belittle the true reason for rememberance day as we have over the last number of years we will eventually lose any real reason to stop and reflect -respect for vets will not be improved by ignoring the reasons for having this day of Rememberance.

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Maybe i have too much faith in them but I do not believe all of our young people use holidays as an excuse to party all night, My university children and their friends certainly don,t.

I was using drinking as one thing the holiday could be used for. Other things include Christmas shopping, last trip to the cottage, catching up on homework, etc.


My point wasn't that everyone would go out in drink, but that the overwhelming majority of Canadians would not use Rememberance Day as a day off of work/school to reflect, but rather treat it as a day off like Labour Day or "Family" Day.

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Having been to the Netherlands,Belgium and Germany and seeing the many War cemetery's where our fallen hero's lay,it is a time to really reflect.


When you actual get to see first hand the rows and rows of headstones with the maple leaf,you really get a true understanding what had happen.


Furthermore, not only is there so many Canadian's buried in these cemetery's but many of the British and USA as well. Those countries,Netherlands,Belgium,Germany and more, have families over the years take care of the plots, and they still do to this day.


Having family members that are buried in the most honorable cemetery's did bring a tear to many of us that visited back in 1995.


Here is a photo and there is many to look at. I know I will be at a service on Thursday November 11





Hey guys,


As a CF member who is currently deployed to Afghanistan I would like to say thank you for the offer of discounts but no thank you. As much as I love the service you fine ladies provide I think it would and has cheapened the actual meaning of Nov 11th, when done by other companies and organizations. Please don't follow their foot steps.


Nov 11th is not around to give discounts to currently serving members of the the CF, or past members. It is there to pay homage and respect to the sacrifices so many made in the name of liberty and justice.


The fact the we enjoy these liberties and luxuries is a direct result of the many grave yards filled with maple leaf engraved headstones.


If you feel like doing something for our fallen or our currently serving and veteran Soldier, Sailors and Airmen simply attend your local ceremony, shake some hands and say thank you and if you feel so obliged buy a beer at the legion, sit down, and listen to some of the often hilarious and often tragic stories the veterans can tell. It truly is a great experience.


Your front line hobbyist,



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