someguy 67067 Report post Posted July 30, 2016 Here is a list of pointers I have gathered from experience and from reading threads here since I have started this lifestyle. If there is a woman that interest you and she has an ad. Read the ad and follow her instructions. If there is a website listed, please go to it and read what she has written. In most cases, the website has most of the information that you need, so don't waste her time texting her for the information that is already available. When you are ready to contact her, follow her contact instructions. If you text her, don't just say 'Hey' or are you available. Introduce yourself with a full sentence. Tell her a bit about yourself and ask your questions. If you can pm or email her. Do so, you can type in a paragraph introducing yourself and ask your questions and request. After receiving her reply. If you want to book her her, make your request ask to time and confirm the rates. You may want to confirm with her what services she offers. Remember, these services are not guaranteed, YMMV. Once your apt is book. you need to follow her protocol for giving you her address. You may need to confirm your appointment, the same day or several hours before your time. She will give you the address or a location close to her incall. When you get there, you may need to call, and she will give you a buzz code and tell you her room number. Don't be late and don't be too early. Before you show up. You should check your hygiene, make sure you have taken a shower and shaved and brushed your teeth or use mouth wash. Most women do not want you to use a cologne. If you have any allergies to any products, you may want to let her know. I like to kiss, so I usually ask if she kisses, this is usually based on chemistry. Or if she does not kiss at all. When she has let you into her apartment. I usually let her make the first move as to a hug and maybe a kiss. Maybe chat for a few minutes to get comfortable. Place her donation in an envelop where she can see it. If you need a shower, you can ask her or if she ask you take a shower, do so. She has her own way and has met many men already. So I usually let her lead the way. But others may want you to lead the way. You have to adjust to the situation. Take your time to get to know each other. don't rush and don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to. Not every session may go the way you expect. May not have the chemistry or maybe a bad day for her. Nothing is guaranteed. But if you are a gentleman and show her respect, you should have a good time. But if you don't behave you may be shown the door. Remember she is a human being that is sharing a very intimate and personal time with you. Respect her limits. After your time is up. Leave, unless she has asked you to stay a bit longer, because she enjoyed herself. If you both had a good time, hopefully you leave with a nice hug and kiss and a feeling that you return. If you were happy with your session. You should also write her a nice recommendation. This helps her meet new clients and new clients can have confidence that she is the real deal. If I have missed anything, please add to this thread. 22 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted July 30, 2016 If you book a time, don't be a no-show! If you have to cancel last-minute, let her know, and make arrangements for restitution. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted July 30, 2016 reviews are helpful but avoid 'then we did this then we did that' details; and try to resist the compulsion to review the same person after each and every encounter with her. A thank you to the woman on her page after a visit will always be appreciated and interested prospective clients will see it as well. No sitrep required. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31750 Report post Posted July 31, 2016 I love this thread! Come showered (if need to take a shower please just ask) wear underarm deodorant and please brush your teeth If a smoker please do not have one right before our encounter (or at least chew some gum or breath mints) Please be courteous and respect me and our time together Do not book and then not show up(just wrong and will be sent to my block app) And please do not rough handle my boobs (unless I ask you to...they are to be caressed and handled with care lol) Let's just enjoy the hell out of each other and have fun! Positive vibes 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted July 31, 2016 Just take a moment to appreciate the fact that this is a person in front of you, with her own aspirations and silly habits, her own history and regrets and preferences for late night snacks. And she's eager to touch you. What a marvellous thing. My late night nickel. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tempted Monk 5057 Report post Posted July 31, 2016 And don't hesitate to say some compliments to this beautiful woman you just have met. And it never harms if you bring flowers - this is a date after all and you want this woman to be in a good mood :-) 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted July 31, 2016 Get yourself tested on a regular basis. Many stds have no symptoms. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted August 2, 2016 receiving messages such as: "way too much for me" (in response to an ad that has the rates directly in it!) absolutely boggles my mind! If you are looking at an ad that has rates in it, and you cannot afford it, DON'T message the girl! Requests for reductions is rude and is done by those that feel entitled. I get tired of requests such as this. Save your money until you have the amount requested, THEN contact the person of your choice, it has a much better correspondence return. When a 'special' rate is advertised, and you say its too much, then you cant afford me! You are not a client I want to see. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted August 5, 2016 want to be a good client? Read the information in the ads/website etc. I am not a provider that runs 8-10 clients through here in a day, I take on 3-4 a week, it depends on if I feel like doing this. I am very low volume as I like clients to feel as though they are the only person that sees me. I take the time to make a special effort to make you feel welcome and invited to my home. It is clean and fresh, and has a great ambient feel to it. You are never rushed when you are here, and you will find difficulty in finding a clock in my place. It doesn't really matter where you found me. It can be an ad on another site, it could be here on Lyla, you may have ran across my website. I will always be courteous when answering inquiries (unless they are totally rude which just gets an automatic ban with no reply at all from me). If you have curiosity about me and wish to communicate, please do so, respectfully. Upon receiving enough information from my website and with talking to me to satisfy you enough to make a booking, be sure that what you are asking for in the initial booking is what you are expecting in the session, nothing more. In other words, don't book a 30 minute MA session expecting to stay an hour with additional activities for the same rate! I just had communications, over several days, in which I thought I was perfectly clear in having this person understand what he was getting into. I directed him to my website and he booked directly from that, so I had him quote my cancellation policy to me. This was done. He shows up, at the appointed time, for a 3 hour session. Unfortunately, the fee he brought was not what was discussed (and is perfectly clear in my website) and he decided that he only 'needed a half hour'. So he brought enough to cover something from a completely different ad I am running, which is 10% of the cost of what he booked (and doesn't even begin to cover my cancellation fee)! Meanwhile, I didn't take on other clients that could have been here. So, if you want to be a good client, communicate well with the providers. We answer all polite requests, and supply you will all the information you need to make an informed decision on whether we are right for you, and if you can afford our time. Please don't waste our time, we don't waste yours. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackiegilcrest 5152 Report post Posted August 6, 2016 Asking for services before booking a session is touchy... I personally, find it a little bit tacky. I prefer that a session feel more organic: for example if I kiss you passionately, it is safe to say that I enjoy doing so. YMMV is definitely something to appreciate: everyone's boundaries are different with each gentleman: please ask before trying anything that I have not explicitly invited you to do. I am a clear communicator, and expect the same from my clients. If a woman says don't do X, then don't do it. There is not such thing as an accident or misunderstanding in this case. You are sexually abusing her, plain and simple.vFor example, I once told a client, "Id love for you to X, but not Y". He went ahead and did Y anyhow. In that case, I no longer allowed him to even do X. Those are the consequences. Makes me VERY uncomfortable and upset. I consider myself to be socially graceful, but it leaves an elephant in the room for the rest of the session. Experiences like this make me appreciate my respectful clients even more so than I already do :). In conclusion, communication and respect are key!! 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
petram 1030 Report post Posted August 13, 2016 It all boils down to respect. Respect others, as you would like them to respect you. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest discr33t Report post Posted August 15, 2016 Cash, Clean, Courteous Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted August 15, 2016 Reading through these, it is indeed a bit 'sad' that this *needs* to be here... but.. humans are what we are, so... Aside from some of us slightly promoting ourselves on this thread about the type of sessions we enjoy/offer...<grin>... (something which I am not going to do....) it should be a relative no-brainer that if you are seeking out a provider, you are wanting to experience something fun, relaxing.. and discrete...outside your 'normal' life/relationship... and have expectations that we will automatically respect your privacy, boundaries, wishes.. et al.... so... in having that expectation as a client.. why should it be a difficult stretch to expect that we as providers, also have boundaries, expectations.. limits.. et al...? In general, I would think that the client has the advantage.. after all, *you* are privy to all our information before you even make contact.. all the things you need to decide whether or not to proceed and contact. As far as I am concerned.. *if* you actually have rad my information (or that of another provider)... then b contacting me, that tells me, you are fine with my requests/expectations and all I offer.... so I would not ever expect someone to 'argue', badger or haggle... tsk tsk gents ;) Over the course of my long and lovely career.. I have seen many provider's websites.. blogs.. posts, ads.. and they are all extremely clear.. detailed... and for the most part, very well written, explaining etiquette, fees/donations.. all that... so it again, should be so simple it's almost redundant... read.... read... and read again.... (and please... show up as clean as possible.. from mouth to toes ;) ..stale beer, coffee... in the face, strong body odor.. or 'surprises' in intimate areas....are a sure-fire wet blanket to any scenario ;) It is supposed to be all about fun.... if a woman has gone to the trouble of creating a site where you can find all her info... do both of you a favor, and read it.. do NOT ever haggle... (whining is a MAJOR turn-off, in any situation hehe)...and if requested/required, ask/answer questions clearly and to your/her should the provider if you have any yourself...... so much nicer when that happens ;) Demanding that someone bend their rules/expectations to suit you simply due to the fact that they have chosen to do this type of thing for a living... is never acceptable.... talking, inquiring, asking.. is *usually* fine, especially with those providers that just list hourly donation rates. If she says yes, then.. lovely.. if she says no.. then.. just as lovely... :) **Responding in a timely fashion is also super-high on my list of wonderful ways to be a 'good client'... if you ask for a session at a specific time...same day or whatever...keep an eye on you remail.. and when the woman replies back.. reply to her... if the time she gives is not one that works for you.. don't simply leave the message 'hanging'.. reply, letting her know it doesn't work.. that way the session isn't tentatively held for you... (happens far too often and is super annoying!) 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shortandsweetxo 1348 Report post Posted August 17, 2016 TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! I am surly not the only escort who has had a mediocre session with someone who refused to give any clue or indication as to if they enjoyed something or not. The blank stare and "Yup" or "okay" to every question... To be honest it gives me the creeps! If you are nervous or inexperienced, let us know! I personally will slow things down a bit for a shy, nervous or inexperienced client, make them feel more comfortable and relaxed... If you look like you are in a state of silent perpetual terror it kind of ruins the mood. If I am giving verbal prompts "Do you like that" or "Want to do this instead"... I'm likely searching for a clue as to what you would like to do most... I won't be offended if a client says "I would really like to do X instead of Y" I want you to have an amazing time! Outside of that arrive clean, on time (NOT 15 early!!!) and respect the rules! Never, ever, EVER, arrive without a confirmed (discussed how long and a set time) appointment... 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted August 17, 2016 TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! I am surly not the only escort who has had a mediocre session with someone who refused to give any clue or indication as to if they enjoyed something or not. The blank stare and "Yup" or "okay" to every question... To be honest it gives me the creeps! . Ok. I love the honesty of this post. I think there are many men who are a little paralysed by proximity to a beautiful woman, and/or are conditioned by porn to think that all women know exactly how to move from stage to stage in an encounter without verbal cues. Starstruck and jaded at the same time? Real intimacy with real women actually requires real communication. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted August 17, 2016 Real intimacy with real women actually requires real communication. Myself, I actually ask outright. ..for information on things a perrrrson likes/dislikes....and in a manner that keeps things relaxed and comfortable...usually via emails when we start communicating. I've found.that most people, even if nervous....are considerably more.confident with a.screen between us <gein> I fancy myself a 'fantasy facilitator'...have been called that so <grin>...but if I don't get into those lovely little secret corners of your 'facilitate' what I don't know ;) I'm fairly certain that most of us, given our chosen professions <grin> are fairly comfortable talking about anything....mundane or taboo <grin>...and I at least would.hope that whoever chosen to communicate with me.would feel secure.enough to really talk to me ;) good <wink>....with purrrrhaps one exception. ..but the individual in question has still chosen to communicate with me...and admitted that it may have been better had he.simply opened up to me :) ...and now both of us are looking forward to getting together again on a much clearer.playing field ;) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted August 20, 2016 Don't review the same lady over and over and over again. It doesn't contribute anything other than to place the poster squarely into the creepy/ocd category. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackiegilcrest 5152 Report post Posted August 22, 2016 I think there are many men who are a little paralysed by proximity to a beautiful woman, and/or are conditioned by porn to think that all women know exactly how to move from stage to stage in an encounter without verbal cues. My sentiments, exactly. I can clearly tell when a client is not responding to something so I switch up my approach, only to see no change. I then ask, "does this feel good?" Only to be met with a blank nod and polite smile... Please show us what you like!! This is only one way porn has eroded intimate experiences; we are not mind readers! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted August 22, 2016 Sadly, the proliferation of porn has desensitized people to the point that they can no longer be aroused by 'normal' sexual activities. 'Kissing touching and caressing' have been replaced by the 'spitting gagging and slapping' of today's porn culture. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted August 22, 2016 Take shoes off when entering an SP's location. I tell new clients to remind them just in case. Imo, this is a first sign of respect. Discretion and privacy for SPs - Have some boundaries and don't cross them like showing up at a lady's location unannounced or other shady practices such as being indiscreet when seeing them in public, spying on them , etc. Reputable ladies will respect your privacy so please respect ours. Follow protocol when visiting and being discreet upon entering the location or when buzzing up. These things aren't the norm when it comes to more service oriented type details on how to be a good client but they all make a lasting impression and can be a deal breaker in choosing not to see someone again. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries are a huge thing with me. If someone doesn't respect them, I'm done. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted August 23, 2016 Being a good client is the same as being a good person. Always keep a "Please and Thank You" attitude. The first shows respect and the latter shows gratitude. These traits seem to be sorely lacking in todays fast paced, wired world. I'm not sure if they'll ever come back into vogue. Nowadays, we're becoming so entitled that respect has to be earned first, and gratitude takes a backseat to our "first world" high expectations. Being respectful and thankful for what you have will make you more appealing as a person and a client, and it makes you happier too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted August 24, 2016 Don't forget to be a gentleman. The woman always cum's first :) Remember companionship is a two way trip. If she enjoys herself, she will return the favour many times over. It's a time of mutual pleasure. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted August 24, 2016 *IF* a lady is okay with you giving her name/contact info out to others... pleeeeease tell the person who you give the info to... that it's ok to also use YOUR name (or at least your username)... I just spent the last 45 minutes of a lovely sunny day.. trying to extract basic information from a an who claims a 'friend' gave him my email.... but was unaware of all i offer, or my website...(sketchy...) I asked the friends name.. he wouldn't give it.... I explained why I want that name.... he wouldn't give it.... several emails back and forth later.. all I get is 'Joe'..... and the man msging me still hasn't offered me *his* name... which I had asked a few times already..... (what day/time/type of session are you looking for... what is your name, and how did you come by my info... pretty basic stuff I'd think) may not agree to see him... as I pride myself on discretion and am verrrrry careful as to who has my contact info, and how they get it... so fellas.... as a favor to not only us.. but to anyone you may refer.... tell them to offer a lady your username if you aren't comfy giving your real one... 'so and so from lyla' works amazingly well ;) I do have many other fun ways to spend my day rather than pulling teeth out of rock ;) couldn't decide whether this should go in turn offs for a lady, or how to be a decent client but hehe ;) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted August 26, 2016 This is rare and doesn't include most men out there but don't harass an SP non stop all day long asking if she's available. When she doesn't return someone's messages, there is an obvious reason as to why the person doesn't hear back. That's a major red flag right there and there is no way I would invite someone like that into my location who has no awareness of social boundaries. If an SP doesn't return a person's messages, it's best to move on and find someone else. Harassing her even if the person's intentions aren't nefarious will scare her away even more. When a potential client's attitude screams that of desperation and being too overly eager, I go in the opposite direction. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 2, 2016 <insert emphatic eye roll here please>... I am *really* tiring of this one..... When you message a provider, on *any* forum...asking if they have a opening relatively soon, and they pleasantly surprise you by immediately replying back that yes, they do.. and they give you times to choose from.. you reply back.. choosing one AND complimenting the provider on how fast the reply was <grin>, clarifying the session details... Provider (me) immediately replies back on the clarification.. and sets about preparations so things are purrrrfect upon your arrival........ the h3ll up..... or at least let provider know you have, for whatever reason, changed your mind.... soooo not cool gents.... not at all (perrrrson in question is *still* logged in here.... very much a p1ss off, I have to say.....) as it very rarely happens with people from here... but there is very little else I hate more than someone wasting time.. mine or theirs.. what's the point..? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites