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Professional or Amateur?

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I am going to be taking some new pictures, and got to thinking...Do most men prefer the realness and honesty in amateur pics or the stylized and flawless professionally done photos? I'll admit, I would love to have a professional photoshoot done, but I'd be concerned perhaps that the pictures would end up looking better than I actually do in person. And the last thing I would want, is someone being disappointed with the real me. So far, all my photos were taken by me, using a tri-pod and timer. What do you guys think? Should I go for it and get a real photograher who knows what they're doing or, should I just keep setting my timer? Please share your preferences and thoughts with me. :)

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I know that Megforfun, Sexy BBW Vero and Chanel all take their own pics and they get lots compliments on their albums. So I say, go for it!

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Guest S***e

Hi Soleil:


Personally, I prefer well composed and tastefully done pictures of a non-professional variety as they are more reflective of reality. Pro shoots are very nice and everyone looks lovely, but they are costly I believe and can be time consuming. I see no need for professional photographs unless they are for a magazine. I'm not knocking pro photographers in saying this as they are well equipped, talented and do excellent work, but for the purposes of CERB or even a webpage a friend with a good digital camera, proper lighting and some nice clothes can help you obtain a realistic series. There's some nice albums on CERB and on various sites that are not professionally done. I had to do a lot of my own photography over the years due to my work and saw it evolve from 35 mm film both colour and b & w to what it is now and the nice thing is you don't have to wait to see what they look like as in the old days of developing film. I used to do my own b & w processing and it was a fun means of being creative. Sorry, I digress.

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Hey Beautiful...If you get pro pics it's been my expirience that guys like the extra effort.....Having said that we all have seen pics providers have had done professionally and the look cartoonish.......


So I say get a great photoghrapher who does not have a lead foot for lack of better words when airbrushing.....


I've tried both for 2 yrs I used only ammature and for the patst two I'm used lightly airbrushed pro pics....and thankfully have had gents say my pics are a accurate....I also believe it has made me busier.


The way I see it is you keep airbrushung between VERY LITTLE and NONE pro pics are the way to go....


I know there are pooners who look at the fact that the girl took the time and iniative to get a pro shoot. Just the logisitcs we have to go thru to get these pro pics is enogh to get some pooners to stand up at attention(pun intended)

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Guest s******ecan****

A professional photographer for sure. While some ladies have been able to do some of their own well I find its the exception rather than the norm. Little things like composition, lighting, etc can make a huge difference.


As far as being concerned the photos don't look like you remember you are the boss. Take the time to select a photographer that understands what you want to accomplish. Make sure he/she knows they are working for you (and not treating you as their model for their project)


Take some pictures yourself to give the photographer a reference for your concept, but also be open to considering their ideas. However be firm in having final say over the finished product...its your image/brand after all that is at stake.


Just my 2 cents

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Amateur pics I think are the best, maybe even done by a close client of yours...if they have shared excellent experiences with you, they might have some ideas on how to share photographically the things that bring out the best in you.


As a client, he is uniquely qualified and knows some sides of you that a pro may not...i.e: preferences, playfullness, fantasies, fetishes, etc.... I find these types of pics give a more accurate reflection of the SP.


Just my thoughts....

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The realness and honesty,the amateur photo's on here can really reveal the woman's true features, beauty and captures a lot of reality.


Your photo's that you have already done in your album and on your web site, were exactly why I booked 2 hours with you when you came to Ottawa. Your photo's revealed your quality features that I admired and I said "I need to meet this lady".


The pro pics are also very hot to look at through albums here or on a web site, but when I look at them I always like to figure out the date of them,are they up to date? how long has she had the same photo's?


In reality everyone ages,the problem with pro pics and amateur is that amateur you can can continue to update every six months with little cost, pro pics can be costly so you might not update them for more then a year.


My take on it.







I am going to be taking some new pictures, and got to thinking...Do most men prefer the realness and honesty in amateur pics or the stylized and flawless professionally done photos? I'll admit, I would love to have a professional photoshoot done, but I'd be concerned perhaps that the pictures would end up looking better than I actually do in person. And the last thing I would want, is someone being disappointed with the real me. So far, all my photos were taken by me, using a tri-pod and timer. What do you guys think? Should I go for it and get a real photograher who knows what they're doing or, should I just keep setting my timer? Please share your preferences and thoughts with me. :)

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Are the photos strictly for use as advertising or would they also be for personal reasons?

If you were one of those ladies that posts blurry photos taken in their messy bathroom with their cellphone camera, I'd say definitely!

Your photos are very nice and tastefully done. I think you have a good enough eye and know how to present yourself to do them yourself.

Professional pics are expensive and in your case the difference between the two is not significant enough to justify the cost.

On the other hand I do know a few ladies (not SP's) who have had professional "boudoir" photos done just because they wanted some professionally done sexy pics for themselves or their SO.

Either way I'll be dusting off my Brownie and waiting for your call. ;)

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I prefer amateur photos for myself, although I do enjoy professional ones for personal use. I think of myself as that hot university student you would sit next to in class, not a flawless glamour model. I wouldn't want guys to get the wrong impression.

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The pictures of yourself that you have taken look great. In my opinion I would stick with them and do it yourself or have a friend to take them of you. Also if you want professional pictures done do it because you want to and not because you feel you have to.

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Your pics are good but i think you look much better in person- and no pic can highlight you personality appropriately-do what makes you feel good !!

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Soleil, I must say that the pics you take yourself are very sensuous and beautiful. They portray the real you better than any professional pics ever could!

Love you and you pics beautiful Sunshine!

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I am surprised that you took the fotos you have used. They seemed professional. So my guess is that you may not be able to find a professional in Winnipeg who can do a lot better. That said, you may want some help from someone viewing and taking the images at the same time that you pose. It is a tribute to your social skills as well as your photographic ones that that you can envision the end product as its effects so well at a time when you cannot actually see it. Congratulations!

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Soleil, inasmuch as your current portfolio truly represents who you are, then your photographic skills are assured. You may wish to confer with some photographer friends to discuss lighting and mood-setting arrangements. However, your innate inner eye has not yet stirred you wrong. Why change a formula that works?

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I say keep it real. Use your tripod and timer. Or get a friend to operate the camara. Or

perhaps a favorite client would could help you out with the camera.

Posted via Mobile Device

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Guest c******n****h

All photos, be they professional or amateur, the beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Where one photo may work for me, it may not work for anyone else. My advice is make the sure the photo is representative of who you are and what you look like. There is no worse feeling knocking on the door and being met by someone who in no way resembles the person in the photo and I am no talking bait and switch situations. That being said, what a rush when the woman is actually more beautiful than in the photos!

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I am going to be taking some new pictures, and got to thinking...Do most men prefer the realness and honesty in amateur pics or the stylized and flawless professionally done photos? I'll admit, I would love to have a professional photoshoot done, but I'd be concerned perhaps that the pictures would end up looking better than I actually do in person. And the last thing I would want, is someone being disappointed with the real me. So far, all my photos were taken by me, using a tri-pod and timer. What do you guys think? Should I go for it and get a real photograher who knows what they're doing or, should I just keep setting my timer? Please share your preferences and thoughts with me. :)



I've had the pleasure of viewing your pictures, my thoughts, why fix what definitely doesn't need improving...keep setting that timer, your a good model and photographer


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Asking whether or not anyone prefers amateur or professional pictures is tricky, because there is a huge variation in the quality of both. I'm 100% certain no one really thinks the solo photo taken with a cheap cellphone in front of a dirty bathroom mirror does any lady a justice. At the same, time, a professionally done but heavily retouched photo looks great but really doesn't do anyone a great service either.


I have seen very talented amateur self-shot photos, and I have seen photos taken by a 'professional' where the only evidence of professionalism was that I believed by the photographer's watermark money had changed hands for this service.


I guess what I'm trying to get across is that both amateur and professional pictures can be successful in communicating both the attractiveness of the subject and perhaps a little bit of the lady's personality. Personally, I'd suggest setting that timer, taking lots and lots of photos, and perhaps get someone with a keen eye to help pick out the gems.


For what it's worth, Soleil, when I met you some time ago I thought that you were considerably more attractive than the photos that you had posted at the time. That was not due to any lack of skill or talent, but because your photos didn't show the kind and considerate nature that is so amply evident in person and which I still don't think come across in your pictures even now.

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Guest Ou**or**n

If you decide to use a professional then hire him or her instead of getting to a 'time for photos' type of arrangement with someone looking to build their portfolio. When you are paying you are the boss. Talk with the photographer about what you want to communicate the the look you want to portray. True professionals will then create pics in that style. If your doing a 'time for photos' gig then usually the photographer takes creative control of the shoot.


So go out the in the 'peg, find a photographer, TOFTT and write us back with a review of his or her services ;)

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Your photos are great. It shows how easy it is these days to get a quality picture with a quality digital camera. If you are doing a magzine shoot or selling the images then go with a pro, otherwise don't bother.


I also like the look of an amateur photo, but it has to be shot with a good camera.

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Keep takin your own picks. They work for me ! Proof of a creative mind.

Ever thought about a wireless remote for your camera ?

Shoot faster, more to chose from.

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Thank you everyone!!! I was not expecting all these accolades on my photography skills. That's why I'm so tickled by them! I carefully reread all opinions, advice and suggestions. Now although there are some unbelievably well-done stylized pictures out there (VJ's come to mind), I've decided to stick with what works. Besides! I have waaay too much fun with my camera! ;) lol


Keep takin your own picks. They work for me ! Proof of a creative mind.

Ever thought about a wireless remote for your camera ?

Shoot faster, more to chose from.


Great advice Suzirider! Here's the problem. I've looked online for a decent camera with a remote but they all seem to have cables that attach to the camera and the remote just triggers the shutter.


I would LOVE some suggestions on a good camera with a wireless remote!

The sooner I get one, the sooner you'll see those pics! ;)

Anyone in the know?

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Guest Ou**or**n

If you have a late model Canon or Nikon digital SLR there is actually an iPhone app called DSLR Remote. Basically you connect your laptop to the camera and then your iPhone connects wirelessly to your laptop. From the iPhone you can then control the camera settings, use it as a remote to take the pics and then the app actually wirelessly transfers a preview of the pic to the phone for you to see.


One of the most totally cool iPhone apps out there.


If you just want the remote control you can look ordering one as an accessory if you have a digital SLR from most of the major manufacturers. To really improve your photos look into the whole world of off-camera flash. This is called 'Strobist' and you can learn more here - Strobist Blog


Happy shooting.

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