GoddessHRC 8411 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 So I have a question mostly for the gents, but ladies please don't hesitate to weigh in. Lately I have heard more and more clients telling me that I charge too much. This doesn't really bother me because I (and the men who frequently indulge) know my worth and will not allow someone to make me feel lile I am worth less. However... What DOES alarm me is the growing trend of providers who are apparently charging less and less to compete. Ummm, what? Can someone explain to to me how lowering your rates helps you do anything but work harder for less money?! So this my question... According to numerous gentlemen, there is a majority of female providers charging 80-100/hr. Now, they could be telling me this in feeble attempts to sway my firm rates. So Im wondering if my fellow Cerbies can give me a better picture of the standard going rates on BP. And please share details such as quality of service, attractiveness, etc. I'm curious to hear the overall before I decide how enraged I am that these girls think so litte of themselves. Please note that I am not bashing or judging anyone who partakes in this. I just think we as women in the industry should be banding together instead of imploding the industry by trying to "outdeal" eachother, for lack of a better word. My rates are in no way overly expensive but I find it hard to get consistent enough bookings to justify providing incall. I have a feeling it has a lot to do with the steady decrease in rates. (At least Im hoping it is lol) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mulletman 694 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 I would say the range is 170 to 220 all in for one hour . never had more or less . 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brad 49548 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 I certainly don't think any lady should be pressured to change her rates. I can't imagine trying to negotiate for her time and applaud those that say doing so gets a guy immediately ignored. As you say, you know what your time is worth to you. I suspect you'll find that either the fellows telling you this are either exaggerating or the experience is very different. All that said, I also think it important not to assume that anyone charging less than you is doing so out of pressure or outdealing. Just like you are rightfully insulted if someone accuses you of asking too much...isn't it a little unfair to assume that someone who charges less "thinks so little of themselves". No doubt there's also someone out there who asks for a much higher amount than you. I imagine you wouldn't like that person telling you that you clearly don't think well of yourself. :) Anyway, I do agree it's a problem if ladies are being pressured to charge less than what they ask or think is right. I just think it's worth being a little careful not to automatically judge, as at the end of day, each lady has a right to run her life and business and time as she sees fit. Anyway, I know that wasn't your intent. To your question, I think your suspicion is right that those who respond to your donation amount by arguing others charge less are just trying to sway you. It's a shame you and other ladies have to deal with that nonsense! :( 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brody Boivin 8445 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 The donation you ask for is in accordance to what YOU are happy with at the end of the day... Do you enjoy the dates you see? Are you living financially secured? I myself weigh in on what type of people I want to cater to. People who respect you and respect your rates are the people you want to accommodate to. I could not be in this business if I could not enjoy myself. This "average" scale pisses me off tbh. We are ALL individual providers and dance to different rhythms. None of us are the same so why should our rates be? No body can direct how you run YOUR business. Any one who does is not worth your time, dear. Same thing with what type of experience you offer. Do you. If buddy wants something else, he can see someone else. It's vacation season and the amount of drama I have encounters on twitter is astonishing. Girls... DO YOU. That is all. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoddessHRC 8411 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 Ahhh... Yes perhaps I should have worded that more carefully. I mostly meant that to the best of my knowledge, girls who charge significantly less typically aren't doing it for good reasons. Additional Comments: And Brody... While I fully endorse the message you are sending, I still feel there is a need to not undercut eachother. I do worry about the decisions of other providers, because at the end of the day, all of our decisions impact the industry as a whole. if we ALL came together we would have far less negative experiences. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itd131 954 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 I haven't noticed a trend of lowering rates. I would say rates have been fairly consistent for awhile. I would say it is not at all accurate that a majority of providers are charging 80-100 per hour. I have never seen that and if I did, I would probably assume it was some type of scam. I would say the most common hour rates are in the area of 160-200. I have seen as low as 120 and as high as 400 but those are extremes and very rare. It's difficult to compare rates because there are a lot of factors that affect rates such as: Services - ladies who offer less options generally charge less Experience - it seems to me the most popular providers are the ones who are un-rushed, friendly, and go out of their way to create a fun experience for their clients Attractiveness - I think the truth is that guys will pay more to spend time with a lady who is DDG, for ex. Willingness to travel - ladies who travel frequently can often charge more because their pool of clients is larger (that's my theory anyway) Repeat customers - it's quite common that ladies offer lower rates to their regulars Location - I think clients generally expect better quality incall locations with providers who charge higher rates, also rates are often a bit lower outside the downtown core or on the Quebec side There are probably other factors I'm not thinking of right now as well. I would say that providers who are strong in these areas aren't lowering their rates. My guess would be that if someone keeps dropping their rates it's because they aren't offering sessions that clients want to pay for because they are lacking in one or more of the areas listed above. Hope that helps 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoddessHRC 8411 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 Thank you itd131!!! That was very informative and exactly the type of response I was looking for :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobbi 1388 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 I've never heard of 80-100/h nor have I noticed a decreasing trend in the rates. The norm that I get is 120-140/hh and 180-200/h. There are those 60-80 deals for quickies I beleive but I cannot comment on those. As mentioned above, I do get some outliers 180-200/hh or 250-300/h, but I cannot comment on those either lol. I stick to the norm ;) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 At the end.of the day...we as providers are *only* responsible for ourselves...and like it's been mentioned, we are all different in so many ways (which makes us all perrrfectly lovely btw)...as are the things we offer, as is why we have the donations we have. I used.to be concerned with what others charged....concerned.I was asking too much...have been told I could charge considerably.more for the lovely.things I am <grin>....but I'm okay with who I am....what I enjoy with the people I enjoy it with...and really, that's all any of us can do...right? ;) And I have encountered those who 'whine' that it's too much....or wish to attempt to have me lower my donations hehe noooo thank you ....those who try telling me that 'so n so' only charges such n such....don't get far into my den....but do occasionally feel my claws ;) Just be you.....offer what you want....ask what you want and don't worry about others.....that kind of crazy nobody needs ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blacklabdog 3049 Report post Posted August 19, 2016 Those quoted rates sound too low esp for an SP here. Can't comment on BP. I'd ignore guys who question what you charge. Its your choice afterall. From my end, I have an arbitrary budget limit and those providers who fall within that range are those who I contact. Never occurred to me to try to get a deal the way I might for buying a car . To me its more like contacting a lawyer or other professional I guess 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itd131 954 Report post Posted August 20, 2016 Thank you itd131!!! That was very informative and exactly the type of response I was looking for :) You're welcome Goddess. What is a nominated post anyway? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brad 49548 Report post Posted August 20, 2016 You're welcome Goddess. What is a nominated post anyway? If you look towards the bottom right of each post, you'll see you have a button to "thank" it and another one to "nominate" it. Both are ways to acknowledge that someone has written something that you either found helpful or informative, or that you agree with. Typically, a nominating a post seems to be considered a larger acknowledgment (plus, every couple weeks whichever post has received the most nominations is recognized by MOD). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itd131 954 Report post Posted August 20, 2016 OK, thanks. Thanks for the nominations! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misha223 788 Report post Posted August 21, 2016 80-100 is not the norm....it's more like anything between 100 and 140 for the HH and 200-240 for the hr....i get suspicious if it's under 200 as it's usually TGTBT....i'll gladly pay a little more if i know i'll get a full hr and that it will be worth every dollar.....so anything between 200-250 is ok as far as i'm concerned....above that it becomes more difficult, only so much budget to go around.....simply put you may charge whatever you like, it's all up to you. Whatever you charge will dictate how many are willing to fess up...just my 2 cents but from what other guys tell me, the general feeling is about the same, over 250 it's too much when you know you can get a great HR in the range mentioned above. It's not to say guys will not partake in the higher range fees but it's obviously not as frequent. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobbi 1388 Report post Posted August 21, 2016 This thread is reminding me of a economics course... Suply and demand lol 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blacklabdog 3049 Report post Posted August 21, 2016 its also about marketing 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ottanon 2930 Report post Posted August 21, 2016 $200/hr is more than fair. I think the the reason you see more and more MA's is because they are close to this number with extra's. At $200 /hr for an good Sp that gives the edge over an MA. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoddessHRC 8411 Report post Posted August 21, 2016 Thank you everyone for the feedback! I was thinking it sounded odd but I had to ask as it was bothering me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted August 24, 2016 120hh 220hr is pretty standard in Ottawa 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leopoldinottawa 110 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 I'd be very cautious if a companion charged less than $150 an hour. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 I just can resist...what we offer is not something that is not required. It's a luxury that the i provide that the client decides that he/she is willing to indulge in. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Manluvsex 13731 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 (edited) Those quoted rates sound too low esp for an SP here. Can't comment on BP.I'd ignore guys who question what you charge. Its your choice afterall. From my end, I have an arbitrary budget limit and those providers who fall within that range are those who I contact. Never occurred to me to try to get a deal the way I might for buying a car . To me its more like contacting a lawyer or other professional I guess I agree with what Blacklabdog said about the provision of sexual services to be a profession. And these lovely women put up with enough BS by society and governments without having to deal with cheap clients looking to save a few bucks. As I normally go for an hour, I have found the average rates to be between $180 to 250. Those who charge more must be able to find clients who find those rates a good value for the experience provided. I would be wary, however, of any offers under this range and believe lower rates by some do devalue the profession. Women in this profession, provide the most intimate of experiences to the mostly men they accept to meet. They deserve our support, respect and appreciation including for the fees they charge. Any bargainers and cheapskates should be kicked to the curb. Edited August 25, 2016 by Manluvsex Missing "and" 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 You can charge whatever you want. If you are provide good service and have happy clients that return on a regular basis, then you are charging what the market will bear. But if you are charging more then the market and not attracting new clients or retaining old clients, then you are either charging too much. Or not providing service that the clients value at that rate. To complete you may need to compete. These day's there seem to be a multitude of beautiful new girls that have lower rates. Thee girls may make more in the long run , by having a larger volume. But compare to a regular minimum wage job. These girls are still making way more then they could doing something else. So adjust your rate to where you can afford to live comfortably. Remember customer service is of utmost importance. It is easier to retain a customer that you made happy then to attract a new one. If the service is below par, news will spread quickly. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobbi 1388 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 Isn't great that we live in a world where you can purchase fantasies? I don't spend more than 200 unless she's a super fantasy like Shyla Stylez. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seaniew3 340 Report post Posted August 25, 2016 This is very surprising to me. I have never paid less than $300 for an hour. I never try to negotiate as I find that demeaning to both myself and the lady. But I wonder why there is such a disparity between my experience and everybody else's? Is it the difference in the market in different parts of the country? Again, I am not making a complaint or anything. Just wondering what the reasons are. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites