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Our kids, those little giants...

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I wa setting up my daughter for school this morning, and man, I had a shock...


I was looking her sleeping, and did'nt want to wake her up. Her skin was gently shimering in the re-born sun rays... Wow, she is beautiful, but she is growing so fast!


I woke her up with kisses all over... In the neck, over her pretty little babyface, on her head, and first thing she said was "Stop Mommy, I'm to old for this!" OUCH!


You have to understand her... She's, unlike me, a fashion ADDICT. Nine years old, and she dresses accordingly to what she sees in magazine. Her dark brown hair, with red highlights are falling on her backplates with light gentle curls, and her deep blue eyes are so... Mesmerizing. Over them, perfectly designed eyebrows with VERY long eyelashes. Half native, she has those almond shaped eyes, but has also my extremely fair carnation.


But most of all, her attitude... Pre-teen attitude. Kind of: I don't know and don't want too neither... She freaks me out!


So, she's waking up and heading the bathroom. She comes back, fully dressed with a pony tail on the very top of her head. Teeth are brushed, downstairs for breakfast.


I was about to ask her what she wanted to eat when I saw her climbing on a chair to reach the Sugar Crisp box. This is not a breakfast! Lot of sugar, but fibers and calcium. Then, she went in the fridge for milk and orange juice, and mumbling something. She was doing the "complete breakfast list"!


Before going to school, I had a nice speach where she explained to me A to Z how she was'nt a kid anymore, and that she needed to reach her autonomy by doing those little things, ending by a nice hug and kiss on the forehead.


Then she turned at me and told me: "Mom, even that I'm growing does'nt mean I don't love you anymore..."


Mariane, please dont grow too fast...

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Sabrina, your story touched me. They do grow so fast. I don't have any kids, but my 8 year old niece is my "baby". I was watching her the other night and remembered when she around 5, I was babysitting one time and said my usual "oh, it's time to get ready for bed". The bunny rabbits are going back home, down their holes.


She turns to me and says, "Auntie, those bunny rabbit bed time stories don't work on me anymore. I'm not 2 anymore".


The other night, she turned to me and said, "could you tell me about the bunny rabbits, again?"


So, sometimes they have their moments where they want to be a baby again, even if just for a minute.


Thanks for sharing, Sabrina.

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Hi Sabrina,

I hope you enjoy these days I can only wish to be able to have the talk you did, my boy is three now and he is growing every day! I am still waiting for the day that I can speak to my son, but he has Autism and is going to take some time.

But I know the feeling of happiness when your child says something to you that just makes it all go away. For the first time last week my son called me DADY!

I wish I had it on camera!

Even though he is growing up so fast I can't wait to see what he will accomplish in the future!

I love my son!:grin:

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Life is full of little gifts... I believe having a kid is just a way to open our eyes, and having an handicaped kid is just having them open wider...


My daughter has devlopement retardment (read body) and it happens often that kids make fun of her... Her best way to make friends is that she is very into maths, so she stays after shcool to help youngsters with their homeworks...


Their facility of adaptation is awsomely surprising... Do you think he knows what's going on? I mean that he is conscious of is handicap? I know my daughter is, but for her it's only part of life. It's for me that it's the big deal.


She surprise me every day...


Mariane, I love you Baby, and I'm proud of you...

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Just read your post about your son and the big satisfaction he just gave you and I really felt the need to congratulate you for having such a little angel as a son. Him calling you 'daddy' being such an effort (under the circumstances) only shows how much he loves you.


I don't have any kids yet (is one of my biggest dreams) but I can imagine some ppl in your situation not understanding why their kid has to go through so much. I always have thought even though children with special needs have it more difficult than other children there's one thing they will always have, a good soul and that is worth a lot and sadly some lose it along the way so consider yourself blessed for having him in your life and get ready because you will be getting many touching moments like the one you had last week :)

For the first time last week my son called me DADY!


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My baby just turned 32. Don't worry! They go through that independent stage early, but then backlash hard when they know they will always have a mommy that loves them without condition and will always dote upon them. Our girl is the biggest suck, demanding special treats and backrubs/foot massages when she visits (she perches on my massage table until I give in), and that we chat with her and play games online with her daily when she's not here. (...actually, even when she visits and I put my foot down on some of the aggressive Lexulous she and Fred play, I can tell by the evil cackles in the dark that they're playing behind my back.


Trust me, children get even better as adults.

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Their facility of adaptation is awsomely surprising... Do you think he knows what's going on? I mean that he is conscious of is handicap? I know my daughter is, but for her it's only part of life. It's for me that it's the big deal.




No his is too young to know what is going on, but he is smart! he can read some words count as high as 50 and has a photografic memory!


It bothers me a little but I just keep working with him avery day! I just don't think I can handle people making fun of him!





Just read your post about your son and the big satisfaction he just gave you and I really felt the need to congratulate you for having such a little angel as a son. Him calling you 'daddy' being such an effort (under the circumstances) only shows how much he loves you.


I don't have any kids yet (is one of my biggest dreams) but I can imagine some ppl in your situation not understanding why their kid has to go through so much. I always have thought even though children with special needs have it more difficult than other children there's one thing they will always have, a good soul and that is worth a lot and sadly some lose it along the way so consider yourself blessed for having him in your life and get ready because you will be getting many touching moments like the one you had last week :)


You have no idea how much you will enjoy the little rug rates untill you have of your own!!!!!


I also enjoyed making him too!!!!


Little humor helps me deal with things.

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