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Curse and Damn - 1+360+742+1886 keeps calling my cell pnone

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So I am at work and my cell phone rings. This guys tells me he wants to provide me with cheaper prescription drugs. I politly tell him to piss off and never to phone me again.

The next day I get called again ... twice. I didn't answer, just turned the phone off.


Then for some reason I decide to google this number and WOW these assholes are all over the place, annoying anybody they can find. The area code indicates it is in Washington State, but I think it could be from anywhere. My phone does not have "block this number" functionality. So now I am screwed.


Anybody else been hassled by these turkeys?


If you can block numbers with your phone, then put this one on that list.

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Guest S***e

For whatever good it will do you can also lodge a complaint to the CRTC if you are on a do not call list. The problem is that telemarkers originating from outside Canada are calling home and cell numbers now and I don't think there's much we can do about it.

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Also, in Canada, if you tell them to remove you from their call list, they are legally required to do so. If that fails, report them to the CRTC.

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I already asked them not to phone me. They ignored that.


When I googled the number, I found lots complaints about how these guys just don't care. They call from the US so Canada's laws do not apply. They ignore the US do not call list. Lots of people filed complaints, but it doesn't seem to change anything.


I am curious if anybody else is getting bugged like I am.


I also want to warn people to consider filtering out this number on their cell phones.

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I haven't had them call me, by cell or land line and it sounds like I really don't want them to.


Maybe go with plan B. Tell them they need to talk to your SO and you'll get her. Put the phone down and leave it there. In time they will take you off the list as they do not want to waste the time.

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Had a friend who worked for Bell, he told me not to answer the phone if it comes up on call display as blocked/private/unknown name-unknown number/number long distance-and you don't recognize it

He said alot of telemarketers have computerized systems that dial numbers (how many times have you answered, only to be put on hold waiting for someone to talk too, and they are the ones who call you!!!)

If you answer, their computers now record that there is someone at that phone number...don't answer, the computer eventually deletes that number off their list

Bottom line, don't answer any numbers you don't know/or are unlisted


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Had a friend who worked for Bell, he told me not to answer the phone if it comes up on call display as blocked/private/unknown name-unknown number/number long distance-and you don't recognize it

He said alot of telemarketers have computerized systems that dial numbers (how many times have you answered, only to be put on hold waiting for someone to talk too, and they are the ones who call you!!!)

If you answer, their computers now record that there is someone at that phone number...don't answer, the computer eventually deletes that number off their list

Bottom line, don't answer any numbers you don't know/or are unlisted



Yes, I was thinking along those lines. It is good to get some confirmation of what is going on and how best to handle it.

My thanks R.G.

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Just an FYI, I recall a news article some time back indicating that the do not call list applied to only Canadian companies. It did nothing to protect you from companies out side of Canada.

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The curmudgeon in me loves these calls. When I get them and I have the time, I let them make their sales pitch. I innocently ask pertinent questions just to keep them on the line. I tease them as long as I can, making them think they are about make a huge sale. After a while they start to realize that they are not going to make a sale at all. They realize that I am wasting their time. Funny thing is.....they never call back.


When I don't have time and simliar to teched's plan B, I ask them to hold on for a second, set the phone down and walk away. Funny thing again.....they never call back.

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The best thing to do is do what us ladies do with those we don't want bugging us - simply not answer. You'd be surprised at how many phone numbers some of us have programmed into our phones of "undesirables". As annoying as it might be, hitting the ignore button a few times usually gives them the hint that we're not interested in answering.


I have answered those "American telemarketer" calls in French, pretending I can't speak English and that usually prevents them from calling back.

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I usually just set the phone down and let them figure out I am not listening to them.


On a similar note, I got a call from Sears last night informing me that the factory warranty on a power tool which was bought for me as a gift 3 years ago was expiring and would I like to purchase a Sears extended warranty. I wanted to drive right down to Sears in St Laurent Mall and bitch slap the manager. But I realized that that person probably has no control in this case. As a not to myself, I am no longering giving out my telephone number when I make a purchase.

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There is no reason to be rude or trick people. Heck, I worked at a call centre my first year of university. It was humiliating and people could be abusive.


And they say sex work is degrading?!?

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Additional Comments:

There is no reason to be rude or trick people. Heck, I worked at a call centre my first year of university. It was humiliating and people could be abusive.


And they say sex work is degrading?!?

Posted via Mobile Device

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There is no reason to be rude or trick people.


You are absolutely right; there is no reason to trick people. I as well worked in a call centre years ago where people called us. While most were polite, others were downright nasty.


I donate generously to a number of charities. When someone calls from another legitimate charity, I will politely decline and not waste their time.


What irks me are the cold calls that simply reek of a scam where they are trying to trick me of my hard earned money. I have little sympathy for these people.

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What irks me are the cold calls that simply reek of a scam where they are trying to trick me of my hard earned money. I have little sympathy for these people.

I have little sympathy for the people who choose such businesses. However, the individual on the phone is more than likely not the monster behind the scam, but an individual with few employment opportunities. There is no reason to be rude and make their job worse than it already is.

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Most of those types of calls I get on my cell phone are from the States telling me I've won a free trip to such and such a place...I don't even want to hear about it. I am generally cordial to people calling because I know they're just doing their job, but these outfits that are clearly a scam, sorry, I have no tolerance - especially as Jazzitup pointed out, they keep calling and calling after you have stated once or twice or even three times that you're not interested.


I say after that, it's fair game to be nasty right back to them.


The one I really hate is where you answer and you hear this loud "fog horn" informing you that you have won a cruise and then you're instructed to press 1 to connect to a live operator. That "fog horn" can almost deafen a person.

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I say after that, it's fair game to be nasty right back to them.

I couldn't disagree with this more. It's not the calling themselves who is deciding to keep calling back, it's the calling system. Often these people are very young, physically disabled, immigrants to Canada. They have few options and not doing this work is not a realistic option to them. I've also worked as supervisor at a call centre.


When I worked at a call centre at 18, I was forced to call back "refusals" meaning people who asked us not to call back. This was humiliating, degrading, and something I was strongly against. However, if I were to just leave, refuse, or quit, I wouldn't have been able to afford to eat. To say I deserved it when people were nasty to me is downright insensitive.


I don't believe in judging people, especially without any information. To say you can somehow judge a human being from a 15 second phone call or two, and say they are deserving to nastyness or cruelty is completely unacceptable in my mind. I know what it's liked to be judged as a sex worker, and I try not to do it to others.

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You are right and thank you for putting the human face on this.

We all have received the unwanted phone calls, we just forget, or didn't realize that it is a likely minimize wage person doing what his/her employer tells him to do


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You're right Megan, but even when I have tried to tell them I'm not interested, they still continue to try and sell me, which is why I choose to simply not answer rather than have to repeat myself over and over and over again.

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Angela - I agree there is no problem with ending the call. I just disagreed that it's okay to be nasty.


Also, almost all call centers listen in on the calls. The one I worked at gave you guidelines and if you didn't follow the guidelines you got an infraction. These infractions could lead to termination of employment. One of them was converting refusals. If we didn't push people, we got an infraction and would eventually get fired. It's hard choosing between being a nice person and having food in your tummy.


Again, I'm not saying you have to talk with them or anything. Just don't be nasty or judge them. Most call centre people are just nice normal people trying to make ends meet.

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