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Anyone have seen this woman?

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Guest integrety

Anyone have seen Alexis in cg list.I really like her pictures and i'd like to know more or if anyone had the chance to see her.Thanks!

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she is here as "pot of gold".....


She is wonderful.......funny.....alot of fun......not a spinner........but real sexy!!!!!


Just do a search for ALEXIS.....you will find lots on her....


Besides.....if you wait for a little while...I am sure she will drop by......

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Anyone have seen Alexis in cg list.I really like her pictures and i'd like to know more or if anyone had the chance to see her.Thanks!




She is authentic. Talk to her on this forum, as she is quite responsive here. Pot.of.Gold is right :D

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Who Put These On CL? I Most Certainly Did Not.

What's The Direct Link? Is It My Number On The Ad?

If Anyone Has A Direct Link Please Share It As I Cannot Seem To Navigate Around Cl, What A Little Organization Can Do For A Website Is Unreal.

If No One Has A Link, My Suggestion Is To Block The User Who Has Publicly Posted My Photos Here On Cerb Without My Permission.

Needless To Say I Am Not Very Pleased At The Moment.



(sidenote: searching an "alexis" will find u an abundance of ladies, but if u refine your search criteria to the only ALEXXXIS (with 3Xs) - then u will find plenty of info about ME.)

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ok so i finally managed to get to the escort section of CL....what a suprise i STILL can't find this supposed ad with my pics...integrity huh? - my ass.

I've contacted MOD on the issue. WHY? simply because if those photos are not on CL (which from what i can tell they AREN'T) it means they were taken from my live space. Now if this user has access to my live space, they know enough about me already. If not taken from my live space, it's also possible i sent an email with photos attached to anyone who requested them...AGAIN, if u got as far as asking me for pics via email, you've heard of me, u know my user name... So why post asking ? and why say u found them on CL? that's a crock apparently....something doesn't smell right.


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Guest Stiletto Kyss

I agree Alexxxis as something's not right here at all as I peruse the "erotic" listings for Ottawa regularly and I've never, as best as I can recall, come across an ad for you much less with the photos posted above. Perhaps they were ripped from your link as you've mentioned. Hopefully, it will be resolved.



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Guest dirty_darrel

no one goes to craigs list unless their a cop or a loser.

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and that's EXACTLY why i wouldn't post there. But again, there is no such ad....in fact, there is no ad anywhere at the moment for me. I'm only here....

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Guest Stiletto Kyss

I'm neither!



alias Occer Pat McGroin LOL



no one goes to craigs list unless their a cop or a loser.

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Guest Stiletto Kyss

Smart choice Alexxxis. Here there's some accountability and a means to track/monitor posts I believe.






and that's EXACTLY why i wouldn't post there. But again, there is no such ad....in fact, there is no ad anywhere at the moment for me. I'm only here....

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Guest katia
Anyone have seen Alexis in cg list.I really like her pictures and i'd like to know more or if anyone had the chance to see her.Thanks!




There is many providers who are being flagged in CL so Alexxxis may have been flagged by her competitors. Many other have been flagged and it has been discussed in the provider section.

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I removed the photos for you.


GUYS: Please DO NOT post photos of the ladies, phone numbers or email address's here. You can post links to the ads if they are on the allowed list (C.L. is not and neither is O&N)

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I too have never seen an ad about Alexxxis on CL.


But I recently saw an ad about a lady named Alexia.

Maybe this is the lady the poster wanted to mention. It probably is since the ad was from last week.


If so, I would suggest to verify the spelling because one misplaced letter and it becomes totally different, creating awkward and unpleasant situations.

Yes, the 's' is beside the 'a' on a keyboard but still, watch the spelling for accuracy.

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Guest katia

Alexxxis posts and advertises in Terb, Merc and canpages.ca.

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i've never even heard of canpages?!!?!

if i say ONE WORD on terb that even looks like an advertisement i'd be banned for not being a paying member (why would i thanks to CERB?!?!?)

and the original poster WAS asking about ME (there were photos posted here that were removed, i wouldnt have to tell you that if u read the WHOLE thread) - thanks mod for reminding us ladies which site is aimed at keeping US happy.

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Alexis; I had never heard of canpages either but there is someone there advertising as "Alexis" Can't tell who it is as there are no pictures on the site. But there is a phone number. You should check it out in case it is another one of those steeling SP info. If you can't locate the ad, PM me and I will give you the serach criteria I used to locate it.

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well my number is 613.899.****

i do not have this number posted ANYWHERE currently, so if u see it - rest assured i didn't post it.

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well my number is 613.899.****

i do not have this number posted ANYWHERE currently, so if u see it - rest assured i didn't post it.


It is not yours then. The number is a 613-265 number. The site in question looks like an online yellow pages site and I would say is not kept up to date as I have seen agency listed that have disaapeared a while back.

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Guest katia

i've never even heard of canpages?!!?!

if i say ONE WORD on terb that even looks like an advertisement i'd be banned for not being a paying member (why would i thanks to CERB?!?!?)

and the original poster WAS asking about ME (there were photos posted here that were removed, i wouldnt have to tell you that if u read the WHOLE thread) - thanks mod for reminding us ladies which site is aimed at keeping US happy.


Alexxxis you do have an ad in canpages and I have the link here. If you lie about canpages you may lie about CraigL as well. My first intention was to defend you the best that I can by mentioning that you have other ads and you don't need CraigL, but now I can clearly see that you are lying unfortunately. I don't know why you are hiding.



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i don't know why that's there.

1) i never paid to advertise there

2) its my old address, which even when i lived there i would have NEVER publicly listed.

3) how does one flag this ad?

I think it may be associated with yellow.ca , a place where i did advertise OVER A YEAR AGO.

Either way - that ad should have been pulled LONG ago since the last payment they got from me dates back to January of LAST YEAR.


my integrity/honesty is the last thing u need to be attacking. Accuse me of lying all u want, this is obviously a mistake , a mistake made by "canpages" / yellow.ca and not myself.



if u think im lying about not being on CL - give a link to that why don't ya.

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Keep in mind that a lot of these directories steal the girls ads and put them up without permission to make them look like they have lots of ads. I don't even know what canpages is... they come and go so quick who can keep track?

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Guest integrety
Alexxxis posts and advertises in Terb, Merc and canpages.ca.


I swear the god i saw this ad in CG.I didn't know it was the same girl in terb.I don't know why she is lying.The pictures posted in CG were the same girl Alexxxis and the same number 899...I read her posts in merc and it's the same girl.I think many years ago she us to advertise in the sun if i am correct that's what i read.

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I swear the god i saw this ad in CG.I didn't know it was the same girl in terb.I don't know why she is lying.The pictures posted in CG were the same girl Alexxxis and the same number 899...I read her posts in merc and it's the same girl.I think many years ago she us to advertise in the sun if i am correct that's what i read.


Well you can say whatever you want and make accusations but I belieive what Alexisxxx is saying because that canpages site does have ads about agencies and SPs that have been away from business for quite sometime. In addition I keep checking the CL site and have been for many monts and have not seen the ad you are talking about. From other comments herer I am not the only one that keeps checking CL. For some reason you are the only one that has seen the ad you are reffewrring to. I wonder who should be called the lyer!!!

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I have not seen the ad of Alexxxis this week as i rarely go on CG,but i have seen it about a month ago.As for myself i only posted in CG twice when i was accepting new clients and my ad has been flagged few hours later like many other.I emailed the owner of canpages.ca and there is fees to be in Canpages.ca.You can not be listed there for free.I'm sure it brings few good outowners.Integrety if you are looking for a classy clean lady in Gatineau area contact me anytime.I might be accepting new clients next week.Contact me for more info or read my posts.Don't waist your time in this thread cause whatever she is right or not she have plenty of time to fight in this board and other...What a temper!



Mika Luv xoxox

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