mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted October 13, 2016 With this being 2016 and with sixty plus years of experience behind me I really thought that we had progressed, that we had learned, that times have changed. I knew that we were not all the way there, or perhaps even knew that there was a long way yet to go, but never did I think that we have made such little progress. I refer of course to the present debate in the United States over the words and actions of Donald Trump as related to women. The fact that a man can brag about his past history of sexually assaulting women, who brags of being a voyeur behind the scenes of his beauty pageants, who verbally degrades women so obviously can be a candidate for the President of the United States blows me away. Totally. That however is not the worst of it. The fact that he still has thousands of people who attend his rallys, has millions that plan to vote for him, and that the majority of his party's political candidates still will support him is beyond scary. Women in the United States should be terrified of the tone that he is setting and of the message that he is very directly giving to boys and men. What he has said is not simple locker room talk or boys will be boys stuff. These were not just words but rather were descriptions of actions and to this point he has been correct in saying that, "If you are a star then you can do anything." Is it however just in the United States that this is dangerous? Canada has a pretty powerful neighbor just to the south and its actions and its beliefs influence us in this country, like it or not. As a man even from a foreign country to the United States I am embarrassed and angry about his words, his actions, and his normalizing of behavior that promotes violence against women. I am not like that and in my heart I don't believe that the majority of men are like that. The other question that arises, as this has in fact has brought the most blow back on Mr. Trump, is why did it take so long? Comments that are blatantly racist concerning blacks, Latinos and Islam, his comments about the disabled, his comments inviting foreign governments to hack his opponents, his willingness to jail a political opponent all received a general pass. That is for a different thread. Right now it is about women and our respect for them and this is personal to me. Apparently there are many who still in 2016 do not have that respect. Sad. I wish I had a vote in the U.S. If anyone did not hear the speech today from Michelle Obama on this topic, it was probably the best speech that I have ever heard. 20 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted October 13, 2016 This is what happens when you back someone who's clearly an asshole because you think he's "tough" and "tells it like it is". In other news... 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TINCUP 6043 Report post Posted October 14, 2016 Very well said, Totally agree. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 Trump just dug himself a deeper hole in regards to his comments about women and particularly on that tape with Billy Bush. Bush is related to Georgie Sr and Junior so it doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm glad that tape was leaked. It just goes to show what a disgusting human being he is. Total narcissist. If that narc wins, that will be one troubled nation for years to come. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TINCUP 6043 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 Donald Trump can be describe in two words: Misogyny and Pshocopath Additional Comments: Meant psychopath 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellafan 11341 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 I think "psychopath" nails it right on the head! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OceanMassage 5357 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 Sociopath as well! And a narcissist ahol 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 Sociopath as well! And a narcissist ahol I've always been trying to figure out the difference. I'm able to spot narcissists pretty quickly but sociopaths are a little bit more difficult. They tend to reveal very little about themselves but want to know all about the other person. They usually have an agenda that they llike to carry out quickly and move on. Narcs drag it out until the mask drops. If someone could be both, it would be Donald Trump. Disgusting ugly excuse for a man. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 Trump is not the problem.... those are words I never expected to write but unfortunately for our future it's accurate. Trump the entitled asshole is starting to show through and it's increasingly unlikely that he will get elected and that is a very very very good thing. The problem however is that we have only dodged this bullet and Trump has done his damage. Trump has lowered the bar for future presidential candidates... it's ok now to not have real policies... just make broad popular statements the the more outrageous the better (free media) it's ok to blately lie especially if you do it often... it's ok to pit one part of the country against another or pick out ethnic groups and blame them for the countries shortcomings. Let's look forward 4 or 8 years... just imagine the mangy group of misfits that will now think they can run.... and even more scary amongst them will be a new improved Trump... just as crazy... just as uncontrollable but more polished... a newer better Trump. Think Cruse but more radical if possible.... Trump may not win but he has made things much worse. Just my Opinion 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellafan 11341 Report post Posted October 17, 2016 When you google "psychopath" you will find some of the best descriptors of Donald Trump's behaviour, including his behaviour with women. I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but I do recognize a nut case when I see one. It's really too bad that more Americans don't see this too. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted October 25, 2016 I think Trump is a lightning rod for a lot of disaffected voters who feel left behind and blame globalization and immigration. The real culprits are more likely technology, training and abandonment. Future governments that ignore this issue do so at their peril as something worse than Trump is waiting in the wings. Hopefully he'll have the decency to concede when the time comes, although he has already tarnished democracy with that conspiracy. Just what his paranoid supporters need, more conspiracy theories. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sachasykes 170 Report post Posted October 26, 2016 Trump hates practically 90% of the population, when you add up all the groups he preaches hate and violence against- people of colour, LGBT people, women, victims of sexual abuse, undocumented immigrants, refugees, disabled people. It's terrifying to me that he's made it this far into the race, that someone who not only advocates for violence against others but has personally committed it can be considered of presidential quality. I hope we never have to face anyone like him in Canada. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stand on guard 1186 Report post Posted October 27, 2016 The fact that Donald Trump, based on latest polls, still has a chance to win shows how disaffected voters are with Hilary Clinton. According to polls,only 11% of voters trust her. Americans are fed up with "professional politicians", whose real ambition is to say whatever it takes to get elected. It is unfortunate that the only other option is The Donald. It will be a very interesting final few days on the campaign trail, in this, the most hotly contested, most divisive election ever. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
O'Cahla 4352 Report post Posted October 27, 2016 Yes, I find it extremely sad, that things have gotten so bad that THESE are the two options. I kinda think that either way they're kinda screwed, Oh well, hopefully it will be good for the Canadian dollar, when their's takes a hit after the election, no matter who wins. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eagertopleaze 2366 Report post Posted October 27, 2016 Feel free to bash Trump, he is most likely everything he is accused of being... But Hillary Clinton is not a role model for any female!!! She has and continues to support her husband, she stands by him and does nothing about his behaviour. Her husband has NO respect for women and she is still with him!!! Forget about the fact the she is a liar, a cheat, a criminal etc... 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OceanMassage 5357 Report post Posted October 27, 2016 Isn't it sad that it takes a corrupt woman to make it to potus candidacy... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted October 27, 2016 The problem with most elections is that the voters don't want to do the hard work to make their lives different. They want their elected officials to make it better. Anyone that blames politicians without looking in the mirror needs a reality check. Politicians can only do so much. The sooner we understand that, the sooner we'll be on our way to REAL change. Trump isn't the answer... we are! Trump is the worst kind of politician... a demagogue. He doesn't "tell it like it is". He merely tells you what you want to hear. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eagertopleaze 2366 Report post Posted October 27, 2016 Every politician tells you want you want to hear!!! The problem is, people vote based on the media. The media got JT elected in Canada, the media is getting Hillary elected in the US. CNN had an article about Trump disputing property taxes and trying to get them reduced, and they make it seem like he is criminal for doing this!!! I try every year to get my property taxes reduced...! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted October 27, 2016 Trump says it's fraudulent voters, then fraudulent polling(unless those polls show him winning) and now it's the media's fault. Spoken like the narcissist that he is. If the media reports about a buffoon acting like a buffoon, is that media bias? I hear lots about WikiLeaks, Bill Clintons(who isn't even running) past sexual dalliances from people like Newt Gingrich, a serial philander like his buddy Trump. I hear about Hilary's supposed "stage 4" medical issues, Clinton foundation, wall street talks, and on and on. The difference is Trumps missteps are so much more entertaining and he continually brings them up all on his own. A racist, ignorant, narcissistic, misogynistic sexual predator who worships Putin, condones espionage, threatens presidential nominees and wont accept the election results if he loses and freely plants those conspiracy theories with his hillbilly tribe... that person is more newsworthy than a typical politician, in my book. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellafan 11341 Report post Posted October 28, 2016 Women deserve much better than Hillary Clinton as the first female President of the United States in the same way that women deserved much better than Kim Campbell as the first female Prime Minister of Canada. Kim Campbell was not chosen by Canadians to be Prime Minister. She accepted the job from a losing politician (lyin' Brian! (Mulroney) as Canadians called him) who was about to get his ass kicked, big time, by Canadians - the Conservative Party going from 151 seats in Canada's Parliament to 2. Two! In other words: "Mulroney, you and your entire gang can take a hike!" Kim Campbell was rejected by voters and defeated in her own riding. So we had lying Brian in Canada, and lying Bill in the States. Both, charming BS'ers. Given the wonderful, extremely competent women we have here in Canada and the USA, it's truly a shame that both Hillary Clinton and Kim Campbell have a backdrop of such shady men by their side. And their own very questionable credibility. Hillary Clinton is certainly a much better choice than psychopath Donald Trump. But couldn't we find someone who is truly respectable and admirable? That would be so good - a real source of pride for women (and men) in North America and around the world! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted October 30, 2016 Feel free to bash Trump, he is most likely everything he is accused of being... But Hillary Clinton is not a role model for any female!!! She has and continues to support her husband, she stands by him and does nothing about his behaviour. Her husband has NO respect for women and she is still with him!!! Forget about the fact the she is a liar, a cheat, a criminal etc... I think the days when we looked to politicians as role models for anyone are long gone... in fact I think they never really existed because in the past politicians private lives were much more "private" people knew John Kennedy was a womanizer but it was never reported. In today's world there i nothing that is Private... . Shudder if all my private comments.. discussions... emails etc were suddenly available for people to read and disect. Neither Trump or Clinton is quite as bad as they are portrayed in fact while I would never vote for Trump I have to give him credit for actually running as himself... what you see is what you will get..scary as that may be. Clinton is a lifetime politician... and apparently that is no a bad thing.. she is accused of being willing to do and say anything just to get elected ... which is funny cause I would have thought that would be expected of all politicians after all we have built a political system that rewards exactly that. To become a candidate for the job of president of the United states yo really have have choice but to sell out parts of yourself th challenge is in those choices... In regards to the comments about her "standing by her man" so to say... I kinda had to chuckle when I read that on this site... I mean if you am gonna judge her for her personal decision to support her husband when she knows he is a bit of a pervert and a womanizer then what does that say about all the spouses o u clients here here this industry lol. Perhaps we would be best judging politicians based on their work ... their Actions . Their Decisions... on their policies and not on their personal life. . Personally don't care if Trump or Bill Clinton are inappropriate sexually in their private life... If they do something wrong they should be held accountable JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE... if I grab a woman's p*ussy with out permission I expect to be arrested. Just my Opinion 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stand on guard 1186 Report post Posted December 19, 2019 (edited) Found this old post 3 years later. The Donald has just been impeached by the Democratic led House. It has been a very interesting first 3 years. Business is booming, the stock market over performing and unemployment at record lows in the US. The Democrats can't seem to find a true voice and it is very possible that Trump will win a second term. Crazy...and yet Justin managed to get re-elected and he is proving to be more of a buffoon that Trump. I miss the gold old days with Reagan and Mulrooney. Edited December 19, 2019 by stand on guard mispell Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted December 19, 2019 20 minutes ago, stand on guard said: Found this old post 3 years later. The Donald has just been impeached by the Democratic led House. It has been a very interesting first 3 years. Business is booming, the stock markeover performing and unemployment at record lows in the US. You omit to mention how Trump f...ed it up the global economy with an idiotic trade war, became sole responsible for the curent Syrian genocide, embraced white supremacy, desecrated the grave of war heroes, pardoned war criminals and attacked an autistic 16yo. There won't be enough hand sanitizer and detergent on this planet to wipe off that living stain from history. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted December 20, 2019 Hah. The markets might be high for now, but I can't help feeling that the entire economy is running on a sugar rush right now... and the comedown is going to be brutal when we realize the central banks can't cut rates to help out. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214220 Report post Posted December 31, 2019 On 12/19/2019 at 2:51 PM, stand on guard said: Found this old post 3 years later. The Donald has just been impeached by the Democratic led House. It has been a very interesting first 3 years. Business is booming, the stock market over performing and unemployment at record lows in the US. The Democrats can't seem to find a true voice and it is very possible that Trump will win a second term. Crazy...and yet Justin managed to get re-elected and he is proving to be more of a buffoon that Trump. I miss the gold old days with Reagan and Mulrooney. Even though Donald has been impeached, what will this change. He is still president of United States and that won't change a thing. Justin did get re-elected but with a minority government he won't be able to do much unless another party joins him and from what I read and hear they are not in favor of his changes. Is there such a thing as a perfect party(for both Canada and the US)? Obviously not, there are no way that you can please everybody. You can take from the rich and give to the poor and you have not solved the problem. For this example I say teach the poor on how to make money(by working of course) and then have everybody working, this will take our country out of debt. Everybody has their hands out and hope or expect to have money put in their hands. Before you go and bust my nuts, I'm always ready to help out those in needs but when you help out someone and they turn around and they do stupid things with money or food or anything given to them, that hits a nerve and that is when I learn a lesson on who I should help an who I should not. Just saying... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites