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to the ladies...:

let's say you are asked by someone you care for (a client) to stop this business...would you?

to the gentlemen:

let's say your SO tells you to stop it..would you?

or you rather sneak out of their pressure?

I know someone who was asked to stop and this individual said "no"....oh oh..this is may haven.....what are in the Lord's name you talking about...me stoping???????????/

True story ladies and gentlemen.....if a clients and you( for the ladies ) gets to ask you to stop....would you ( do not tell us that "if you are compatible, if you feel the same...if they have enough cash to keep going.....)stop escorting????

how about the boys....some are divorced and do not want anymore shit (sorry...drama)...what about if you are asked to stop?????would you????

I have many friends in this business who are committed, married or on the like.....their husbands, accept this....what if they stop accepting???

how about the clients who could get discovered......what would you say?????

tough , I know...I am on those spots right now...I understand it......

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Speaking for me only.

If I was in a committed relationship, then I wouldn't hobby. And in every relationship I've been in, I have been 100% faithfull.

And as a hobbiest I would never be presumptious to ever tell a lady to give up the business...actual kinda hypocritical imho (unless the sp/hobbiest fell in love, and both quit to pursue a relationship...but does "Pretty Woman" really happen except in the movies)


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No, I would never stop for someone else. If someone wants to love me and be a part of my life, then they need to accept that I run an erotic massage business. To give it up would be to give up control over my body, my sexuality, my independence, and my financial freedom. Those are very important things to me.

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Myself, I'd stop hobbying if asked, but only if doing so was right for ME. As well, I wouldn't presume to ask such a question of a SP or anyone else who is a consenting adult.

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I particularly think nobody has the right to stop anyone from doing this. Now, coming to an agreement would be a different story as every situation is different and as RG commented being asked to stop and quitting because you chose to do so for someone knowing is the right thing for you makes a difference IMO.


(unless the sp/hobbiest fell in love, and both quit to pursue a relationship...but does "Pretty Woman" really happen except in the movies)



I guess it has/could happen but can only imagine how complicated this would be. However I believe in what they say ... love can be found in the most unimaginable place and when you less expect it.

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No I wouldn't let anyone tell me this. And to those hobbyists who tell ladies this, how about we told you to stop to stop having sex because this business is "immoral"? They would tell us we were crazy! I do not judge hobbyists for why they see escorts because it all revolves around personal circumstances and why they engage in the hobby just as escorts have circumstances for working in this business. That would be like SPs telling clients who are not happy in the bedroom at home to just go home and try to work it out with the wife even though she doesn't want to reciprocate. That's none of my business and this should also apply to an SP's personal life.


We all know this business has a shelf life and if someone chooses to do this for an extended period of time and still have clientele, more power to her. You would be surprised how many clients are hypocritical and presumptious almost as if they have to give us a lecture. And my response is "So does your wife know you're banging someone else?" That shuts them up pretty quickly. If you want things to go south with me on an appt, I dare you to ask this question. Your mileage won't go very far and you'll never see me again.


For those who know me, know better than to tell me how to live my life and the ones that do don't find themselves in my company for much longer. I have always been a very independent person and am capable of making certain decisions even if comes with consequences. I am well aware of that. Have I sacrificed things for this business? Absolutely! But I made those choices. Some made more carefully than others yet at the end of the day, it was my decision and it will be my decision when I want to "give this all up".


It works for me right now while the business hasn't worked in the past and I've done other things. If someone doesn't want to accept me for who I am, that's fine but that means they cannot be with me. If I were handed an ultimatum, then I would have to walk away. If you care about someone, you don't give them an ultimatum. That person will end up resenting the person handing it out.


When I 'give this all up', it will be for the right reasons and not because someone told me to. It is a business like no other and yet a business like many others.

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If you're going to stop, make sure you stop for YOU because it's something you want.


Personally, next committed relationship I get into, I'll be stopping of my own volition without anyone having to ask me. The last serious relationship I was in I was hobbying in secret on the side, and felt like a total douche every time I did it and still do to this day. She wasn't making me happy emotionally or sexually but instead of being honest with her about it and trying to work it out, I instead fooled around behind her back. SP's seemed "safer" than a mistress and that's what got me into this hobby in the first place. I never got caught, but never the less I'm sure this hobby and my unspoken guilt about it played a big part in our relationship ending. That's not a mistake I intend to make again. Don't get me wrong, right now I'm single and am enjoying this hobby to it's fullest and guilt free extent. But next woman I'm with, I'll be with that person and no one else, end of story. I am by no means criticizing those men or women on here who do have SO's. Everyone's situation is different. I'm just speaking for me personally.

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I agree with what Meagan and Nicolette have said here. I would not stop because someone asked me to. If and when I do, it will be because I want to.

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This is a very good question. I would not stop because other people cannot tell you what to do. I think its one of those if someone told you to jump off a bridge would you do it, sort of thing. It is the money that we the client make, to spend on anything we want. Would you want someone to tell what you can buy for groceries? Also seeing it from the sp side, it is what she wants to do, no one is forcing her (hopefully) and she can do what she wants. They should accept what is happening.

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NO! This is who I am, Not what I do. I love it! Entertaining, pleasing and taking care of men is thrilling, exciting, awesome, fulfilling, giving, rewarding! ect...

Here's a True Fact about me. I MARRIED A CLIENT! AND HE LOVES ME, and knows I love what I do and knows I am good at it and treat men with dignity and respect and do not cross lines or compromise my integrity.

He also knows he comes first and I also take good care of him above all.:bowdown:

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This is my opinion only. Personally I am single, and if I was in a relationship I would never hobby. I have always been faithful in my relationships. I have learned that "Love" is an important thing in life for one to get by. Money comes and goes. Age and Time don't stop for anybody. So I think it is better to take a step now rather than regret it later thinking about "What could have been?".


One day it will end for everybody, how would you like your story to end is in your hands.


My 2 cents.

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Guest G***f******

I've always held the opinion that you cannot change because someone else wants you to. Change has to come from within you. It has to be something YOU want, or it is doomed to failure, either because you will go back to the way you were, or because you will grow to resent the person who you see as keeping you from something you enjoy.

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There are factors too numerous to list involved in making this kind of decision. If the relationship is one you are committed to making work there will be details that need to be addressed upfront. My opinions are for SPs...


1. What will you do to replace your loss of income? If he is replacing it, you need to get it in an ironclad written agreement. If he is not replacing the income you need to think long and hard about whether or not you can afford to leave.


2. Why is he asking this? Is it a control issue? This is indicative of possessive tendencies and can lead to other problems down the road.


3. What about long term financial planning for yourself? Is he willing to pony up and ensure these things are looked after.


4. Will you be happy? If you escort to pay the bills and don't actually enjoy the work, he is willing to sign the appropriate documents and take over financially then it could be a good thing. But if you like your work and would not consider leaving except for the fact that he is asking, will you genuinely be happy with "life" after you have squared up? If you can't answer yes to that, then don't do it.


You have to make this decision for yourself, not for him. The fact it is asked or even implied is a red flag and you need to proceed with caution. If he truly loved you, he would not ask...



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What would I say?????

I guess it is hard to say unless I was in that position, my problem is that the only reason I do this is to try new things and people. In the first place if I feel that there is a connection between me and a lady here, I tend to run away and not see her again.

But if it were to happen, I guess I would say it needs to be a two way street. I would only stop if it were someone I found to be truly irresistible, then I would ask them to quit also.

There is one person that I have seen once and I will not go back to see her as I think I could end up liking her to the point that I would want her to stop and start a relationship with me. I just don't think it is fair to ask someone to change not just their ways but their lives for your own desirers.

Would I like to ask that person if she has any feelings for me, yes, but I know what the answer would be. We need to keep in mind that this is a business.

I know that I have used some of my personal tools to sell my product in my industry.


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This job is part of me. Asking me to quit it would be asking for me to leave a part behind... As a doctor or a teacher, I believe I'm meant to do this, almost like a vocation.


I've been asked numerous times by my ex-bf to leave it, espescially in the hard times, and this is the only reason why he left me.


Ripping passion out of me is like peanut butter on toast without banana... There's something missing...

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Simple answer: no. I'm having the time of my life, I've never felt so enthusiastic before (and it carries over into other activities!), and I keep meeting amazing women, not only beautiful and sexy, but intriguing.

Why would I stop?

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Wich means probably never, right E.D.???


nope I get it about twice a year now I'd settle for once a week or maybe even once a month and I would be faithful.

My cialis is expensive thats why I love dfk and daty allot

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I know what you mean Cato, it has opened up doors for many people and me included. I think as far as business goes it is only going to get bigger, thus making our Cerb community larger..... We can only hope!


Simple answer: no. I'm having the time of my life, I've never felt so enthusiastic before (and it carries over into other activities!), and I keep meeting amazing women, not only beautiful and sexy, but intriguing.

Why would I stop?

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2. Why is he asking this? Is it a control issue? This is indicative of possessive tendencies and can lead to other problems down the road.



You have to make this decision for yourself, not for him. The fact it is asked or even implied is a red flag and you need to proceed with caution. If he truly loved you, he would not ask...




I am going to have to respecfully disagree with point number 2. As many of the ladies have posted in other threads, escorting is unlike other professions, in that it requires the lady to give (if thats the right word) herself intimately to a man. If a potential boyfriend/husband asks or wants a monogomous relationship it doesn't necessarily mean control

as long as that is a two way street. Personally, I've never cheated in any relationship I've been in, but I would expect my g/f/wife to be monogomous too

And I'm not judging, because everyone has to do what is right for them. But it's not neccesarily a red flag to control a woman by asking for a monogomous relationship, any more than a girlfriend/wife asking her boyfriend/husband not to see any other woman

Just some thoughts


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Guest Ou**or**n

If I got involved in a serious relationship then I would stop (I have in the past).


If I met an SP that I got close to and started developing feelings for her then I would lay it out that if the relationship was to get more serious then it would reach a point where I would need her to stop being an SP for it to continue. If she told me that she wasn't ready to that then I would respect it and go my own way. To me this would be honestly sharing my feelings about how I would feel. I know this would make incompatible with some of the ladies here but I don't think it means I'm a jerk with control issues.

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Guest s******ecan****

If a guy/girl wnats an SP to stop escorting as a condition of continuing a relationship that represents a major challenge for the couple. How to balance work and family is always hard and naturally sex complicates it more. I know of a girl who broke up with a guy because he refused to leave the army (she didn't want to face the long absences, the worry, the moving around etc ...fair enough). Its obviously much better to get these issues out in the open ahead of time.


A client who is asked by an SO to stop is likely facing it because the activity has been discovered. To be asked to end it here is not just about an activity the SO objects to, it also has to do with restoring trust and laying the groundwork for a future relationship. Obviously the issue of why hobbying was started in the first place needs to be addressed.


I would say that in either case a refusal to stop hobbying or escorting would be the end of the relationship.


Its an interesting question.

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When I did stop working a couple months ago it was on the behalf of a boyfriend...honestly worst decision I have ever made. I really do enjoy being SP and I've stop only because I did love him, or thought I did...but when I did stop, whenever we would argue over something he would always bring the fact that I was an SP and really not in nice way...need to say that I did dump him pretty quickly.


If today someone ask me to stop...no

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