Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted October 30, 2016 On the eve of Halloween, I thought it might be fun to hear about everyone's favourite scary movie, be it creepy, spooky, slasher, psychological, or a comedy/horror mix (Shaun of the Dead comes to mind!). For me as a kid, it was The Exorcist (I always felt afraid for the little girl!). Some of my more recent favourites include Let the Right One In and It Follows. What are yours? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
conquistador 18487 Report post Posted October 30, 2016 Halloween Chucky Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted October 30, 2016 I think my favourite thriller was The Mothman Prophecies, which is based on a true story and a series of deeply strange and disturbing events in West Virginia. Not a big fan of horror movies, but tongue in cheek films like Cabin in the Woods are lots of fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted October 31, 2016 What Lies Beneath Event Horizon Leviathan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted October 31, 2016 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! Drag Me To Hell Evil Dead II Army of Darkness (horror-comedy) The Others Darkness Rose Red (Stephen King made-for-TV-movie and its amazing despite budget, best Haunted House movie) House On Haunted Hill Silent Hill The Ring Exorcist Halloween (man with knife doesn't scare me, but the music alone is worth it, plus its HALLOWEEN so its fitting and a classic! Just avoid the 3rd bcuz it somehow has absolutely nothing to do with the series... Puzzling to say the least) I could probably name more but these are all wicked Halloween night movies! One thing I have searched long and hard for but as of yet, have not found, the infamous Five Japanese Ghost Stories. I have heard from more than 1 source that you will be traumatised (yay!) If anyone knows how I can get my paws on this, please PM ME!!!!! Happy Halloween all and thanks for the wonderful and fitting thread PC! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reddog01 30280 Report post Posted October 31, 2016 Not a real fan of horror flicks theses days. I avoid slasher movies but acknowledge that the original Alfred Hitchcock, Psyco had a sustaining emotional impact on me for years. Always kept the soap out of my eyes and watched for a looming shadow behind the shower curtain. I think I was around 12 when I saw it in the theatre. The movies that mostly resonated with me were those connected to the supernatural like Brotherhood of Satan and The Exorcist. Come to think of it "Jaws" either kept me out of the Atlantic for a few years or caused me to swim like hell if I fell out of the sail boat. The fear of not knowing what is beneath the water.... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted December 5, 2016 Not a real fan of horror flicks theses days. I avoid slasher movies but acknowledge that the original Alfred Hitchcock, Psyco had a sustaining emotional impact on me for years. Always kept the soap out of my eyes and watched for a looming shadow behind the shower curtain. I think I was around 12 when I saw it in the theatre. The movies that mostly resonated with me were those connected to the supernatural like Brotherhood of Satan and The Exorcist. Come to think of it "Jaws" either kept me out of the Atlantic for a few years or caused me to swim like hell if I fell out of the sail boat. The fear of not knowing what is beneath the water.... We are peas in a pod, you and I it seems. Like you Slasher flicks do nothing for me whereas the supernatural scares the crap out of me. Heres what. Man with knife? Pepper spray, a throwing knife, blunt object... you have a chance if you keep your cool as opposed to screaming like an idiot as you run (running out of breath thanks to the screaming) up the stairs in order to trap yourself in a closet. Keep your cool and man with knife isn't so scary in a movie... the supernatural however, well, an AK-47 wont help you any more than praying will... so... screaming like an idiot seems the only thing to do.So yeah that scares me. And although I love and respect sharks, you wont catch me dead, swimming in the ocean... unless man with knife caught up and my pepper spray jammed and then he disposed of my body in the ocean.. then yes, I suppose you would find me dead in the ocean. And yes...fear is of fathomless depths of the unknown toothy and/or stingy beasties followed by... pretty much a crushing black hole... not cool. Guess I should contribute after all that... hmmm.. what didn't I mention yet? Ah yes of course... Poltergeist - haven't seen the remake. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted December 11, 2016 Just saw The Conjuring and it was fantastically terrifying! If you love super-natural themed horror, this is a great one for you. It felt good to see a great horror film recently as Ive been plagued by epic fails in this genre imo. Odd title though, as nothing actually gets conjured. But whatever, its an amazing haunted house/possession/ghost story. And its allegedly a true story brought to you by famed paranormal investigator couple, The Warrens. Best known for helping with (and still in possession of) the infamous Annabelle doll. There is a movie for this story as well, simply called Annabelle which I have not yet seen. Anyone who can offer a critique SANS-SPOILER would be appreciated. :-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest A*m**er Report post Posted December 12, 2016 Another vote for The Exorcist Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted December 21, 2016 Just saw The Conjuring II and um... yup its up there on my list too! Although it did get a little silly a few times, it doesn't minimize how great it is. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!! Warning: Do not keep popcorn on lap as it will end up everywhere but in the bowl! I ended up like Garfield when Nermal sneaks up on him during a nap, several times. Jump-out-of-your-skin-o-licious! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted December 21, 2016 The Omen (1976) Shocking opening scene sets the tone for this demonic thriller. "Damien this is for you!" 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted January 2, 2017 I'm pretty sure no one, including me has mentioned these just yet, which is surprising because they are some of my faves; Final Destination I like all of them but the 3rd has to be my favorite... ironic since on another thread I went on and on about The Curse Of the Third.. something I and many others have noticed about movie series, where the third is not only bad but often has nothing or little to do with the rest of the series or the story it is based upon. Yes, Final Destination is loads of paranoid fun! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted October 14, 2017 With Halloween coming, I've been in more of a horror movie mode lately. I recently saw the movie It and really enjoyed it. It didn't quite capture the heart of the novel, but it was still enjoyable. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J**ck*9 Report post Posted October 14, 2017 With Halloween coming, I've been in more of a horror movie mode lately. I recently saw the movie It and really enjoyed it. It didn't quite capture the heart of the novel, but it was still enjoyable. I agree with PC, "IT" was a great movie. It's often difficult to reflect everything from Stephen King's books as he has an incredible imagination; so I look for how the movie captures the spirit and essence of the book and I find the "IT" did a great job of doing that. An old favourite of mine is still "the Exorcist", the original and the director's cut. The bloody crab like walk down the stairs still sends chills down my Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spoolin24 151 Report post Posted October 16, 2017 I haven't got a chance to see IT. Definitely on the list. I like the old Classics Nightmare on Elm street, Friday the 13th, The newest Friday the 13th that Rob Zombie directed was pretty good. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gregsand 6116 Report post Posted October 16, 2017 Not much into horror, but love "Army of Darkness" and the two first "Alien" movies. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drlove 37204 Report post Posted October 16, 2017 Night Of The Demons Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted October 18, 2017 Not really Halloween themed. But a couple I enjoyed that had a creepy tone were "White Noise", "What Lies Beneath" and "The Ring" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted October 22, 2017 Making this big for better readability so I can still have it in orange) Pretty much ALL Sam Raimi movies (Comedy-Horror). The Evil Dead Trilogy including Evil Dead I and II and Army of Darkness as someone mentioned (thanks for brining it up as its what influenced this post). Another of my fav Raimi movies is definitely Drag Me To Hell, which is particularly terrifying. He also has a more recent one called The Devil I believe (maybe The Demon but I'm pretty sure its Devil lol) No October is complete without at least one Sam Raimi flick! HAPPY (and spooky) HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!! Oh! Speaking of which, I hope to see some of you at the OIC fundraiser! I'll be there, in costume. This colour is 'dark orange' ? *shrug* Ok then. I should let my pumpkin know so he doesn't get picked on by the other pumpkins. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted October 25, 2017 Making this big for better readability so I can still have it in orange) Pretty much ALL Sam Raimi movies (Comedy-Horror). The Evil Dead Trilogy including Evil Dead I and II and Army of Darkness as someone mentioned (thanks for brining it up as its what influenced this post). Another of my fav Raimi movies is definitely Drag Me To Hell, which is particularly terrifying. He also has a more recent one called The Devil I believe (maybe The Demon but I'm pretty sure its Devil lol) No October is complete without at least one Sam Raimi flick! HAPPY (and spooky) HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!! Oh! Speaking of which, I hope to see some of you at the OIC fundraiser! I'll be there, in costume. This colour is 'dark orange' ? *shrug* Ok then. I should let my pumpkin know so he doesn't get picked on by the other pumpkins. If you haven't seen Sam Raimi's The Gift, I would recommend that you give it a try Jessy. Very diverse cast that includes Cate Blanchett, Giovanni Ribisi, Katie Holmes, Keanu Reeves, Kim Dickins (from fear the walking dead), Greg Kinnear, just to name a few, the cast that Raimi pulled together is incredible! Billy Bob Thorton was a co-writer of the movie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J**ck*9 Report post Posted October 26, 2017 If you haven't seen Sam Raimi's The Gift, I would recommend that you give it a try Jessy. Very diverse cast that includes Cate Blanchett, Giovanni Ribisi, Katie Holmes, Keanu Reeves, Kim Dickins (from fear the walking dead), Greg Kinnear, just to name a few, the cast that Raimi pulled together is incredible! Billy Bob Thorton was a co-writer of the movie. Am I ever glad you mentioned this movie as I totally forgot about this one. Saw it a number of years ago. PC's right Jessy, this is a great movie. Highly recommended Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhereIRoam 21825 Report post Posted October 26, 2017 Anyone ever see any of the five "Faces of Death"? These are five collections of underground videos, these are video feeds of home security cameras and camcorders that captured actual deaths. For example: One is a clip of a parachutist landing in water at a crocodile farm. Another is a home security camera where two rotties tear apart a man who hopped over a fence to attempt a B&E at a private residence. I saw these years ago as a teen, some clips I will likely never forget. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted October 28, 2020 I am late to replying to this but thank you so much! I have not see it and definitely WILL this week! Also, I know these aren't movies per se but they are still great to watch during Halloween season. The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors (all of them) Garfield's Halloween Adventure Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown I also wanted to bump this awesome thread and I want to hear what other spooky movies have love since the last post! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214242 Report post Posted October 28, 2020 Hubie Halloween with Adam Sandler. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted October 28, 2020 On Netflix Trump An American Dream Dirty Money (episodes Slumlord Millionaire and The Confidence Man...actually the whole series) Get Me Roger Stone Half Tongue in Cheek and Half Serious...Pretty F*cking Scary Actually A Sorry Not Sorry Rambling RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites