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Freedom is precious, and not to be taken for granted.

Let's remember today all that our ancestors have done to make the world better, and think how we can contribute to this work.

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I won't get in to where I served, how many troops I lost under my command, I've mentioned all this on here before.


Today I want to remember all of my friends who have taken their own lives since coming home. Having personally had my battles living with the dark shadows in my mind and managing to get passed it and eventually accept, it is something I could never put in to words how liberating it is. Not everyone can. They suffered in ways that I would not wish on anyone.


Please remember them always, but especially today. They sacrificed themselves too.

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I too served but today I always remember my uncle F. He, and his brother B. went over in 39. B. was shot down and killed in 1940. F. was in England preparing for "D" day in 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. Early 44 he was sent back to Canada for officer training in Kingston ironically missing "D" day. Approx September 44 he returned to Europe, this time to Italy where I think he served until end of war. We remember them.

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I was born in Halifax about a year after we could stop putting young men and women onto ships there to go fight in Europe and other parts of the world. If I had been of age (or close, like so many) I would have gone and fought. But I was lucky.


My father, because of his bad eyesight and being a math teacher, could contribute best by teaching navigation to the pilots/navigators who came to Canada for training. That's what he did. And he, almost certainly, helped many pilots and crews get to Europe safely from Canada and conduct many successful missions during the war.


I am so thankful that I have freedom! Warm, clean water for a shower in the morning. People I love and who care about me :) A wonderful life with everything that anyone could possibly want. No one shooting at me or trying to take away my freedom or my life!


I sincerely thank the men and women who did this for us!

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