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Toys for Men

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Guest **cely***r***ne

I recently had a conversation with a gentleman about his time in Afghanistan and the conversation turned to the soldiers certain "needs". Although our convo made me giggle a little I also felt bad for those guys. So I had an idea of sending a Kinky Care Package to someone there.


I have a few questions for the gents about Male Masturbators....

Has anyone tried a "pocket pussy"?

Would you actually use them?

Are they worth it?


You can PM me with any replies as this is possibly something you keep to yourself ^.^ xo


Also, if there is a thread about male masturbaters already in existance could someone pretty please send me the link...I couldnt find one.

Thanks in advance!

<3 Angel

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Guest S**a*Q

I worked in a sex store for quite some time, technically pocket pussies are just textured sleeves made of different materials, some have different designs on the inside to give different sensations.


The one that was the best and most realistic was The Fleshlight. However it is quite pricey, ranging in the 150$ area. *(They do have molded vaginas from porn stars and an Avatar one :) hahah)




There's a few new ones that have come out, one that looks interesting and affordable was the Tenga Egg. They're about 12$ I think. But I haven't checked them out tangibly yet, so I"m not sure of the durability, but they do say that they can accommodate all lengths and girths, so it might be a good bet.




That's my 2 cents :)

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Personally fleshlights creep me out.


If I was going to send a kinky care package to some dudes, I'd include a crap-ton of lube, some nice anal toys, and a few masturbating sleeves.

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I've used several different types of male masturbators with my companions (in fact my Ottawa recommendation has mention of one - apparently "she" was too tight ;) ) and they can be quite fun for various types of play.

The fleshlight is great for ongoing use, it's reusable, comes in various styles, sizes and colours and is very durable. Many men have mentioned that it feels great and if you go into a store and touch and feel your way around the various styles I'm sure you'll understand why.


There are many types of sleeves out there as well and these can really vary in style and price. In general it's safe to say that price is an indicator of durability. I've recently started buying a lot of the Tenga Eggs, they are lots of fun, great fit and so many styles and they are designed to be disposable (not the most eco-friendly toy) but each one has a unique feel and sensation which is something that is nice to offer your companion. I also find that at the lower price point you can have a little fun with them as I don't mind getting a bit more creative (ie. altering them) where as at a higher price point or in the fleshlight case I would not do so.




Of course you can always just send an ever popular item that has worked for men for years and I know I am still approached by guys all the time for it... Porn. A few choice pics with a dirty little note and a pack of boy butter would be well received (add a disposable egg and you've got the complete package - I've given that as a gift before and I heard no complaints).


If you are looking for something to send to men in the armed forces I'd ask a few questions as to what might be most appropriate for the environment. Cost both initial and shipping, size and storage, cleaning (eg. fleshlights might not be able to be cleaned easily or discretely on a base camp which may lead to some hiliarious and long lasting nicknames for the guys), etc.


Anyway that's just my 2cents, take it for what it's worth and know that whatever you send will work, after all it's better than a liver in a jar. :shock:

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May I suggest that before you send any porn or toys, you might want to check where they are and the laws of the land. Many magazines which are perfectly acceptable here are against the law in other places. In most of the countries in the middle east, Maxim and Cosmo are considered pornography. Don't go by what you may have seen available when you are over there, the laws are very different for foreigners in most of those places and and a serviceman with illegal material will cause international incidents far above what a tourist would do.


Not many places on this planet provide the same level of rights and freedoms we take for granted here in North America.

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Guest G***f******

I had one once, no idea what the brand was, but it was made from something called CyberSkin, felt amazing, but it was a pain to clean and keep in good condition.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

Hahaha Liver in a jar! That made me laugh out loud Kyra :D


Thank you all for your help and insight!


I have some research and shopping to do! ^.^

There was more to this than I initially thought! But I'm sure whatever I send, be it an erotic letter with "boy-butter", it will be appreciated!

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May I suggest that before you send any porn or toys, you might want to check where they are and the laws of the land. Many magazines which are perfectly acceptable here are against the law in other places. In most of the countries in the middle east, Maxim and Cosmo are considered pornography. Don't go by what you may have seen available when you are over there, the laws are very different for foreigners in most of those places and and a serviceman with illegal material will cause international incidents far above what a tourist would do.


Not many places on this planet provide the same level of rights and freedoms we take for granted here in North America.


Rick is absolutely correct.


Like most middle eastern countries which are governed under Islam law, porn is illegal in Afghanistan and your friend could get into a lot of trouble.


I have a relative in the military who has been deployed and has verified this.


Even though soldiers' mail is delivered via the Canadian Forces, it doesn't make a difference - it's still Afghanistan it's going to.


Hope you don't mind the lecture, but it's not worth taking the risk sending magazines, toys, pics or other items of "pornographic" nature.

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I would have to say don't bother, lots of times they have no privacy and people may go through there bunks, plus they have to carry them around. (what if they grab a toy instead of a grenade!)

In my personal experience, the toys on the market for men are actually quite bad! Even the ever so popular Fleshlight, right at the point of no return you have to pull it off and finish off by hand. You still have to masturbate yourself; the only diff is that you have a giant cylinder in your hand.

The regular masturbator requires lube and can be a tough to clean up after. Even at that, you are still just masturbating with something between your hand and your member. Better off just doing it without and you can avoid lube, and have less clean up.

IMO there aren't any good male toys that you can just through in a bag and travel with. The best male masturbator is the one you were born with.

Now I know lots of women will say that they always use lube when giving a HJ and their partner prefer it more with lube, but it's just that you don't know the limits to how much you can pull without inflicting pain and where the best spot is to grab the member to achieve maximum pleasure without pulling too much on the skin.

I don't know of any sex toys that I would like to have in my bunk with me. It may just be me, and that is just one man?s opinion.

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