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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Wow, it's crazy to be thinking of the holiday's already. I wish every one a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!




This year has been very crazy for me and a transformation of sorts. I've had a lot of good times and of coarse not so good times. I finally put my struggle with school behind me when I obtained my college degree. However, I didn't foresee the other struggles I would have ahead of me. Well, it seems that when you truly do something for yourself, some people have a hard time coming to terms with whatever that is. After graduation, I obtained a full-time job. My schedule was all over the place for a while until it finally evened out. Due to that, I'm now only available on the weekends (Saturday's and Sunday's). This stirred up some bad feelings in some of my clients. The focus really has been to judge me about my job, trying to put me down and down play all my hard work I've done. Basically saying my struggle with school was nothing, my degree is nothing and me and my job are a joke. Also, every other little thing about me was judged too, to what I eat to what I don't eat (don't take a lady to a restaurant and then judge what she eats!?!), how much I do and don't exercise, my age. You name it anything about me was picked at. It has been upsetting to say the least to deal with this type of mental abuse. Due to that, I've been cleaning and clearing up in house, banning and suspending any negative clients. I am truly sad that it has come to this. Really, what I do in my regular life has nothing to do with my companionship and some people have forgotten that. The big reason I bring this up is because cutting down a belittling your companion of choice for whatever reason has to STOP! Enjoy the moment and the person your with. If at anytime you stop enjoying, take a break and see someone else, it's easy. I always say, I only want clients who are happy to be with me and don't understand the cruel backlashes I've received by some.


With all of that being said, I'm so ready to put my struggles of the year behind me. My mantra for this year is to truly enjoy all the little moments. It's funny how slow life felt when I was in school because now life is flying right by. So I really look forward to the little spaces in life where I get to stop, unwind and just take it all in. I'm putting the negativity to rest by not allowing it to upset me. I really look forward to spending some carefree time with some fun and sexy gentlemen this upcoming year.


Don't get me wrong it isn't all bad. I really have had some great people sticking by my side, supporting me, treating me kindly and due to that we have shared some wonderful moments together. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the choice clients out there. You are the reason why I enjoy being a companion and I look forward many more special moments with you.


I will be available on December 18th. However, I will be unavailable after that until the new year, starting on Sat, Jan the 7th. I'll be back then on for my regular schedule of Saturday's and Sunday's. For companionship and Relaxation massage, all at my companionship price. I'm not a RMT, I don't strip the muscles and do deep tissue massage. However, I can do a hard pressure, yum, yum. Let's share a moment together this upcoming year.




Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



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