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If you don't like it MOVE

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Am I the only one that is sick of people complaining about the snow and winter?

I just heard a DJ on the radio complaining about the snow! Hello, you live in Canada, winter is one of our 4 seasons and snow is a part of snow. We only get three and a half months of snow! if you don't like it MOVE!

I like snow and I like winter too! But I also love the hot summer weather.


These are probably the same people that cry when it is 35C on a summer?s day that it's too hot outside!

I think that we are lucky to have all seasons and that we do have some snow. It?s one of the things I like about living in Ottawa!

Sorry I just had to get that off of my chest! It's just the first day with snow and the local DJ's and some people in the office are bitching about it! This is going to be the longest "short" winter I have ever had.

I say "short" as it is December 6th and we finally got our first inch of snow and predictions say the snow will be gone by the first week of March. I say ?longest? as it is December 6th and we finally got our first inch of snow and people are already complaining.


:x Stop complaining and deal with it!

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I am unapologetically someone who strongly dislikes winter. It's not reasonable for me to move at this stage of my life with a career, family, and school in Ottawa. I live for the summer!

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I am unapologetically someone who strongly dislikes winter. It's not reasonable for me to move at this stage of my life with a career' date=' family, and school in Ottawa. I live for the summer![/quote']


I don't believe I have ever heard you complain about winter!!!!

This DJ on the radio has complained about 3 times, saying how much she hates it in 10mins of airtime.

And trust me, there nothing I would rather than being out on my boat and hitting the golf ball around. I dislike the cold weather but I try and find things to do in the snow to make the winter pass quicker!

It's just annoying when you are listening to a radio station complain about the snow when there number one sponsor right now if Mont Tremblanc! A ski resort!!!!!

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Well I am like you, love all the seasons. There's just something about sitting in the inside watching the snow fall that makes me love winter. You got to look at the best of every season.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

OOOOooooooooo!!! Snow! I love snow! :D It lets my inner child out!

Come on! Snowball fights?! Making snowpeople with your love/lust interest?! Sledding, skiing snowmobiles?! OMG i could go on and on!


And how romantic! Cold outside warm inside by the fire, sipping on something warm or a glass of nice wine!


I put the negative aspects of winter out of my head (slippy roads and dirty sidewalks) and think of the fun stuff. Might as well...winter is NOT going anywhere might as well enjoy it! It will be around alot longer than us!

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I'm with you Apex. I love all the seasons. Although I must admit that the freezing rain in Ottawa sucks! A side from that I enjoy getting out and participating in a wide variety of activities that make the different seasons seem to fly by. Even if you don't like winter, it can still be seen as a good thing as it makes you enjoy you winter escape that much more.


So, best of the season to all the cerbites!

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I wish winter were much shorter.. if you like shovelling snow can I call you when needed?


It's not so easy to pick up and move.. I certainly would if I were able to move to a climate where summer was longer and winter shorter.

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I don't believe I have ever heard you complain about winter!!!!


This DJ on the radio has complained about 3 times, saying how much she hates it in 10mins of airtime.


And trust me, there nothing I would rather than being out on my boat and hitting the golf ball around. I dislike the cold weather but I try and find things to do in the snow to make the winter pass quicker!


It's just annoying when you are listening to a radio station complain about the snow when there number one sponsor right now if Mont Tremblanc! A ski resort!!!!!


You had to mention boat...just had to mention it.

Now I'm crying, put my baby to bed a week ago, won't see her till spring

Damn Winter

Just kidding (bout the damn winter part)...I've got some activities planned over the next few months that will take the chill off...if you know what I mean



Additional Comments:

Just a little poem to add to this thread





It's winter in Winnipeg

And the gentle breezes blow

Seventy miles an hour

At thirty-five below.


Oh, how I love Winnipeg

When the snow's up to your butt

You take a breath of winter

And your nose gets frozen shut.


Yes, the weather here is wonderful

So I guess I'll hang around

I could never leave Winnipeg

Cuz I'm frozen to the ground!

Have a great day...



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Isn't it like this every year lol? Ottawa, too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer, too wet the rest of the time. You can sometimes get the feeling that the people who complain about the snow 20 minutes into winter (and the heat 20 minutes into summer) may only be happy when they're complaining.

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If you live in Canada, you better be prepared for snow and cold because that is a reality of living here. I would much rather have 4 distinct seasons than one boring long season of the same stuff all year long.


You guys and gals out East are pretty lucky. I went to Mexico at the end of November for a week, and just when we are leaving we get an Arctic storm from Alaska. When we left the air port, there was probably 8" of snow on the ground and with the windchill it was -43C outside. Try going from your car to the airport with baggage without a jacket in that weather, brrrrrrrrrr. About 6 hours later it was about +28C and hanging out at the beach, which made up for the cold.

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love the fact that i have four seasons to enjoy!! i live in Winterpeg and i never complain! and i cant stand people the do! all u need is good winter jacket and mitts! lol and spring when the snow melts is so beautiful

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love the fact that i have four seasons to enjoy!! i live in Winterpeg and i never complain! and i cant stand people the do! all u need is good winter jacket and mitts! lol and spring when the snow melts is so beautiful


I agree. Canada offers variety. I love the summer, the warmth, playing sports outside, long walks on a beach..lol.

I also like the winter, i am a fan of winter sports and activities.


Oh Canada, it is a great country.

And the women are the most beautiful in the world.

I can't complain.

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You had to mention boat...just had to mention it.

Now I'm crying, put my baby to bed a week ago, won't see her till spring

Damn Winter

Just kidding (bout the damn winter part)...I've got some activities planned over the next few months that will take the chill off...if you know what I mean



Additional Comments:

Just a little poem to add to this thread






It's winter in Winnipeg

And the gentle breezes blow

Seventy miles an hour

At thirty-five below.


Oh, how I love Winnipeg

When the snow's up to your butt

You take a breath of winter

And your nose gets frozen shut.


Yes, the weather here is wonderful

So I guess I'll hang around

I could never leave Winnipeg

Cuz I'm frozen to the ground!




Have a great day...












You put your baby to bed a week ago! I put mine away about a mnth ago!


She is tucked away for the winter, so I get the sled going now!!!!!!!

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Winter sucks. I hate winter.


I am moving as soon as is feasible. Though, truthfully, my reasons for moving have nothing to do with winter and everything to do with Ottawa being a giant pile of suck.

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Winter sucks. I hate winter.


I am moving as soon as is feasible. Though, truthfully, my reasons for moving have nothing to do with winter and everything to do with Ottawa being a giant pile of suck.


Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel :-D


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I LOVE winter... Do not be mistaken... I hate shoveling, as much as cold snow in snow pants or wet mits, but snowboarding, sliding skating, building forts and castle with snow... This is priceless...


This year new activity: FISHING ON ICE!

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While winter is not my favorite season ( too much trouble getting snow shoes on my horsey!) I like the variety four distinct seasons offer us but agree with Carrie that a shorter winter would be nice, what i hate more than winter is the the transition from winter to spring, it's so wet and messy all the garbage and litter hidden from the snow (dog and horse poop included) comes to light cars are impossible to keep clean at that time of year.

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Guest ***nsut***jr

Most incredible weather you can have is middle of February, minus 30, no wind and blazing sun.


CR and a lawn chair.

And a friend.



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Love the winter months, snow..frigging bring it on!! Minus 30 !! Who cares!!! snot drool running out your nose,you are moving so quickly down a street to get to some place warm, and what we do???? Yes!!! we crack a cold pint and watch women take off their clothes at a strip bar 8)


Shoveling..naw..bought a snow blower 3 years ago best investment in a long time, that was of course we had the major dump of 100 plus centi-meters in 2 days it was either that or have a major heart attack from shoveling!!! and what did I do right after the dumping of snow?got on a plane went south for a week :cool:


Skate on the canal or go for a long winter walk when the sun is shining in your face, you come back and your cheeks are rosy red,and your lungs feel like their ready to collapse, from the artic fresh air...YES I LOVE THE WINTER MONTHS..


Oh ya almost forgot, thoroughly enjoy going to the Le Nordik Spa! That is most excellent,looking up at little snow flakes falling on your face, while looking at stars,in the outdoor baths, just after getting a nice long massage.


Bring on the winter..love it;-)

Edited by PistolPete

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You know it's cold out when you breathe through your nose and your nostrils stick together!

I had a friend from England come to Ottawa in Feb and when this happened to him he thought he was dying.

The look on his face was priceless!

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Guest W***ledi*Time
If you don't like it MOVE ...


I don't like it, but I'm not going to move. I'm quietly waiting for global warming to kick in.

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In my recent move.. I moved into a house with 2 working fireplaces! I'm looking forward to burning some wood this year.


but I'm with Pete as well.. hot-tubbing is a great way to warm the cockles. I love nordic spa and scandinave spa in tremblant.


I used to have a hottub in my backyard a few years ago when I owned a house.. and am thinking about getting a smaller one (I'm renting) for portability this winter.

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I don't like it, but I'm not going to move. I'm quietly waiting for global warming to kick in.



To speed it up you should go out and buy a Hummer!





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