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My Christmas wish list! The biggest thing I have asked for this year is for people to donate some time to learn a little about Autism. It is possible to help a young child have a better quality of life if they get the help needed in the first 5 years of life. Please take the time learn the early signs and be proactive and get them the help they need.


You might even have a friend that has a child with autism but do not know it. The best thing you can do for that friend is to blunt and come out and tell them. Lots of people are in denial and just say he is a late bloomer. This is the worst thing they can do for their child. Early intervention is key, a human brain develops the most in the first 5 years and Autism impedes the development causing different parts of the brain top develop outside of society’s “Standards”.


Unfortunately the health care system does not recognize Autism to be a medical problem and will not help the young child until they are in a regular school. By that time the brain has developed and may not be reversible. Not all cases of Autism can be cured, but many of them can be helped at achieving a better quality of life.


Be Proactive and not reactive like the government, please donate some time to read up on this matter, and help a family that is affected with this condition. Even if you can take the time to learn the routine of a child that you know, so that you can give the parents one night to go out or a night off, it could be the best gift you give the parents for Christmas. While you are with that child, you will see how much work is to have a child with special needs and might be shocked to see how intelligent they are, I know that I am amazed every day.



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My daughter is in the scouts and they were organizing a Christmas party for people in need.


There was this kid, we knew him from a previous camp (They also do camps.) and he's autist.


So gift unwrapping time, and he struggle with a taped box so Mariane just went to help him out. It was her job after all... She sat on the floor beside him, and watched him try to deal with the damn box to get his gift. She gently took the box and have undone a little piece of tape so he can pull on it.


When she gave it back to him, he has put the box aside, not even opening it, and gave her a nice big hug. His mother broke in tears! It was the first time he was searching for physical contact in 9 years!


Since then when she talks about him, she talks about a friend, and if you ask her why she's having a friend with a mental problem, she will answer you: "Because he allowed me to...".




APEX: I usually donate to Scouts Canada, but this year, I'll go half-half with the Canadian Autism Society. (50.00$)


I challenge every SP from Ottawa, Montreal and Sherbrooke to do the same...

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I am very heavily involved in the world of autism and very active with both the local and national autism societies as well as early intervention and the CACL.


Thank you for getting the message out there.

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My daughter is in the scouts and they were organizing a Christmas party for people in need.


There was this kid, we knew him from a previous camp (They also do camps.) and he's autist.


So gift unwrapping time, and he struggle with a taped box so Mariane just went to help him out. It was her job after all... She sat on the floor beside him, and watched him try to deal with the damn box to get his gift. She gently took the box and have undone a little piece of tape so he can pull on it.


When she gave it back to him, he has put the box aside, not even opening it, and gave her a nice big hug. His mother broke in tears! It was the first time he was searching for physical contact in 9 years!


Since then when she talks about him, she talks about a friend, and if you ask her why she's having a friend with a mental problem, she will answer you: "Because he allowed me to...".




APEX: I usually donate to Scouts Canada, but this year, I'll go half-half with the Canadian Autism Society. (50.00$)


I challenge every SP from Ottawa, Montreal and Sherbrooke to do the same...


I accept your challenge!


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Guest al****s

One of my good friends has two sons that are both autistic. Her older son is a little more functional than her younger son. They are both amazing boys and I learn so much from them. My friend has endless struggles with schools and care providers regarding her son's special needs. I have gone with her to different meetings to show my support and I have also spent time with her boys so she and her husband can get out of the house for a while. She is an amazing mother and her patience and her fearless mother bear instincts when it comes to her children are truly inspiring.



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Just wanted to thank everyone that have donated money or their time to this charity I am truly grateful for all you support.


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