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Remember when ...

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Guest J**ck*9

Remember when people used to engage in face to face conversations over coffee, beer, dinner .... Etc..... As opposed to people who are 5 feet away from each other who would rather text each other instead of conversing..... Social skills may become extinct.

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Remember when getting music meant buying a full album/cassette(quite often for only one song) or copied it from someone in a mixtape.

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When you went down to the record store to buy that favourite song on a "45".


And sometime after release, the flip side of the 45 actually became more popular than the side for which the record was made.

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  1963Kennedy said:
When you went down to the record store to buy that favourite song on a "45".


And sometime after release, the flip side of the 45 actually became more popular than the side for which the record was made.


Yes and remember the plastic insert adaptor to make those work on record players made for LP's.

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  Gregsand said:
Remember when getting music meant buying a full album/cassette(quite often for only one song) or copied it from someone in a mixtape.

I used to record my favorite song from the radio to a 4 track(cassette) just so I could listen to it in my car when driving around. Often I would get a little bit of the DJ's voice at the beginning or end of the song.

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Guest J**ck*9

Remember when you would pay 10 cents for a 10 oz glass bottle of Pepsi or coke and when the bottle was empty, you would bring it back to the store and get 2 cents for the bottle and use it towards your next bottle of pop?

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When Organic meat and vegetables were nothing special , it just was ? We ate our grandfather's fresh meat, poultry and vegetables , this included homemade butter and fresh milk . What we did buy from other farmers was fresh and whole . It was just a way of life in rural communities.

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Do you remember using walkie talkies when you were a kid? The ones we had were so poor that we almost had to be in a clear view of one another and no obstruction around. There was so much distortion we could not understand each other.

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Remember when watching porn meant buying dirty magazines from convenience stores, buying or renting VHS tapes behind a curtain or going to a movie theater with very sticky floors?

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Remember buying cigarettes for your grandfather at seven years old without a note. He let me keep a dime for myself.


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Remember buying cigarettes for your grandfather at seven years old without a note. He let me keep a dime for myself.

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Guest P*rry

I remember when as a child I could go to the corner store and buy cigarettes for my aunt.

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Comparing 1988.... to..... 2018

minimum wages: around $4.50/hr....$14.00/hr

Most popular companies:  IBM, GM, P&G........Facebook, Tesla, UBER

Internet: What is that?............Unlimited

Popular event: taking the Berlin wall down.........Putting up walls for Trump


Amazing how in 30 years so many things can change.

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Remember when car keys were actual keys and not bigger than the keychain?

The 80's when 100 dollar could give you an hour of good time?

When Saturday morning cartoons were still a thing and edgy enough for adult enjoyment?

When wood burning kits were considered safe kids toys?

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Remember when you got your first Calculator.....  For me it was 1976


It could add, subtract, multiple and divide

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Remember when your music collection looked like this..



And included at least one of these



Or does your earliest music memory look like this..


Or maybe like this


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Remember when you were traveling and looking for some company you would have to by the city's local paper and Yellow Pages and check the classifieds....  No Pictures.... No Recommendations... no discussion of what was on the menu ... if you were lucky the person answering the phone gave you a description of the lady.


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