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an urgent need to go to the bathroom...while in a hot encounter?

It happened to me today and my fellow cerbite was very understanding....thanks to you darling!!!!

I blamed the fish pies I got with a girlfriend yesterday for supper,,,,it never happened to me before today...a mix of air and colic and all the rest imaginable......awful...

did it ever happened to you? how did you handle it?

I was so embarrassed.........

let me know how would you handle this and if it ever happened to you


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A sort of similiar situation happened to me. I had curry for lunch one day and I had booked a 3 pm fun break at a massage parlour. As I was driving from my office to the massage place around 245 I started to get the most incredible stomach cramps - you know the kind where you start to sweat, you are bent over in pain, trying to look out the window of your car while you curse your choice of food for lunch and try not to crap your drawers. Anyway, I had to rush into a gas station wash room and have a blow out. But I knew it was not a done deal so I called the massage place and cancelled last minute saying that something came up at work. What was I going to say?? Anyway, I ended up stopping two more times in the next 30 minutes as I drove home. Probably a good thing that I did not get a massage as it would not have been a pleasant experience for anyone. So I can relate and hey if a SP had tummy issues it is just one of those things. As they say "sh*t happens!"

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Don't worry. It happened to me today too. I just said, "be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom" and no problem. I've had many guests need to do the same.


Just remember to wash your hands and other bits well before returning. I usually try to add double the amount of time rounded up to the nearest 5 minutes I was gone to the session, not only to compensate for the actual time I was away but for any "cooling off" that may have occurred.


We can't control nature. All we can do is try to have a sense of humor about it.

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Yes, I was actually about to vomit because a client's hygiene was horrible. I truly felt I was going to hurl all over him. After he left, I puked in the bathroom for more than 5 minutes. Thinking of the smell of "ass" is like witnessing the smell of death. It's the same thing and once it's in your mind and your sense of smell, you can never forget it. Take a shower for God's sakes and don't tell SP's that you don't need one! He is now on my sh** list. No pun intended.

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I haven t had to runn to the bathroom, but...

Ever had a runny nose and wipe it on the towels all seductive like? Or drop your gum out of your mouth on the client during the session?

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I once knew a girl who puked on a client while giving him a bj and he didn't even know it!! I guess her gag reflexes weren't quite developed.lol. She conveniently grabbed her robe that was beside her on the bed and wiped it up as he was just laying there thinking he's having some sort of wonderful experience. She called me in hysterics while I was driving and I almost got in a fender bender because I was laughing so hard.

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Guest G***f******

Not having a lot of experience, I was afraid of biological processes embarrassing me during my last encounter with an SP, since it was going to be three hours long. So I basically went on a fast for about 18 hours before seeing her.


The side effect should have been obvious, but somehow I still didn't see it coming. I was so hungry, my stomach was making noises the whole time. :oops:

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More than once I have had to interrupt a session with an SP to let her know I need a "pee break". I have also been in a session and had an SP request the same. No biggie for me, we are people and a bathroom break should not be a problem. I know that after a short break, I can concentrate and enjoy the session a lot more than before.

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My story was pretty much similar, but I never had a problem with a SP. I always make sure everything is 100% before I even call if it is a same day appointment. Yes eating is something that is a must. I try to drink lots of water and I eat very healthy every day. I always get the stomach rumbles when I don't have enough water. Just eating something light like crackers or a dinner roll or two before you go is great because it fills you up, this has always worked for me.


Not having a lot of experience, I was afraid of biological processes embarrassing me during my last encounter with an SP, since it was going to be three hours long. So I basically went on a fast for about 18 hours before seeing her.


The side effect should have been obvious, but somehow I still didn't see it coming. I was so hungry, my stomach was making noises the whole time. :oops:

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