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tired of your present job? here is some ideas (part I)....

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37 Weird Jobs That You Can Actually Make A Living At

1. Odor Tester

has to make sure that all of those deodorants and anti-perspirants are operating properly to keep their users free of funk

2. Hair Boiler

gets to boil various kinds of animal hair until it curls for later use. We know that burning hair smells terrible; try to imagine catching the aroma of hair boil soup all day, no thanks.

3. Waste Station/Water Treatment Worker

Maybe more dirty than weird, but anytime someone has to deal with
(literally) I think you can classify it as a weird job. Let us just take a minute to think about the things that go down our toilets and have a moment of silence for these brave men and women.

4. Citrus Fruit Dyer

Have you ever passed by the lemons at the supermarket and though to yourself, damn that's some good looking citrus! Well it might be because there commercial
out there who dye the fruit a more vibrant color to hide the ripeness of the fruit.

5. Crocodile Wrangler

Many of us are privy to this unusual occupation due to the late, great
, but no matter how accustomed we become to
it will always be a little out there. A nice mix of danger and excitement for what many would consider low pay.

6. Fortune Cookie

Yes, we've all wondered who the heck
! Finishing a take-out Chinese meal isn't only full of MSG, but those delightfully witty pieces of advice that people are so quick to heed.

7. Pet

Another one we might have missed if it weren't for a film or television show. Ace Ventura,
, displayed just how important this job is, especially when Dan Marino is in trouble! Personally I would've gone with a missing ad in the paper, but
are sure to find that furry member of the family.

8. Cheese Sprayer

Don't worry; I am not talking about someone spraying chemicals on your cheese. This person is actually in charge of
Yet another job that most people might have guessed was done by a machine, but how else would you
that perfect, hand crafted cheese coating on every kernel?

9. IMAX Screen Cleaner

If you've ever seen an
screen, these things are huge! But someone has to make sure that bad boy is crystal clear so we can travel through the Grand Canyon or explore the
via a gigantic screen in a circular room.


Here is another job which could be more on the dirty side. The unfortunate person partaking in
is sure to be covered in soot and ash by the end of the day. It a fact that around the turn of the twentieth century people use to use young children to
because they were small enough to fit inside the tiny chimneys some structures used. Even poets like Blake and Kingsley have written about this one. I'm pretty sure (I hope) technology has brought this one up to date.

11. Light Bender

seems like it would be a relatively easy job, but it requires a lot of precision and
. Apparently if the lights don't have the proper thickness and shaping, they will amount to nothing more than broken glass. This job has to be quite lucrative in a town like Las Vegas.

12. Odd Job

gets actually paid money to write articles about other weird and odd jobs that exist. Maybe someday he'll find a real job of his own. Hey, wait a minute...

13. Professional Whistler

Believe it or not
and does it for a living. Allegedly this gentleman is well versed in several different genres of

14. Fountain Pen Repairer

Honestly, I think most of us would have to be fairly wealthy and care a hell of a lot about our
to have them repaired rather than go buy another pen.

15. Snake Milker

If you ever get bitten by a poisonous snake you'll be grateful these people know how to
. They are responsible for
to make the anti-venom. Be honest, which one of you thought that snakes had actual milk glands?

16. Wrinkle Chasers

Nobody likes that crease that shoes get after about a month right below the toe line. Well
make sure those leather crow's feet never appear on those shiny new shoes before they leave the factory. Now can we please find someone to invent something that keeps it that way?

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I'm going for snake milker, myself. Or the guy who tracks box jellyfish in Australia by pulling them out of the water and sticking a radar device on them with glue (one sting and you have 180 seconds to live...:shock:)

See you there, Loralee!

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