WhereIRoam 21825 Report post Posted March 26, 2017 "Making a deposit when booking with a Provider." This point was brought up by a fellow punter on another thread, "Disrespect and appointment times". It seems that not just a few, or many, but all Providers are having a long ongoing issue with no-shows, or late, and last minute cancellations. This is not just occurring with new but with long-time well established Providers. As a result of this it is, we, punters that are and will suffer the consequences of some peoples' actions. For instance, some Providers are double booking in order to try and alleviate a problem we, as punters, created. After being enlightened of what Providers do and go through for us, "Disrespect and appointment times", I was left feeling disappointed with perhaps how some people do not show or give them enough respect. After reading that thread I, for one, sympathized with them on this issue since I, for one, do appreciate all the joy and pleasure they bring me! The thread also made me realize that their weekly time in the industry is not just the weekly total time spent with punters. If we don't do anything about this issue maybe "deposit when booking" is in the future!?! Let's help alleviate the problem now! I don't know how you feel but does anyone in the industry want to start "deposit when booking", I know I don't! 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 26, 2017 I think this was just an idea that was brought up. The deposit booking that is. One way that would help both parties is if respect from the client is given right away. What I mean by that is contacting the provider with her preferred method of contact and providing references if need be. It's just bad business to be double booking, etc and in the end that will hurt the provider doing so. If it's a fly by night, here today, gone tomorrow provider then they don't really need to worry. I think when you go TOFTT be prepared for anything really and don't wait for anyone, any longer that 15-30min. I don't know but isn't that part of the fun about TOFTT the thrill of the chase? To find that one good one? BUT, that would mean that she may be mixed in with a bunch that are fakers, double bookers, etc? I feel like bp is full of this: A gem among the others. I'd say if you don't feel the need to see someone new. Do a bit of research and take your time. There's some good information on the boards and some good talent to be had. I know for myself that I wouldn't double book because my interest is in my repeat, happy clients. I feel like most established companions want happy returns from clients. It's frustrating on both ends. On the flips side clients are also double booking and no-showing. It all boils down to respect, really. It's not fair for either person to have their time wasted. Right now a thing is to get a deposit only from the clients that have no-showed in the past. I think this is a fair call. I know that if it happened on my end, I would try to make things right. If this situation gets any worse; you may in the future see certain providers asking for the deposit upfront to avoid this all together. However, I don't really think it goes on all that much. Yet, anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victoria Phoenix 3403 Report post Posted March 26, 2017 Exactly, it all boils down to respect on both parts, there is Nothing more annoying then a No Show, or showing up to an appt 20 mins late! I myself have never had an issue with BP clients, I have met some fantastic gents on that site, gents can do research on boards, but thats only one persons opinion, negative or positive! I believe the best way to get a gent to know a lady is to meet her Himself, and see where it goes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 26, 2017 Yes, for sure. When I say research, I mean was she on time, who she said she was ect. Some reviews are good for that. Everything in-between is up for interpretation. However, it all does boil down to the individual experience. You never really know if it's going to be a hit or miss until you meet. I've had some hits and some misses from bp and I've meet some gems. All without having a deposit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted March 26, 2017 From a personal point of view, if I'm going on a trip with a regular, only then will I ask for a deposit. As for multiple hours, I don't offer that on a first date anymore because I want to see how reliable they are for an hour. In the past multiple hour appointments even just for 2 hours were the worst type of cancellations and I never count on someone unless they are there in my presence. Once I get an idea of how reliable they are for an hour after a few visits, I may or not ask for a deposit for multiple hours. If someone books other appointments for a half hour or an hour and I've met them just once or not at all and they have a tendency to keep cancelling more than once, I will not bother asking for a deposit. The way I see it is they are not someone I'm acquainted with or barely at all so I will write them off and not see them again. I give them two chances with cancellations and then I'm done. I don't have time to fool around with that and while there are good reasons for cancellations, if the client has any respect for someone else's time, they will reach out to make amends. The provider shouldn't have to. It's the people who act shocked and insulted when you bring up the issue and ask for a deposit are the type who will throw it back on the provider and just disappear so it's an exercise in futility with the chronic ones. I see them as waste of timers. Why even bother? Their actions speak louder than words. I don't want to deal with unreliable people. It's no different than an SP double booking or constantly no showing on a client. They are not going to put up with that behaviour no matter how good looking or how good her services are. We all have our threshold point where it becomes too much. There are many more guys out there who aren't chronic canceller types so I don't think there is a need for deposits upfront unless it's for multiple hours, overnighters or trips. That's a no brainer to get a deposit for those types of appointments. I don't forsee ladies asking for deposits up front for any length of time such as an hour or under. That will never happen because trust has to first be established and that can't be done with virtual strangers. The SP takes her chances with a 2 hour appointment from someone she has never met. It's happened a few times to me so I stopped offering it to people I don't know. The ones who really annoy the providers with their waste of time horse and pony show are the ones who won't pay that deposit so really give them a chance but not too many where they have to only then be viewed as a wot. As the saying goes "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I really take appointment bookings with a grain of salt which is why I love same day, last minute appointments because this sort of thing rarely happens within an hour or if they want to visit right away. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Regent 35404 Report post Posted March 26, 2017 I would love for deposits to be an industry standard, but until we deal with criminalization and stigma, I don't see it happening. I do know some providers who require one, but they tend to be providers with well established businesses who are in demand enough to be very selective about taking on new clients. Obviously they're not in the majority. I do require a deposit for clients who want to book more than two hours or want me to coordinate multiple people or special equipment/supplies for a scene. I think this is reasonable and it seems that clients who are serious about making one of those sessions happen understand the need for a deposit. (Also for clients who have cancelled multiple times or no showed, if I'm willing to see them at all.) I really appreciate clients who are willing to put down a deposit and don't make an issue out of it. It demonstrates to me that they're serious about showing up, they respect my time, and they recognize that there's a lot of time and labour invested into a session before it even starts. And being relaxed rather than wondering if the client is going to bother to show up is a much better mental state to start a session in. Cancellation fees too. While it sucks to have to pay a cancellation fee if you have a legit reason for a short notice cancellation, doing so without complaining is gracious and respectful. For many providers, your fun money is our rent money, and recognizing this imbalance really shows a lot of consideration. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lesuisse1234 186 Report post Posted April 5, 2017 Good morning all, I do agree with a deposit for a first-time encounter. But after that I do not think it should be required as there should be a trust and respect between both parties that has been formed, unless one requires something special and out of the ordinary that the other is willing to provide. If a person is willing to see a SP on multiple occasions you do not want to ruin that trust. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lou 9208 Report post Posted April 6, 2017 I recently started to ask for deposits and a cancellation fee. I do not required a deposit for each meeting tho. I have been pleasantly surprised by the positive response I get. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maria Divina 2262 Report post Posted April 7, 2017 Thank you WhereIroam for you to care. I don't ask generally deposit. I did in few cases: 1-When I participated in Libero Paradiso, my gentleman has to confirm in advance and he made it through me. 2-I did ask, not for a deposit, but for an entire prepaid encounter to someone who did many, but when I say, many times cancelled last minute few years ago of that... I have been very patient with him because he used to be such a sweet heart to meet with, but suddenly it became totally unreliable. And this, even with other ladies. He had the idea to ask me few months of that if I pardon him, and if I would like to meet together again, we had so much fun... And I said, yes, certainly, that will be fun, but please this time, I will ask you to pay entirely in advance. He never came back to me, so again, he wasn't sure of himself maybe? I'm thinking to ask maybe, sometimes, for a little deposit when I am touring. Some cities have reputation to have a high level of time wasting or no shows. And that's not always from "real clients"... So will see. :) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kadie Lux 1860 Report post Posted April 8, 2017 Wow! Such a GOOD thread! Kudos to the OP. I have pretty strong beliefs when it comes to pre-booking and deposits. I'm sorry but if I'm saving a hour, 2 hour or 3 hour time slot for you then yes, damn right a deposit is appreciated! AND is easier for the man... THEN you only have to bring the remainder during our session time. But that's just my opinion! I think PayPal is great and I mostly receive all my deposits over PayPal which is quick and easy! And more discreet for the gentlemen. I've received deposits many many times from clients that I've never met and clients I've met multiple times. This deposit comes off the full session amount during the time of our set date. I always say... If a man is 100% serious about coming to visit me then why not GUARANTEE your spot with me and send $100-$200 deposit. It's not like I'm some random back page girl (some can be very shady) with ZERO reviews and I'm going to take off with the cash. NOT THE CASE! My business runs mainly on pre-booked appointments (however same day is also always fine if time permits). Especially because I post my tour dates months and months in advance SO MY CLIENTS have the option of planning a lengthy date! And maybe because I'm just a little bit of a perfectionist and love having my dates all organized... :icon_redface: I find that deposits work VERY well for my clients and I. :icon_mrgreen: Deposits also show me whether or not the gentlemen is 100% serious in regards to meeting me. I've had people text my phone time and time and time again but never show up? Ok... so if you're serious send a deposit, and I will see you on the day we have agreed too! Simple as that. Then I never hear from those certain guys again, funny how that works eh? I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND that most gentlemen get nervous and worried that their deposit will be "stolen" or they don't trust the service provider. Honestly, that's all normal and seems reasonable. But when finding a lady, you should always contact a well reviewed service provider who is well known and has at least 10 positive reviews from high end review boards. But that's just my personal opinion! It helps ween out all the fake/bait&switch/scam ladies out there. Kadie Lux Hope you enjoyed the post gals and guys, I will continue to become more and more active on Lyla. I'm really lovin' this board & all the awesome people! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Regent 35404 Report post Posted April 11, 2017 I think PayPal is great and I mostly receive all my deposits over PayPal which is quick and easy! And more discreet for the gentlemen. Just be aware that Paypal is an extremely sex worker-unfriendly business, and many people have had their accounts closed and their funds held just for being sex workers, even if they never use Paypal for their work. If you do use it, make sure you withdraw all your funds immediately, ever time, to reduce the risk of them being held indefinitely. Use an email address that's not associated with your work name, and make sure clients are very discreet about what the money is for. For Canada, Interac email money transfer seems to be the safest way to transfer a deposit. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lephturn 2649 Report post Posted April 11, 2017 I'm about done with financial services unfairly penalizing sex workers. What a bunch of BS. I already avoid using PayPal for just this reason. The latest one I heard causing a problem is Stripe - which sucks. They are all down with sex workers when they are new and growing, but as soon as they get big they cut them off. It's BS. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214220 Report post Posted May 7, 2017 I was trying to find someone new to see and have found a gorgeous lady that was posting for that day. I send her a text describing myself and what I was looking for as availability, she replied and told me all was fine and gave me the address and then I did not get anything else until I showed up and texted her. She is now asking for a deposit to secure our time, I tell her that I'm in the lobby and I'm ready. She says not before I give her the deposit. So i ask her if she is available or not, she says that she is, so what is the problem here? She says she will not book me until I send her money, I told her to give me the room # and I would give the money in her hand if she wants(I had the money in an envelope). After she started to argue with me I simply wished her a good rest of the day and weekend. I'm always nervous to give out money over the internet without having proof of what I will get in return(or not get for that matter) Another reason I do not wish to give out money that way is a paper trail(proof) and that my wife would find out and ask the W5. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lephturn 2649 Report post Posted May 7, 2017 I was trying to find someone new to see and have found a gorgeous lady that was posting for that day. I send her a text describing myself and what I was looking for as availability, she replied and told me all was fine and gave me the address and then I did not get anything else until I showed up and texted her. She is now asking for a deposit to secure our time, I tell her that I'm in the lobby and I'm ready. She says not before I give her the deposit. So i ask her if she is available or not, she says that she is, so what is the problem here? She says she will not book me until I send her money, I told her to give me the room # and I would give the money in her hand if she wants(I had the money in an envelope). After she started to argue with me I simply wished her a good rest of the day and weekend. I'm always nervous to give out money over the internet without having proof of what I will get in return(or not get for that matter) Another reason I do not wish to give out money that way is a paper trail(proof) and that my wife would find out and ask the W5. Well that was a pretty big red flag if the deposit thing suddenly popped up at the last second.I wonder if it was a straight scam or she double-booked or something? Agreed about the paper trail. It would be good if there was a good anonymous crypto-currency but BitCoin is too hard for both sides to use and leaves a trail of it's own. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
backrubman 64801 Report post Posted May 7, 2017 ...BitCoin is too hard for both sides to use and leaves a trail of it's own. I agree it's hard for people to initially understand but actually doing a bitcoin transaction is much easier than any other method. In my case it is most often a lady I will have seen in the past, likely many times so I prefer just to pay in advance, the full amount, by Interac email transfer. It doesn't cost me more and then it's one less thing to worry about. Ladies know their business but they usually aren't computer security experts so I always send the password for the deposit via SMS or some other method to ensure the deposit doesn't get diverted by a compromised email account. I started seriously buying bitcoins when it was under $100. Now that it is $2154 Canadian one would think the Ladies would be more than willing to accept bitcoin even if they didn't quite understand what to do with it, but rather as an investment :) While every bitcoin transaction is a matter of public record, knowing who owns account 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2 is virtually impossible. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parker 19761 Report post Posted May 7, 2017 I agree it's hard for people to initially understand but actually doing a bitcoin transaction is much easier than any other method. In my case it is most often a lady I will have seen in the past, likely many times so I prefer just to pay in advance, the full amount, by Interac email transfer. It doesn't cost me more and then it's one less thing to worry about. Ladies know their business but they usually aren't computer security experts so I always send the password for the deposit via SMS or some other method to ensure the deposit doesn't get diverted by a compromised email account. I started seriously buying bitcoins when it was under $100. Now that it is $2154 Canadian one would think the Ladies would be more than willing to accept bitcoin even if they didn't quite understand what to do with it, but rather as an investment :) While every bitcoin transaction is a matter of public record, knowing who owns account 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2 is virtually impossible. Is there an easy way to turn Bitcoins back into actual money? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lephturn 2649 Report post Posted May 7, 2017 Is there an easy way to turn Bitcoins back into actual money? And that right there is the problem. The short answer is no. I'm sure there is some way to do it, but it's never really taken off and it's far from convenient. Maybe some of the Bitcoin believers will have a better option - but I'm not aware of any way to turn Bitcoins into cold hard cash quickly and easily. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
backrubman 64801 Report post Posted May 7, 2017 Is there an easy way to turn Bitcoins back into actual money? Bitcoins are actual money and more useful than Canadian or US dollars but yes of course, you can exchange your bitcoin for fiat currency if you must. I started heavily investing in Bitcoin when it was around $100 and when it reached $1000 US I cashed out 75% of my investment to take profit, of course I wish I hadn't as it's now over $2,100 Canadian but 20-20 hindsight is a wonderful thing:) In larger cities there are Bitcoin ATMs which can convert fiat currency to bitcoin and back again. If you want to buy or sell Bitcoin from the comfort of your home QuadrigaCX is a Canadian bitcoin exchange based in Vancouver and CEX.IO LTD is another popular choice with offices in London, UK and a payment partner in Lefkosia, Cyprus. You can also use localbitcoins.com which is more conventional (cash, Interac transfers, PayPal etc.). Bitcoin is something very strange to most people that haven't used it but as soon as you have used bitcoin to pay for a hotdog from a vendor on a street corner it seems almost magical as to how simple and easy it is. Youtube has many (too many) videos that explain anything and everything bitcoin for anyone that wants to understand it. It's obviously anonymous and untraceable enough because unfortunately it has become the favorite way for people to purchase anything and everything illegal on the dark/deep web. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parker 19761 Report post Posted May 8, 2017 In larger cities there are Bitcoin ATMs which can convert fiat currency to bitcoin and back again. If you want to buy or sell Bitcoin from the comfort of your home QuadrigaCX is a Canadian bitcoin exchange based in Vancouver and CEX.IO LTD is another popular choice with offices in London, UK and a payment partner in Lefkosia, Cyprus. You can also use localbitcoins.com which is more conventional (cash, Interac transfers, PayPal etc.). Do you know of one in Ottawa where you can actually do this? I've used most of the bitcoin/instacoin atms in Ottawa and Hull and at none of them can you turn bitcoins back into CAD or any actual currency. My experience with them is they're good for using Backpage and they're usable with my site provider, (wordpress) aside from that and hoping they stay strong (bitcoins actually lost a lot this winter, on my wallet they're trading under $1100 now,) they're pretty much useless. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexSnowdog 1020 Report post Posted May 11, 2017 Personally I really like the bitcoin idea, but besides a few tech-guys nobody is using it (yet). I'm sure it has great potential, but it will take years to grow out of its niche. What I really don't like about paypal is not only the paper trail, but that your name is visible. This can easily exploited for blackmail (for both sides). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
backrubman 64801 Report post Posted May 12, 2017 Do you know of one in Ottawa where you can actually do this? I've used most of the bitcoin/instacoin atms in Ottawa and Hull and at none of them can you turn bitcoins back into CAD or any actual currency. No, I used to visit Ottawa often but my office there is no more and as a result I haven't had the pleasure of a visit to Ottawa in a couple of years, I guess it is long overdue. I would think that LocalBitCoins would be very fast and efficient in a city like Ottawa. (bitcoins actually lost a lot this winter, on my wallet they're trading under $1100 now,) they're pretty much useless. Oh, I just checked and they are trading for $2,550 on QuadrigaCX so if you'd held on to those $1100 coins you would have doubled your money. ... What I really don't like about paypal is not only the paper trail, but that your name is visible. PayPal has strict policies against these transactions so it's definitely not the solution and they also charge 2.9% + $0.30. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexSnowdog 1020 Report post Posted May 12, 2017 Oh, I just checked and they are trading for $2,550 on QuadrigaCX so if you'd held on to those $1100 coins you would have doubled your money. Not a one-way street ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites