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Hey met a "provider" the other night who seemed legit but made several requests for money up front enroute to her place. Advised her I had it and we stopped at her place and said again about the money. Once I pulled it out and handed it to her she was off like a rocket and said she would be back in a second. Long story short she never returned and started texting saying now was not good since stuff came up but I could come back later (although never replied to any of my messages I sent her lol). I know the money is gone but just curious how to warn other people or if anybody has ever had a similar experience and what you did like posting on her Facebook if you knew it or another ad warning people or something like that and what to do to insure this doesn't happen again.

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Okay- posting on her Facebook is a big NO. You shouldn't have searched for it if that's how you found it.

Risking her life by outting her is NOT worth it just because you lost a hundred or two hundred dollars of fun money.


However, report her here on Lyla, there is a section for that. You can definetly discuss being scammed like that here. I'm honestly sorry it happened to you, that's a terrible situation.

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In addition to posting a warning here you can also send Cowboy Kenny a note to have them included in the Diary.

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I have had something similar happen to me. I'm sure a few of us have.

The first clue this might happen is if they mention money over and over again.

When this did happen to me, the person came in and without taking their shoes off, wanted the money in their hand. Being a rookie at the time, I made that mistake. When I turned to step towards the living area the person went out the door and ran to a vehicle. Not wanting to cause a seen right outside my house, I simply let her go. Goodbye fun money!


The following is a guide when meeting with a provider for the first time.


On an incall - If the person is waiting for you outside their door and is asking for the money, DON'T do it. Any good provider will wait for you to take your shoes off and step in a little more before settling fees.


For an outcall - It's just the reverse. Do not hand over anything when they are still two feet from the door while still having their shoes and/or coat on. Wait for them to come in and sit with you. This is a first safe time where it can occur.


I have only had it happen to me once but that was all it took. For even though it is fun-money. We still had to work to earn it.

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There's one particular former dancer in Belleville who is notorious for this type of shenanigans. The cabbies also know her pretty well for stiffing them on cab fares too. She's a local that doesn't work at the Go-Go or the Cab anymore. It's very sad. I knew her about 4 years ago and she was a beautiful and sweet person but she's an absolute train wreck now. I'll private message you with the details.

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@WhereIRoam: there was no offense intended with my saying funmoney. It IS funmoney, and I was stating losing fun money =\= outting a person as the consequences of being outted can range from simple familial/social isolation to possibly fatal.

So I assume you weren't justifying outting a girl publicly and just mistook what I said as an insult, so I'd like to clarify it clearly was not an insult as I did express concern that the situation happened to him and understand the frustration of dealing with scammers, so please don't be too defensive over the concept of "fun money". :-) I meant no harm. Mostly trying to put the situation into perspective.

Edited by Daisy Mae

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  Daisy Mae said:
@WhereIRoam: there was no offense intended with my saying funmoney. It IS funmoney, and I was stating losing fun money =\= outting a person as the consequences of being outted can range from simple familial/social isolation to possibly fatal.

So I assume you weren't justifying outting a girl publicly and just mistook what I said as an insult, so I'd like to clarify it clearly was not an insult as I did express concern that the situation happened to him and understand the frustration of dealing with scammers, so please don't be too defensive over the concept of "fun money". :-) I meant no harm. Mostly trying to put the situation into perspective.


I was most definitely not justifying outing a girl. Admittedly, it did bother me that the term fun-money was used, as I perceived it, in a nonchalant manner. I don't necessarily feel I was overly defensive when I mentioned that we do have to earn this "extra cash", meaning it was not given to us as a gift or whatnot. I know the money punters use for fees with SPs or MAs is what most would call extra-cash or entertainment money. I also know the money SPs or MAs earn by us covering their fees with such money is to mainly cover their own bills along with some extras in life. I think the point I was truly trying to make is, it doesn't matter what type of cash it is for punters, it is cash we earned nonetheless.


I know you meant no harm and realize what it is you were trying to do. My intent was not to create any drama or issues with anyone but to express my feelings about the term used. I apologize if you feel it was a direct shot to you, as it was not.


I have no hard feelings and can only hope that after reading this, you don't either.

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Ya, no no, it wasn't "screw you and your stupid stupid money", more an attempt to get the original poster to see the situation in full perspective. Cause of how dangerous outting someone is not quite adding up to the frustration of losing money, even if it feels justified at the time. What felt more of an immediate focus was making sure he at least had idea of why he shouldn't out her, then acknowledging the awful scam issue. I'm glad someone linked him to reporting it and mentioned cowboy Kenny- I forgot about his diary. Very useful.


Like it IS fun money, but, that's a term I've used for myself when I've had the occasional rage-inducing scam.


"It sucks, but trying to figure out how to join the mafia to 'inflict justice' is not comparable to losing fun money." Lol. Not 'money for my mother's chemotherapy' money, just "I was probably gonna get three bottles of wine with this so I don't need to commit treason" money. You know? Lol.

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Daisy Mae, I'd give you a hug right now if I could! I know by reading your posts that you're a pleasant and wonderful woman.

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Lol, thanks. I'm glad you understood. I know tone can be shifty via the internet sometimes- I wasn't at all mad FYI. I hope that's super clear :(

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