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Cerb - slow page loads

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Reference pm's- You can use the "report this" system is gets to Mod quicker, and there is no need to use the private message system to him.


The report this does exactly that, such as spams,inflamed threads,soliciting pm's etc etc. I use it, and a tip of the hat Mod reacts very quickly to any key issues that need to be addressed.

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Not sure if this is related or not or if it's a problem on my end but is anyone else having trouble viewing pics? I can see the thumbnails just fine but when I click to enlarge nothing shows up. The page with comments of the pic pops up but not the pic itself.


Yes, it was related. I installed a secondary (Light) web server running fastcgi and forgot to configure the "Safe Mode" crap. If not done right the photos don't work. I fixed it.


This seams to have increased the server speed some more as well.

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